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Everything posted by Franco

  1. And a good new year to you, too.

  2. What's wrong, Raz?

  3. IC: Aexias rolled her eyes and shot at her foe with some spellbinder vision-after all, it didn't hurt to take precautions. She readied her fencing stance, sideways as to make herself less of a target, elbow at hip, with hand and sword pointing horizontally towards Kinika, and her other hand on her hip facing away from the fight. But then she heard something like footsteps and frowned. Another one? Turning, Aexias pivoted on her back foot so as not to lose her position, and faced the arena door. Whoever was coming, they obviously weren't trying to conceal themselves...
  4. IC: Aexias simply smiled- -Then the wall of light hit her- -Or hit where she had been- -Because she stepped out of the wall, grinning from ear to ear. "I call zis," she said, "My 'zub-zero vreak' zpecial." And then her eyes shot twin beams of energy at Kinika's head, and a small sword was headed towards his chest, driving downwards. OOC: Intangibility powers=cool. I still wouldn't pick them over illusions, but still, cool.
  5. Coolio! Now that I've examined them, I like Comatose more, but that's still good ^_^

  6. IC: Aexias shrugged off her cloak, baring her shoulders, then cautiously probed the spinning defenses of Kinika, thrusting quickly with her sword, then drawing back, only to thrust in another area. But he was spinning too fast to get a good lock on. Mentally, she smiled. Then she continued to probe, again cautiously poking in at different parts of the defense of her opponent. OOC: Aexias' not dumb, she just likes to create that impression
  7. Ads, check me blawg. Otherwise, KNI will epically fail le melee :P

  8. OOC: Yeah, Raz is right. Though I'm not sure how Kinika knows that his second opponent is an Ice Skakdi just yet... IC: There was a blur of motion near the sitting figure's arm- -and the light dagger fell to the ground. It became apparent to the watcher's startled eyes that a small sword had been produced in the cloaked being's hand where none had been seconds before. Languidly rising, a feline predator whose rest had been disturbed, Aexias made her slow, hypnotic way towards the other two combatants, holding the small sword before her in perfect poise...
  9. IC: "Yes," confirmed Aexias neutrally, not looking up from her blades. "Ees my art, my life." She had no real pre-combat exercises, so she simply tucked her blades away again and sprung up sprightly. "And I see that yoo are a varrior, too," she said, observing Jolek. Although his style would have looked like a simple dance to less experienced eyes, Aexias was not new to the art of combat. Drawing her cloak around herself once more, Aexias sat again in a meditative pose, though in reality, she was simply watching. Watching and waiting.
  10. IC: "Vell, then," the Skakdi sat down on her cloak, legs crossed, "I vill vait. And," she intoned dramatically, "I vill educate them in the art of ze blade." With that, she produced two small swords and a handkerchief from her jumpsuit and began to fuss over her weapons. OOC: Jsyk, the 'small sword' I'm talking about is the descendant of the rapier, not a literally small sword.
  11. Okey. BTW, did I mention that Aexias absolutely detests people who are late?

  12. IC: The being was a periwinkle cloaked and hooded, toa-like figure, who seemed to float as it made its graceful way towards Jolek. ITs movements were mesmerizing, and he found it a hard time taking his eyes off the cloak. Finally stopping, the being shrugged its shoulders, dropping the cloak to reveal a lithe Skakdi in a jumpsuit the same color as the cloak. "Zo, I am to be vighting yoo? Or are ve helping each other?" She turned up her nose at the thought. "Vichever eet ees, vhere are vhe other vighters?," continued the Skakdi, contempt filling her voice at the thought of being late. "I do not vant to vight uncultured barbarians," she finished haughtily. OOC: Did I mention Aexias has an accent? EDIT: Fine by me, Raz.
  13. I'm fine. Anyone up to me using a profile I'll use next year as the "training 'bot", though? EDIT: It'll be basically this gal: Although I don't have the bio, that isn't really needed for fighting.
  14. Yeah, seconded. What I meant was: 1) Titans with a "Roodaka" power level=O.K. 2) Titans with "Axonn" power level=N Cool
  15. Yep! 'Part from Makuta, and I'm not so sure about Titan (i.e. Axonn, not Roodaka), but you get the idea.
  16. Geta ona la chata-boxa :P

  17. Fine by me. Just remember: this group is not going to "always have been there", it's going to rise to power at the beginning of the year. Raz: yeah, I think that's it. Realism, realism, rea- Oh, wait. One last thing: Credit to all this goes to Friar Tuck, the dude in charge of running the BZPRPG.
  18. Well, I was thinking more like a group of friends that have evolved into a family. Not literally, of course, but you know...A bit like a gang. That would mean they could come from any race. Although I do like your idea, Jild, we'll just have to wait and see if it turns out that way. Besides, Mangai-Hau will probably be a "little brother" even without being a matoran.
  19. Well, no one has really worked that out yet XP However, I'm guessing the chars are going to be in almost a sort of "family" relationship, mainly banding together for survival, and that they're going to be good- or neutral-aligned, as well as quite possibly chaotic-aligned. I would guess, as well, that they may be going against Xa-Koro, but again, we haven't worked much out about this one yet What do you think, guys? What I said is just what I feel, not what you feel, necessarily.
  20. Okay. Guys, if you have any trouble, just talk to me, Raz, or Zar. I'm serious-it's not that bad, once you get an explanation. And, KNI, are you sure? Don't you want your char to be good or evil, or something?
  21. Look, Ads, don't get all confused. Even if you do embarass yourself, it doesn't matter. No one will kill you for accidentally G-modding or anything. And if you're getting confused by all the names we're tossing around, I can just give you the profiles for the dudes.
  22. Oh, yeah. Luv the intro! Foireann Powah! >=D How about we name this dude...Uh... AWESOMEPANTS j/k. Waitasec... How about he has a Bionicle-ish name, but everyone just calls this dude by some nickname? Like, I dunno..."Thunder"? I mean, his bark is just as bad as his bite
  23. Um...


    *suddenly bounces into another interdimensional portal*


    *disappears from view*


  24. *Goes flying into mob of gerbils, who support their fallen leader* OHCARKOHCARKOHCARK

    *Testosterone is restored miraculously*

    Wow, I'm cool now.

  25. As Raz sez, you can't. I just often find it easiest to not be unrealistic when I'm not thinking about my representation of meself. Well, I'll have a redone version of Mangai-Hau, who'll be an arrogant teenage martial artist who thinks he could take on the world and win with his hands tied behind his back. He won't start out in the group, mind you, just run away from Thornak and the Kirax masters and somehow find Jolek and Co., I guess.
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