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Everything posted by Franco

  1. @ Personal statement: Oh, yeah! HK RULEZ

    Too bad I never played KotOR, or its sequel XP

  2. Yes, I think it's good. I don't like using custom elements, though, just Elemental Transcendence. Too bad I can't use that :( Basically, it's what Mangai-Hau has that allows him to use special tricks with light and gives him more energy than a toa in that field, though it compromises his persona, mental abilities, and forces his RPer to give him no other powers :P

  3. No, no, no. Though your ideas are great, they can't compare to the final cut, which must be 7 1/2. To prove why, I'll quote Edgar & Ellen: ...Or something like that.
  4. Newest entry. But you've already seen it...

  5. Hm... You know, that also works rather nicely.
  6. Check me blawg, you'll love it :D

  7. Medicine? Well, I don't take any medicine... But you do know, once, these people brought me to the place with white walls that were soft and bouncy. Everything in the room was white. I don't understand what they were doing, though.
  8. 1. Vampire-slaying (Die, Edward!) 2. Drumstick (BOOM-DA-BOOM!) 3. Swordfighting (They make fine gladiuses, you know.) 4. Lever for gigantic catapult (Besiege your friends!) 5. Chuck it like a javelin (Did I just peg your nose? Whoops, sorry.) 6. Attach a message to it and shoot it near the intended reciever [if your message is not particularly...Savory, then retreat with all speed (i.e. run like cark)] 7. Whirl it like a windmill to deflect bullets (Unfortunately, this one only works if you are starring in a highly unrealistic movie.) 7 1/2. Write messages to aliens on the ground (Cornfields make awfully nice places to do this one.)
  9. Franco


    Feliz compleanos, mi amigo!/Happy birthday, me friend!
  10. Mappy rue, dear :P

  11. That's great, but I think I forgot something that messes the bio up slightly. All chars have to come from the island, nowhere else. Sorry for not making that clear. Anyways, if you have to, you could always edit it right when they start, just in case if you want to put more detail in
  12. Uh... I'll quote meself and EW: And the rules will likely be a bit like this.
  13. It's a term I coined meself: Avatar-Playing Game.

  14. "Epic maneuver"? Ner heard of it...

    Oh, we're waiting for a while to take that down. That kinda annoys me, because it means I have to actually keep my room CLEAN longer ;_;


  15. Um, dude, the leverage in your argument is completely pointless. For one thing, you can't kill a char if its creator wants you not to (it's in the rules). For another, this is an RPG, not APG-unless if you G-mode while doing that, I won't make a fuss.

  16. What. The. CARK.

    I never even stayed up that late...


    Too bad you aren't in GoMN. Then I would've had no clue you were joking until I hit the "j/k" part :P

  17. Congrats on PMship, mon!

  18. Well, you can't kill him just yet. Despite the fact that he probably should be dead, I like him too much to kill him off in the first days of the RPG :P

    Also, not replying 'cuz I want to see what the loyalists do, first. Jysk.

  19. Happy New Year as well!

  20. Argh. Don't you get it? :P Happy New Year! I just made a parody that rhymes.

  21. OOC: Aexias disagrees with you @Krayz: Thanks! I love this char And, uh, sure, I guess. Only prob: we're going to probly have something like 8 dudes, at this rate. IC: The words were cold, fierce. "I never retreet." Turning, Kinika saw Aexias standing in her fencing pose, small sword aimed at him, a few bios away. "I am meerly waiting. But az eet zeemz that your partnur ees not cuming for a vhile, I zhall fight yoo." She stalked towards him gracefully, keeping the sword aimed at Kinika.
  22. EDIT: OOC: "...And a happy New Year! Now... Bring us some figgy pudding, now bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it right here!" IC: Meanwhile, Aexias, seeing the light bolts rush towards her, leapt up and onto the wall. Sticking her small sword into it, she waited for the attack to pass, then headed back towards the arena entrance.
  23. Ooh...

    That's really cool, actually, but isn't that a bit powerful?

  24. Happy New Year!

  25. Scrap the blue, dear :P

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