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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiBut Vertak was swept away by a small river of fire."Where were we? Oh, and I believe you did not win. I will, however, give you the benefit of the doubt."Nujanii slashed diagonally at full kakama speed.

  2. Bulk: Where did Kopaka go?Kopaka: Take that, scoundrel! Mr. Zivon: My face!!

    I haven't ever done the "sig quote contest" thing, but this quote deserves recognition. Because it's awesome.
  3. Correction, iBrow, I am at 20/20 health. Because however much our special weapons are limited, I will always pick my virtus robes.Because of the update. Those robes are meant to keep me alive as long as possible.Darn it! I won't be able to post much! #### timing!I did guess that you would be the boss. I think.Nujanii"Good luck, make me proud, produce order, don't die." "Good luck I need, I'll do my best, I doubt I will be able to, and I cannot die here. This is a safe minigame."(Anyone who can tell me where the previous sentance's reference is will instantly become epic.)Nujanii entered the battlefield. He summoned VR and LS.Nujanii began his analysis of the situation.Primary opponent: VertakPrevious knowledge of fighting style: Usually follows rules. Creativity: Not remembered. Strategic ability: Not Remembered.Powers: Gravity, Strength, Stealth, and whatever random powers he chooses to have.Weakness: Unknown. Well, One arm is missing. Nujanii sized up his own powers and abilities and decided upon his first move. Nujanii was perpetually aware of all around him. He could control natrual fire, as well as some unnatrual fire. (Not this fire :/) He had limited resistance to all types of fire, though some types more than others. Nujanii could partially control iron and he could speed himself to extreme degrees. He also had a few other powers he didn't want to list because he was tired of typing.Nujanii did not fly into the air (yes I know that Nujanii prefers aerial combat to ground fighting). Nujanii located Vertak via limited omniscience and began with an epic confrontational line."Well, well, well. We meet again. And this time on more equal standing. Shall we begin this?"Nujanii drew his lightsaber. He activated its laser blade and went into the defensive Jedi ready position.

  4. NujaniiNujanii avoided the chaos and telekinetically grabbed the guards and placed them once more upon the ground. The guards then barraged JiMing and Zakaro from all sides. Nujanii then sent waves of fire at Zakaro and spears of iron at JiMing. And both were telekinetically held in place.

  5. You spun in a circle knocking all disks off course? You have not an Arthron or an equivilent. You could not have known where each was. Unrealistic action.Nevertheless, I will not negate it.I said not that your special weapon was too powerful. I think your usage of it has been too powerful. You seem to be blocking things coming from all directions. Now, if you have my setup (Kakama, limited omniscience, etc.) you can get away with spectacular dodges and blocks.Rediculously fast? The damage was reduced by the robes. That's damage reduction BEFORE healing. In other words, the Robes healed less damage than you thought.EDIT: Fine, edited. No, not overpowered. I have the power level of two Toa, remember?NujaniiNujanii was knocked into the ground. He took the full force of the fall (no PSJS).Nujanii then took great pleasure in slamming JiMing into the ground with telekinesis. Hard.JiMing was then pelted from all sides by the guards.Nujanii then added his own adition to the mix: Fire.JiMing was suddenly alight. Now this wouldn't be too bad for a Ta-Matoran, but for one thing. Nujanii's fire was suplemented with extreme, ever rising temperatures. It was all Nujanii could do to keep the heat contained to JiMing.And JiMing was kept in place by telekinesis.

  6. Solid energy? How it that to work? You therefore have a shield that blocks all and can absorb things to boot. A hand-held shield? Then don't block attacks to your rear. Especially when you are annoyed by my dodging, as I think you are.Read above two posts. So you have a handheld shield that blocks anything at all?I don't want to see any spectacular blocking or dodging from you. You have no calix, arthron, etc.My In character post I made before I read the above two posts and I think it needs no adjustment.NujaniiIf Nujanii underrated the Shoopquaza, JiMing underated Nujanii's VR. The damage was fully healed in a hundred seconds. Nujanii watched his guards scatter, but they had been already scattered and JiMing's attacks were not too effective.But his men needed air support.And Nujanii was the highly disputed master of aerial combat.And so the Shoopquaza found itself grounded and weakened greatly by Nujanii's kanoka. A fleeing target is often the easiest to hit.And so it was in this case.Nujanii sent several Ga-Metru disks of weakening at JiMing. He guided them so that they came from all directions at the same time, preventing the blocking of all. Nujanii loved Ga-Metru ingenuity.

  7. No, it says "energy shield." Which means it blocks nothing solid, only energy. For example: Fire would be blocked, but earth would not. NujaniiThe guards were already scattered, so the attacks made against them resulted in minimal casualties. Nujanii narrowly avoided another dragon pulse, noting approvingly that his matoran ground force had managed to knock JiMing from the saddle, so to speak. Nujanii sent several weakening disks at both JiMing and Shoopquaza, just to be sure that they would not be too much of a handful.

  8. As I recall, your energy shield cannot block solid objects. It can block and absorb energy attacks.My memory may be at fault here, though. Do us both a favor and provide a link to your profile so we can clear this disagreement up in a more civil manner.NujaniiNujanii noticed that his weakening disks had lowered the Shoop-thing's power level. So the winds didn't effect him too much. And his VR helped too. The Ta-Koro guards spread out on the ground and sent disks at JiMing from all directions, making blocking with any shield impossible.And Nujanii sent iron spears flying at JiMing from all directions.

  9. It was quite fair. You couldn't do what you wanted, so I didn't acnowledge the attack. My action was fair, though maybe not morally correct.NujaniiBut JiMing forgot about Nujanii.And that was a very bad mistake for anyone to make.JiMing got hit by several weakening disks.So JiMing managed to kill a few guardsmen, but was unable to make much of a difference in the weakened state.Pity he knocked out Nujanii's air support.Nujanii sent several weakening disks at JiMing and a few at Shoop-whatever it's called.Oh, and Jaller rallied his men and sent a barrage of bamboo disks at JiMing. The barrage was powerful enough to knock a Toa off of his mount.And JiMing was much weaker than a Toa, even at full strength.

  10. NujaniiThe disks being solid and therefore not deflectable by JiMing's energy shield easily knocked the Ta-Matoran off of his lofty perch.And the Ta-Koro guard were on the ground waiting for him.And since the energy shield could could absorb the weakening disk, Nujanii did not have to dodge the weakening blast. Nujanii resumed throwing weakening disks at the falling Ta-matoran while the gukko force above distracted the Shoop-thing above.

  11. Biobeast will be the next boss.NujaniiNujanii telekinetically caught Junky. Nujanii and Junky landed softly on the ground. "Well then, I think I'll call in the troops now."Nujanii summoned the Ta-Koro guard and the Le-koro gukku force. "Captain Kongu! An airstrike if you please! Captain Jaller, your troops may fire when ready upon JiMing. If Junky appears hostile, barrage him too. Alright men! Let's move!"With that Nujanii jumped and flew a few feet above JiMing. Nujanii ten circled him at that elevation, throwing weakening kanoka. The Ta-Koro guard and Le-Koro Gukku force mimiked Nujanii, though with bamboo disks and not kanoka.

  12. NujaniiNujanii was not hit at all my the blast. He had managed to avoid it.But his sopwith hadn't.Nujanii was losing elevation rapidly. He and his sopwith had not been harmed by the combustion, but that was of little consequence. He had lost much of his right wing. And now his engine was on fire. Great.Nujanii aimed towards the water. He then jumped from the doomed plane and activated his jetpacks."Well, that was fun. I ought to do that more often. Maybe with an x-wing next time..."

  13. Where did you get jetpacks?NujaniiNujanii managed to dodge the shoopquaza's dragon pulse and save his sopwith. Nujanii regained elevation and opened fire on JiMing."Watch those anti aircraft guns.""What anti aircraft guns?""The Shoopquaza.""No problem. Grant me protection.""I'm not allowed to, remember?"

  14. Ninja'd. I think I'll leave my post as is.NujaniiNujanii made the shoopquaza a little too heavy with some kanoka. JiMing soon foung himself on the ground.Nujanii, for the third time, opened fire on Zakaro.

  15. Nujanii"I'll take that as a 'You miss.' Ok then, Zakaro, let's see you up HERE!"Nujanii flung Zakaro into the sky, then hit him with a levitation disk. Nujanii had not been practicing his piloting skills recently. He estimated that he had a post or two before the plane was destroyed. Nujanii tuned his guns on Zakaro and fired.

  16. I'm looking forward to writing it. Because we all know that it shouldbe the most awesome and epic thing in the world, but it won't be. :P-ibrow

    Kopaka vs Zivon? I don't see how even you can make that un-epic.:P
  17. NujaniiNujanii angled his sopwith downwars, aiming his machine guns at Zakaro.Nujanii opened fire.Hit or miss?Only time would tell.Or maybe Zakaro would tell.Nujanii would rather have time tell him.But Nujanii didn't own a vahi, so time could not tell.So he had to wait on Zakaro.

  18. NujaniiNujanii used telekinesis to pull the plane under him. He fell in, strapped himself in with some rope, and put on a leather flying helm with goggles, bomber jacket, and silk scarf. Nujanii then flew around, with telekinetically enhanced maneuverability, and blasted JiMing out of the sky with the twin machine guns.Then Snoopy came out of nowhere and high fived Nujanii. Apparently Snoopy was also a master of aerial combat. Nujanii considered starting a club. ToD ought to join if he did...

  19. NujaniiAs usual, Nujanii immediately flew straight upwards as high and fast as he could. Which was pretty fast. Anyway, Nujanii viewed all from above, which was just how he liked to view things. Nujanii summoned his LS and VR. Now ready for action, Nujanii drew his LS and activated its laser blade.Nujanii was ready to win. He had found all the speed he needed. He hadn't teamed up for battle though.So Nujanii summoned a Ta-Matoran in a Sopwith Camel and told him to attack Zakaro. Nujanii wondered whether Zakaro was immune to Machine gun fire.

  20. You summoned a computer? We're not exactly allowed to summon non-army things. Say something like 'pulled a computer out of nowhere' or something. NujaniiNujanii, without taking his eyes from the screen nor hands from the controls, sent fire at all save Junky.

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