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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii's Kakama melted into nothing. Fortunately, Nujanii carried spares. Nujanii put his Kakama on and drew his extra pair of daggers. Nujanii ignited them and stabbed Sybre several times.

  2. NujaniiGlass shattered as Nujanii flew up from the quicksand, blue eyes blazing cold as those of a Toa of Ice. Nujanii grabbed Sybre and slammed him into a pit of quicksand. He then began to attack using his kakama and daggers, rendering a frenzy completely useless.

  3. Nujanii...But Sybre was not that big. And the strength potion did not assist the toa-hight bunny. And fortunately for Voya Nui, all of the Bionifighters, and Sybre, Sybre failed spectacularly at destroying Voya Nui. And so Nujanii hit Sybre with a weakening disk, jut to discourage any future attempts to destroy the island. Nujanii then turned his attention from the toa-height bunny and flew into the air, sending fire at all opponents.Not a lot of fire, but enough to make much of a difference.

  4. NujaniiNujanii was thrown at the red star and-- didn't quite make it. As soon as he was a few thousand feet up...If you leave, iBrow isn't going to like it.And so Nujanii was teleported back to the ground, where a magical caterpillar fixed him completely. Nujanii was then picked up and thrown by the wind. He eventually managed to retain a position with his jet packs. He had to stop the storm.The wind was gone as soon as JiMing was thrown into the air by a flare of fire that seemed to come from nowhere. Nujanii then reminded Sybre that he was a big invisible bunny with pores that ooze strength potion. That cannot benefit Sybre.

  5. NujaniiNujanii was underwater. He was drowning. Then he remembered that he could fly. (note, Sybre did not kick Nujanii anywhere as he was underwater at the time.) Nujanii burst out of the sea, gasping for air. His optical sensors (generally refered to as 'eyes' though not technically so) picked up Sybre. Nujanii had a target. Now how about some... Disorientation? Yes.Nujanii hit Sybre dead on with a concealment disk. "You should be heard and not seen." Nujanii did not tell Sybre that Nujanii and Nujanii alone could tell exaclty where he was as if he could see him. Nujanii shot all who were blasted to the red star with teleport kanoka. Nujanii watched them appear near him. Nujanii reassembled his disemboweled associate, then informed all present of the invisible state of Sybre. Sybre was not more dangerous than ever to all of them... except Nujanii.Sybre was even dangerous to himself. Not being able to see one's self does horrid things to one's balance. Still, Sybre was more advantaged than disadvantaged by the change.Or so Nujanii thought. He had never actually been invisible.

  6. Plan your next move carefully. Keep in mind my limited omniscience. Any slash or stab I will be aware of. Even if I see it not.NujaniiSybre had no access to Nujanii's pack. At all. Nujanii didn't know if this was a PIG-able offense. Nujanii resolved to read the rules. In the mean time, Nujanii negated the attack and hit Sybre with a reconstitute at random disk. Turning him into an orange bunny with pores on him that oozed a liquid that strenghtened whatever it touched.Nujanii turned back to Zakoro. Nujanii rolled backwards, sprang to his feet, and attempted a fast series of slashes while running in a tight circle around Zakoro.

  7. NujaniiNujanii stood and used a teleport disk to bring Zakoro in front of Nujanii."Alright, noob. Let's see how you measure up."Nujanii activated his kakama and drew both daggers."We've lost most of our good meleers."Nujanii ignited his daggers."I hope you can take their place amoung us."

  8. Every Thursday I am gone for most of the day. So I am sorry I cannot adequately preform. Please pardon me for ignoring a ton of effects your attacks might have.NujaniiNujanii was hit by whatever and landed hard on the ground. Then a magical bar of chocolate appeared and Nujanii ate it, healing him fully.

  9. NujaniiNujanii was kicked, but Sybre was falling, so it mattered not much. You don't get much horizontal power when kicking someone who's flying without giving an explanation of how you got up that high. So Nujanii turned in mid-air and considered how best to use his kanoka. Nujanii thought. How about a nice... shrink disk? No, he had done that last time. And Sybre had not read his post thoroughly and had messed up a perfectly good attack. So Nujanii hit Sybre with a level 8 weakening disk. "Now that ought to last for a good few posts!"Nujanii was merciful and did not hit Sybre with a concealment disk.

  10. NujaniiNujanii was forced to defend himself from a variety of attacks. He had little difficulty but for ToD's, which he only avoided by flight. Nujanii rained weakening disks on ToD and Pirok from above.

  11. I just rescued Pirok. Read all of the posts before your own. If you don't, the results are never good.NujaniiNujanii grabbed Sybre and tossed him into his favored banishment site: the quicksand. Dun dun dunNujanii then turned to Pirok. "All right? Junky seemed to have rammed you pretty hard."

  12. What? That's not summoning! That's using the environment. And ToD had a bunch of gadunka. IF what I did was summoning, what he did was as well. But you already said that, so the previous two sentances ignore.We're in a forever alone match, right? So what if I grabbed a CPS now? Eh? Would someone be able to PIG me for summoning? What if a rahi happened to eat ToD and not me? Would that be summoning? Think about it. Think carefully.NujaniiNujanii melted the ice, set Pirok down, and grabbed a CPS.Then put it back when he realized he had his daggers again.

  13. Just forget it Sybre.NujaniiNujanii was hit by whatever and was healed by the local magic caterpillar of epicness He then reminded ToD that he has no reinbringer and therefore no fire. Nujanii, however, had fire galore. Nujanii hit ToD with a fireball.

  14. I'm out of range. explain how you got close enough to frenzy me and I'm happy. Doesn't have to be realistic. If you ride a flying pink gorilla, that's fine. Just provide an explanation.

  15. I threw you towards the ground. Revise your post. I am high in the air. You cannot climb up me. Unless you can fly. Revise your post.I don't care about fairness. Think of an illogical way to survive. I don't care how you do it. Use that parachute to get to the ground for heaven's sakes.

  16. NujaniiSybre somehow managed to jump high into the air, climb into Nujanii's mouth, and climb back out, all without Nujanii's molestation. Nujanii grabbed Sybre and hit him with an increase weight disk. With great gravity, little air resistance, and a long way to fall, it appeared Sybre would be doomed as soon as Nujanii let go. But Nujanii didn't drop Sybre towards the ground.He threw Sybre towards the ground.

  17. Read the editation in my previous post.If you are to be the next boss, good for you. My special weapons may not be specialized for boss battles, but I can still appreciate a good tussle with Vertak. Though, aside from ToD, no one else here has done so.Nujanii"DON'T YOU DARE BEAT UP MY PGS!!!"Nujanii hit Sybre with several high level shrink disks. There, that would teach him. Nujanii wondered how long the disks' effects would last. 2 posts? 5 posts? Only Sybre would tell.

  18. How did I break the rules of the duel? Oh well. I apologize for whatever I did wrong.EDIT: Actually he and I just grabbed things that were already there. Like Conveniently Placed Signs (CPS's) and GIGANTIC GADUNKAS.EIDT: Since the above edit will not likely be noticed, I will likely post it into my next post.NujaniiNujanii appeared on Voya Nui. Without special weapons. Which didn't matter too much, save for one thing. He had wanted to try out his newly enhanced Virtus Robes. He had tried last round, with little success. He'd have to take on all other players next time. Oh well. Nujanii activated his jetpacks and hurtled into the sky, making sure to stay well away from the active volcano, while remaining over the land. Nujanii was ready to battle.He wished, though, that he could summon things. He always got his best army summoning ideas when he couldn't summon anything. Oh well.

  19. NujaniiNujanii had no reproductive organs, being a Toa and not a human. Being kneed in the groin was therefore not something significant. Nujanii bashed ToD into the wall of the pit and swam out of the pit, grabbing the eel as he went. ToD, being headless and huge, may not ever make it out of the pit. Nujanii, just in case, threw the eel containing ToD's head into yet another pit.

  20. Nujanii"Before you ask, I'm not going to save you again."Nujanii's body swam out of the pit and located ToD. How? By slapping everything he could find. Fortunately, the first thing he found was ToD. So he grabbed the eel from ToD and made it throw up the head. Which, due to the laws of awesome, was completely unharmed. Nujanii put his head back on and faced ToD."This round will be over momentarily."Nujanii used the eel to bite off ToD's head. The ToD head holding eel was then thrown into a nearby bottomless pit.

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