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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Well, I'll be working on a team come New Year's Eve with Raz, so see if he wants you in, cuz I'm okey. Remember, though, 'tis Role-Playing Game, not Avatar-Playing Game. That's the biggest piece of advice I can give to any RPG newb. I'm also working on another team with Kugh and Jild, but you dudes have probly never met them, so you should probly just stick to me 'n' Raz or some other dudes you know who play.
  2. I know ;_;

    Whatever you say, Mister. Just shoot them over here, and I'll take a look at them. I seriously wonder how they'll do the Kraken, though...

  3. Shoot, I sooo need to see that. All I ever saw was the end of the epic battle XP

  4. Okey. Just remember, it actually starts the 10th.

  5. Hey, Raz, wanna work out a plot, faction, relationship, etc., for 2011? Ya know, in the BZPRPG?

  6. Yes, perfectamundo! That provides for all sorts of opportunities in interaction. D'you think I should start drawing up quick ideas for the chars?

  7. Deal.

    BTW, I think we should have most of the mugger's supporting cast be other low-lifes, but not all. I mean, this is an epic, not an SS; surely there will be a more varied cast of chars.



  9. You make me want to cry ;_;



  12. EDIT: CONT.: Towards Hatbox*

  13. OWWWWWWWWWCAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKIDIDN'T MEANLITERALLYYOUNUMBSKULLI'MGETTINGOUTOFHEREBEFORE YOUSHOTPUTMETODEATHYOUSHALLREMEMBERTHIS ASTHEDAYYOUALMOSTCAPTUREDCAPTAINJACK*water is sucked out of mouth by orthodontist, causing Mangai to have dry and somewhat tinny voice* mangai :P OHCARKI'MLEAVING*desparately blasts the two away with magnetism powers and flies at top speed

  14. Of course. Glad to see you know of my awe-inspiring countenance. Now, please get into the longboat and row away. Savvy? :P

  15. Hm...Well, I like it. Should we plan it out any more, or just write whatever comes to mind?

    Also, as we're going to co-author this, who'll write what? Perhaps we should designate specific parts of the story, chappies, or something...

  16. Argh...Excuse me. You're getting my poor little brain in a tizzy. An elaboration, please? XP

  17. Yeah, me too. Maybe we should do something M:tG-inspired?

    No, wait!

    Maybe we could do something M:tG inspired, but the story is told from the killer's point of view for a change. The first sentence could be, for example,"The other day, I put one of the snivelling weaklings ouf of its misery" or something.

  18. EDIT: CONT.: Doesn't feel right.

  19. Huh...Well, I specialize in conflict of all kinds, so I bet we can find something to mix em' up with :D

    Problem is, what? I did have an idea for a horror story recently, something about Chess, but having checkmate be permanent and killing the person who just got checkmated. I'm not sure how they'd die yet, but I bet that could make horror...Still, though, something about it doesn&

  20. CoT. Not in the mood for Bionicle, sorry. But I have tons of idea floating around in me head. Maybe something Fantasy? I'm not in the mood for Sci-Fi, either XP

  21. *Tips hat* I'd be honored, and I seriously need to get back into writing, anyways. What about?

  22. Pretty, not the best. But I can't tell you-I either feel books are "okay", or "AWA SUM" :P

  23. to join the BZPRPG Season 2011. Because if you don't, I'll make my shore turtles hug you to death Savvy? Seriously, even if you're a newb to RPGs, they're redoing everything, so the convoluted storyline will be gone, and the new environment will be newb-friendly. Everyone will be starting over.
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