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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Oh, well. Now that I've tested your skillz, here's yo' Xmas present: a few unfinished drafts of chars for RPGs, along with the link to me brickshelf folder of MOCs me and me friend made. I can't find any use fer these guys, so I might as well give them to ye (sending them via PM, FYI).

  2. Hey, Ad, read the latest entry of Waffle's blog. You'll love it.

    Oh, and please accept the calling, k? Please? I'll help you out.

  3. EDIT: -ther of Lewis' books on the subject.

  4. EDIT: To Earth in a desparate attempt by Hatter to save her, where she meets Lewis Caroll. It goes under the whole premise that he knew the correct story, but thought it was a dream and changed it for his own purposes. I won't tell you what happens what after that, but after that point in the story, it goes completely different from the book, with characters who weren't even featured in ei

  5. Basically, a incredibly messed-with version of Alice in Wonderland. Alice is, in actuality, Alyss, princess and heir to the throne of the Harts. The Mad Hatter is Hatter Madigan, royal bodyguard who specializes in bladed weaponry, such as his throwing hat. All the chars are different, 'long with the plot, in which the queen of Hearts is killed by her evil sister, Redd, and Alyss is teleported

  6. So you still got a knife in your foot. Besides, did I mention that the knife I stuck in your foot comes from Phyrexia (a corrupting evil force that combines organics and mechs), and is, thus, acidic, and will make your foot, and likely the rest of your body, dissolve?

    *foot begins to dissolve*

  7. Yes, you are, but not smart enough to notice that I just cut all feeling in your nerves using electricity and stuck a dagger in your foot. By the way, I have a awfully convenient orthodontist appointment. Bye!

    *Knife is still in KNI's foot*

  8. Uh, avvie comes frum Hatter M (a spinoff of The Looking Glass Wars). Not the best series, but the Hatters are pretty darn cool.

  9. Well, I lied, simply because I thought you, as a smart person, knew what having bullets meant, and would thus be afraid of mine awesome self. I also lied about the crabs because I thought you, as a fewl, would think them ugly :P

  10. *Adopts rakish pose*

    When you marooned me on that Mata Nui-forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I'm Captain Jack Mangai, Hatter Extraordinare, Scallywag of the Seven Seas, the King-Killer and -Maker, Former King of Limbo, Fighter for Justice, Thought, and Gerbils, The Nephilim. Yep, that's me.

  11. Uh, just remembered I got an urgent point with my orthodontist, and-*barely notices fist and dodges it*CARKI'MGETTINGTHECARKOUTOFHERE*activates rocketboots and flies towards HATBOX*

  12. As it is. Thankee muchly, kind sir :)

  13. But Jolek hasn't punched me ye-


    *grabs a pair of flight tickets to Arcturus and boards space shuttle*

    Mangs: A ride to Arcturus, please.

    Flight attendant: Uh, this spaceship can't do that kind of travel-

    Mangs: I'll take care of that. LEAVE, NOW!

    *Ship blasts off*

  14. I'd like it, too, except that all this mushy stuff has made me make a promise to myself to never write a romance after FraashionXViveloc :P

  15. 'Twas it...So far :P

  16. It's okey, mon :D

  17. EDIT: Oh, I get what you mean. No, especially as it's in Latin :P

  18. No, because I make more enemies than I should.

  19. Well, KNI...

    To tell the truth, most of the people I know IRL laugh when they hear that.

    See, I talk wayyyy too much for me own good, and I don't know when to shut me mouth.

    Still, though, although I talk, I try to voice my opinion, no matter the opposition. I think that's what will kill me XP

  20. Yes, but though thoughts may count, actions are what matter ;_; Forgive me, KNI. Acta Non Verba is me motto :P

  21. That was once me, but then it got overplayed, too :(

    No, but maybe I'll put some on, for the darn of it *shrugs*

    Shoot...I just remembered, and no go :( It was only me mom who thought it was okay, not me dad :(

  22. Whoops, meant the album, not the song XP

    BTW, I can't believe I forgot me single Three Doors Down! Fo'give me.

    Anyways, I actually, for some reason, dislike Fireflies. I guess it's cuz of overplaying, but still, I like other things in the album better.

  23. EDIT: Oh yeah, can't forget Chasm and Fully Alive (Flyleaf) and some Tobymac, though I accidentally ended up getting a weird remix of Ignition.

  24. Never heard Alien Youth, but I put Comatose on, 'long with Trailerhead (Immediate Music), Ocean Eyes: Deluxe Edition (Owl City), a few Pillar songs, one or two LP, a single Breaking Benjamin, some Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack, and Dragostea Din Tei, just for kicks :P

  25. Well, mon, I'm still collecting the loot. As far as I know, I'm still waiting on two presents: Epicon, and an unknown gift. However, so far, it's been awesome. I'll blog about it when I get my last presents, but I got the new nano and already have 60+ songs on it :D

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