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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Membership unto you/ and to you, a membership, too!

    Welcome to BZP, and a happy New Year, 'long with a merry XMas!

  2. Well, thanks anyways. That's not going to work, quite obviously, as I can't see how Mangai-Hau'll survive while he's cut in half :P

    I'm just trying to get him short, cuz next year, he'll have to be a toa.

  3. Deck the halls too, mon :D

  4. Forkitall, KNI. I just remembered: me mom won't let me send PMship for you unless you state why your parents aren't getting it for you. Dumb, I know, but pweez?

  5. Ah, okey. BTW, this is completely unrelated, but do you know of any excuse I can make for a toa being matoran-size?

  6. Phogu: Snarkers?

  7. Phogu: Yeah, I noticed. Or rather, Viveloc did. He's thinking about the same as Jolek right now.

  8. Phogu: Yeah. Although I'm pretty new to this stuff, Mangai told me that it's probably a side effect of making RPing into Avatar-Playing. He sez that's probably why the chars are really unrealistic. I heard from him that Zar is pretty unhappy with the state of affairs, too.

  9. Phogu: You're right! Let's try this...*Eats KNI's G-modding with bacon* Madre de diablo! G-modding works, too!

  10. Phogu: Yeah, Mangai's been telling me about tha-

    Mangai: *suddenly pops up* KUSARIGAMAS! *Disappears*

    Phogu: Ugh, he's crazy.

  11. *Absorbs electricity, then rises again using Magnetism* Ahem, you seem to have forgotten something.

    *Magnetically attracts KNI's body to his blades*

    Now, for a little trick...

    *Blades turn into plasma*

  12. *Dramatic sigh*

    So be it, then.

    As you have autohitted and not allowed me to take turns, I should think I should be allowed to cheat.

    *Reappears in normal body and stalks forward until he is in front of KNI*

    Say hello to your buddies, Mr., Mrs., Junior, and...Oh, I'll recite the names later. *Extends all blades from body right into KNI's*

  13. *Face appears in armor* Contact! Yes! *Other blades skitter away from the storms at high speeds* My offer is still open.

  14. *Blades skitter across ground towards KNI*

  15. Phogu: *brofists back* Yeah. I just hope he doesn't replace me *gulps, accidentally swallowing half Mangai's EPICON* Whoops. Anyways,

    Mang also sez that now that he found the awesomeness of true ninja weapinz, he's gonna give this dude some. He didn't say which, but lately he's been ranting about Kusarigamas, so I think I have a good idea.

  16. I know, sorry 'bout that. The order that things happened, though, was barely changed between this and real life.
  17. Phogu: *begins to prove hypothesis by muching on bacon and Mangai's favorite albums* Mm, good. As I was saying, he sez he's going to redo Mangai-Hau with less Stu-ism and more ninja skillz. He also sez he's making a new char with speech problems (How very uncivilized :P ) and one with ego problems. I don't know who else he's making, though...

  18. Franco

    Cookie Powers, Go!

  19. Phogu: *Begins to wolf down bacon, then talks throw several pieces of greasy bacon* Thernks. I hear my RPr is cuming up with some new characters. I can't believe us guys aren't enough, but he is my boss *shrugs as he continues to wolf down the bacon*


    *Electricity races into metal body, short-circuiting it and locking its limbs in place*


  21. Phogu: My RPer disagrees. Hey, where is he, anyways?

    *Meanwhile, Mangai is heroically in an epic duel with KNI*


    Phogu: Uh, yeah. Back to the conversation :P

    Well, he said he might. His main problem, he said, is with my weapon. Not only that, he says I'm going to become older if I come back. Isn'

  22. Phogu: Well, all I can say right now...

    I REALLY wish my tutors had taught me about women. They give me fighting, history, and piloting skills, yet they neglect the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF MY EDUCATION :P

  23. Today was the last day of school, right before vacation. And I still had a lot to do. Knowing that this was my last chance, I packed my last presents for my friends at school into me backpack. After waiting a while, the bus finally came, and thus ensued a long and boring trip. Almost as soon as I got to school, I, myself, was given a present by one of me friends (I'll call him Million). I hurriedly drop the package in me locker and close the door, without remembering where, exactly I put it. Soon after, I try to give my present to another friend (for story purposes, I'll call them Martial). However, she refuses it. Almost as soon as this happens, me teachers notify me that I have been chosen as part of a group of elite 8th-graders to go to the governor's inauguration. Fast forward to lunch: I open my present and thank Martial, who then asks obliviously: "Any lunch money?" I smile and give her the money I was planning to give her. Fast forward to E-Period: I look around for Million's present, but can't find it anywhere. I shrug, not that unhappy, and continue me work. Later, on the bus, I am incredibly bored and decide to look one last time through me backpack. As I do so, I realize that this is it. I'm never getting the present, in all likelihood. And I start to get slightly more anxious, more unnerved about this possiblity (irrational, I now realize, but that's just me for you). Arriving at the conclusion that it appears not to be in me bag, I open the bag of several cookies that I planned to give to me friends all together but was unable to. After all, it can't hurt... ...But I'm thinking a lot more than it can't hurt when I see Million's present staring right back at me. Finally, at home, I realize something: if not for the smallness of my town and, therefore, me lack of competition, I possibly would not have been picked to see the governer. Now, what does this all mean? Right now, Mangai doesn't think life can get any better, for him, and for others. A strange series of coincidences led to this conclusion, but they are all worthy of undying happiness. Have a great holiday season, folks!
  24. Me: woah, weird. I never hiked that far, though I do often run half that on all sorts of terrain.

    Phogu: Hey, it's not like anyone ever carkin' KISSED me before! Geez!

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