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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. Why exactly hasn't Kopaka power owned the Zivon yet? And why does he need a team? He could just do it himself. Blindfolded.Though he can kinda see through the blindfold...Anyway, pretty good. Poor Nex. Missed Valentines day. Maybe he ought to have two consecutive romantic date nights...Hahli has more sense than to date Furno. After all, she's going out with Jaller, right?Maybe Furno doesn't know that Jaller likes Hahli...

  2. NujaniiNujanii was going full speed through th--"Oof-"Nujanii was tackled and spiraled out of control, finally managing to knock Zakaro out with an iron club and sent him falling. Nujanii regained elevation quickly.

  3. NujaniiNujanii flew along the top of the brain, evading projectiles as he went. He called this 'running the gauntlet.' Nujanii estimated that he was now as powerful as four Toa. So he shot fire at JiMing and Zakaro. He then sent spikes of iron at each other opponent.

  4. Woah. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe the german matoran beating up both Pridak and Makuta?Also I think Valor let them get the ship and all just to cause a crisis. Why?1) Perhaps as a test for some students2) Or maybe so that he can spectacularly defeat them and get himself a raise.

  5. NujaniiNujanii was a Toa of Fire and also awesome, therefore he was affected less than some of the others.Like Zakaro.Nujanii was airborne and therefore less easily charged. He sized Zakaro up. Zakaro's Chaos would likely gain a damage boost here. Nujanii was not pleased at the thought.Nujanii created a wall of iron to halt Zakaro's charge. Then it melted. So Nujanii made another. And Zakaro (having super strength) would likely make short work of it.Not that Nujanii really cared. Zakaro wasn't quite sane and therefore not much of a threat.No foreshadowing here. At all. None. How could there be any foreshadowing here?

  6. Mind posting a profile for Shoopquaza or a link to one? I quail at the thought of looking for your profile.NujaniiNujanii cut his jet packs and fell as fast as he could without kanoka assistance, but not quick enough to avoid all damage. He was hit, but only about to the extent of his last hit, which he could handle. Nujanii flew up once more and began to send iron spikes at JiMing. He also created a cage for Shoopquaza.

  7. NujaniiNujanii's Virtus Robes deflected much damage, and healing most of what damage Nujanii took in the first ten seconds. Nujanii returned fire with fire! Nujanii sent a wave of fire at JiMing.

  8. NujaniiNujanii grabbed his arm and sreamed out in pain. He then remembered why he had used his PSJS before. To his credit, he retained his grip on his LS. Nujanii's eyes blazed. JiMing was suddenly falling, encaged in a gigantic block of iron up to his neck. The little Ta-Matoran (btw, I love your character. Its species is completely canonical) fell like a Po-Matoran with a millstone around his neck.

  9. Woah! Must download! Full review... Soon.Partial Review:Well, I must say I still like the (now weaker) fire element. Fear is handy and can be good against meleers, but can be easily dispatched by a good elemental attack. I can't wait for armor/shield spriting.

  10. A previous player!? SHADOK? VERTAK? BLADE!??I do hope it's one of the previously mentioned.Oh, and iBrow, you place us in a world of fire... and I can't use it at all. That stinks. You...I don't want to describe you because you're the game moderator and because if I did, Black Six would do horrible things to me.The above was a joke. Do NOT take it seriously.Nujanii"Holy cow! A world of fire!"Nujanii reached out with his mind to a nearby flame spurt, wishing to use it. Only, he found that he could not use it. At all."Crud"Further, Nujanii found that the flames could harm him. Not fully, but still a lot more than ordinary fire.At least Nujanii could create and manipulate his own.Nujanii summoned his Virtus Robes (needed for damage reduction and elemental boss mode) and his Light Saber.He had left his Saradomin Godsword behind, however. Pity. He decided not to pull out his wand, as it would burn to nothing in nothing flat it he pulled it from his pack. He ought also to be careful when using kanoka.He could deal with a lack of kanoka, if need be, if he had his Virtus robes. With those, he was twice as good as everyone else put together. At least elementally.Nujanii drew his Light Saber and set it to its laser blade. Nujanii took off with his jetpacks, keeping an eye out for other combatants.

  11. Nujanii"If you don't want me on the ground, I'll take to the air."Nujanii flew into the air, sending three kanoka of increase weight at Zakaro."After all, I am the (disputed) master of aerial combat."

  12. NujaniiNujanii had three options: Move out of the way, stop the sword, or stop Zakaro. Nujanii chose to stop Zakaro.With a big fireball.Nujanii hit Zakaro with a big fireball, knocking him back.

  13. NujaniiNujanii was hit in the face with earth. By the time he had cleared his optical sensors, Nujanii had been grabbed by the earth hand. Which he promptly melted.Nujanii then ditched the claws and drew both daggers, attempting a series of sla-- no, he ought to do something new. He had done that before. What had he not done before? Nujanii sent a wave of fire at his opponent, took advantage of the distraction by running behind Zakoro, and kicked Zakaro in the back. Hopefully Zakaro would go back a few yards.

  14. NujaniiNujanii had no choice but to abandon his Saradomin Godsword. Nujanii quickly drew out the Dragon Claws and used them to deflect the sword. Nujanii then attempted a slash at Zakoro's sword arm.But it was unlikely to be successful due to Nujanii's poor skill with the claws.

  15. NujaniiNujanii stuck the Saradomin Godsword in the path of the ball n' chain. The chaos was negated by the SGS. The ball n' chain, however, was not negated. The result? A ball n' chain tangled on a Saradomin Godsword.

  16. NujaniiThe force of the blast sent Nujanii staggering backwards, but surprisingly the usual metal scrambling was absent. Nujanii supposed it had something to do with weilding a Saradomin item."It does."Well, if Saradomin said so, Nujanii supposed it must be so. But he had no time to suppose. Nujanii evaded the charge by jumping elaborately over Zakoro. He then spun and brought up his Saradomin Godsword to a jedi ready position.Because he was quite ready.

  17. Nujanii"Indeed we shall!"Nujanii began with a basic diagonal slash with his two handed sword. Of course, while basic, this attack was one which Nujanii could recover from easily if the sword was destroyed or deflected.

  18. Hey, Zakaro! Let's make this duel epic!Nujanii"Hmm, My turn then. Oh why not try something new? I think I'll go with..."Nujanii examined the varying weapons."A revolver and dragon claws. Yes, and I'll use my SGS as well."Nujanii placed the items in his pack for easy switching and began with the Saradomin Godsword.

  19. NujaniiNujanii ducked the earth, rolled, and came up in front of Zakaro. He then pulled his harry potter wand from his pack. With a few flicks and a bit of Latin, Nujanii created a weapons rack with a wide variety of weapons. Nujanii stowed his harry potter wand, then turned to Zakaro."With what shall you fight?"

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