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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. Me too. I had not the cash to pay for it five years ago, though...Good times indeed.EDIT: Is Haiti wolf gone yet? And if not, how do I find a team?EDIT: NOW Hait's gone... Pity I never got any of the stuff...

  2. Nujanii"My offer stands, let me know if you'll take it next post."Nujanii turned to Zakoro."Your trial resumes now."At full kakama speed, Nujanii ran to Zakoro, stabbed him, and then (withdrawing his dagger as he did so) backflipped, landing in the traditional jedi landing pose.

  3. You missed a few. Let me extend the list.Shadok- 10/10Blade- 11/10 about my most favorite person to fight everBioBeast- 9/10EDIT: Cannon not allowed. Don't do it again, ok? No special weapons match. (Which stinks because I still haven't gotten a chance to try out my Virtus Robes' upgrade. :( )Nujanii"...And the Agori demand for the currency is rising at an unbelievable rate..."Nujanii dodged the cannon's fire easily with limited omniscience, without ceasing to haggle over his offer.

  4. Nujanii"...And remember that the value of the wiget has been rising due to the recent deflation..."Nujanii hit Zakaro with a fireball (without stopping his attempt to purchase his figures) just to keep him on his toes.

  5. I tell you that $6 a month is definitely worth RS membership. Now, I don't know about $8/month, but if you have a job or something, DO IT. I think you can trust Jagex to price RS and Funorb fairly. Funorb has less value than RS though, in my opinion.Btw, 8realms (another Jagex game) has poor value. Don't buy anything on that.

  6. Yay! #2! I always considered ToD to be the #1 guy. Period. I mean, he's been here since Bionifight 1. And he knows how to use illogical things to his advantage. I'll take n0valyfe's spot. (the previous sentance contains an extremely obscure reference. If you don't get it, forget it.)NujaniiNujanii ignited the summoner of the winds, therefore freeing himself due to a lack of concentration. Nujanii walked up to ToD and offered 1 million wigets for the whole set of Bionifight 2 figures (including Fighty).

  7. NujaniiOver the downtime, Nujanii had learned much from Yoda. So he easily turned as fast as his opponent rolled and jumped over Zakaro, slashing his opponent on the shoulder as he went. Nujanii landed elaborately in the traditional Jedi landing pose.

  8. You're not a Toa! You can't have an invisible, bottomless, indestructible pack! :PI really don't care that much.NujaniiNujanii melted the earth, then examined the obsideon that coated the surface of the island. It wasn't TzHaar city, but it was cool!Nujanii ran, jumped, pulled out his Saradomin Godsword and slashed at Zakaro.

  9. NujaniinUJanIi WaS hiT bY A BLaSt Of ChaOS.Nujanii had learned in a duel with Zamorak how to undo the mental scrambling brought on by Chaotic attacks, but he still took damage. Nujanii stopped falling in time to keep himself up, but now Zakoro was higher than he. This would have been worrying but for two things: One, the volcano had stopped, and Two, Nujanii wore the great Kanohi Kakama, the mask of speed.

  10. NujaniiNujanii analyzed Zakaro's movement patterns. While he thought, Nujanii noticed a steady loss of lift. The levitation disk must be wearing off. Nujanii flew higher."Let's see if Chaos alone can support you."Nujanii was relieved to find he was nowhere near the energy barrier.

  11. NujaniiNujanii melted the earth ring and stopped his jet packs, falling under the chaos. He was then amused by Zakoro's feeble attempts to get tho the ground. Zakoro was hit by a levitation disk; he could not go down if he wanted to. Also, if Zakoro fell from this height, survival was doubitable. For one, this was a tremendous height. For another, the lava on the ground prevented survival.Nujanii flew near Zakoro, lazily drifted around him, then finally remarked, "Well, are you going to DO anything?"

  12. Forgot to mention it earlier, but I love your MOC. It's my second favorite of all submitted to Bionifight.NujaniiNujanii noticed a ring of earth rising slowly rising from below. Why was it going so slowly? Likely the lava. Anyway, Nujanii had ample time to fly up and out of the way. Nujanii knew fully well that Zakoro could now only hit him with Chaos or earth. He could melt the earth, but the Chaos...He had dealt with chaos before.

  13. NujaniiNujanii flew slightly to the side, knocking the sword away with a quickly drawn dagger. "Hmm, an interesting tactic. Let's see what else you can do."Nujanii began to circle Zakoro at full kakama speed, attempting a series of quick slashes. As he did so, he pushed his limited omniscience to the limit. He wanted to know his opponent's next move before he saw it.

  14. NujaniiThe tacos flew within ten feet of Nujanii before...falling down at the one who threw them. Zakoro, having super strength, was a different matter entirely. All Nujanii had to do was move upwards and Zakoro would fall to his death. Oh wait, everyone was immortal. Still, Nujanii rather wanted to fight Zakoro."Your trial begins now."Nujanii hit Zakoro with a levitation disk.

  15. NujaniiNujanii slowly turned his cold blue eyes upon Junkyard."You were wrong to do that."Nujanii flew up to the energy field (Or in other words, as high as the field would allow, which is a hight from which if you fell you'd die. Or you would if you could die.) and melted Junky's whip. He then created a field of extreme heat which would discourage any attempts Junky might make to grab Nujanii.

  16. NujaniiNujanii rode the lava as it spewed across the island and into the sea. But Nujanii didn't like the sea, so he stuck the board into his pack and flew up, watching the conveniently timed lava burst cover the island. Those who could not fly were in a bit of trouble. Unless they happened to be Toa of Fire. But Nujanii doubted that there were any other Fire Toa.

  17. You cannot destroy my pack. Think you can? Watch Legends of Metru Nui again. Examine the packs of the Toa Metru. Oh wait, you can't. Get my point?NujaniiNujanii's pack was not destroyed, but was thrown into the sea. Nujanii flew out of it with his jetpacks and landed on the shore of Voya Nui. He then flew up and-- good thing he did. The volcano erupted. Nujanii bought a lava surfing board from a local trader and began surfing down the side of the mountain. "This is what epic looks like."

  18. NujaniiNujanii whistled and Vertak flew down from... somewhere."For sending opponenets out of the battlefield,"Vertak established an invisible energy field that prevented further escape from Voya Nui (With adequate room to fly) and teleported everyone to the center of the battlefield."there. Now, Vertak, I believe that's all. Since attack negation isn't precisely a crime, and I cannot exactly punish someone for doing more than is in their power capacity, I think your work here is done." Nujanii gave Vertak a fistpump and Vertak flew off.

  19. That's it. Pull a stunt like that again and I'll PIG you. I am fed up with you.NujaniiNujanii returned by air. Being the highly disputed master of aerial combat, Nujanii enjoyed being in the air. He then took much joy in raining fire down upon Sybre."Anytime anyone else wants to fight me..."

  20. Nujanii"What did I tell you about leaving the area?""I didn't mean--"Nujanii was teleported fully restored to the battleground once more. Only Sybre wasn't in sight."Good. I can use a break from that [filtered]"

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