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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. Then in that case, you'd be paying for a money making method. Like buying woodcutting or mining. Which honestly wouldn't be all that different. But even though you could not trade the items, you're still paying weal word currency for in game items, though they be untradeable.Are you a member, by the way?

  2. NujaniiNujanii was thrown off balance and nearly fell into a pit. He did not, however. Nujanii examined his left arm and immediately wished he hadn't. He could still use the arm, but there was a gash in his armor. A small gash, but a deep one. Nujanii called for a medic, then realized that he was not on the front lines of a team based game. He was on his own. So, naturally, Nujanii was going to have to endure it.At least ToD went down into the pit.

  3. NujaniiNujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and bashed the Gadunka away. Or tried. All he really suceeded in doing was getting himself ou of the way. Oh well. At least ToD and the gadunka went into another pit.

  4. NujaniiNujanii didn't know or care. All he knew was that the gadunka wanted to hug him. And he knew what would happen then. Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and used it to pole-vault over the Gadunka. He then shoved the Gadunka off a cliff.

  5. It makes more sense, but it still seems... wrong. Jagex currently gains money on RS by advertising and collecting money from members. I think that the system works fine. If you have to pay for the option to buy something, something you can sell for a profit, that's like paying for a money making method. Imagine buying the runecrafting skill, for example, except that you could make a much larger profit in-game with the "cash shop."

  6. NujaniiNujanii could not swim to save his life. But now he had to. Or did he? In this game, you cannot exactly die. So Nujanii didn't have to swim to save his life. Nujanii's head swam.ToD's wings gave him an advantage underwater, allowing him to hopelessly outmaneuver Nujanii. This was the sort of thing that Nujanii could easily counter in the air. Unfortunately Nujanii could not go into the air. Neither could he fly at the moment. Which stank. Nujanii was therefore beaten badly. He was not used to this. Nujanii finally managed to land a kick on ToD, but it didn't do much damage. It did, however, give the sole surviving electric eel a chance to zap the #### out of ToD. What did the mysterious "#" signs mean? Nujanii didn't know. Neither did he care, as he was desperately trying to evade getting eaten by the gigantic gaduka. Nujanii was having a bad day.

  7. Nujanii"I'm not going to rescue you again.""Aw come on!""Guthix would never stand for it. I'm not supposed to directly interfere in mortal affairs.""Doesn't every divine entity fail that?""Well... er... Look. I rescued you once this round, I'm not doing it again. You went mad. That's different than getting eaten. Even if a huge winged being shoved you in. No, you're going to have to get yourself out of this.""Fine."Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and used it to wedge open the jaws of each Gadunka in succesion until he was out. He then tossed aside the sign. Nujanii swam at ToD, suddenly realizing that a bunch of electric eels were also closing in on the so called 'Toa' of Dancing.

  8. NujaniiNujanii grabbed ToD and slammed him into a nearby fish. Or tried. ToD was a lot bigger than Nujanii, and therefore Nujanii failed terribly. Nujanii was also underwater, meaning decreased agility. Gulp. Nujanii needed to get really creative really quickly.

  9. How can I even compete in hand to hand combat? If I try to do so, I'll either fail miserably because I'm unarmed, or I'll get stabbed or shot in the back because of a lack of limited omniscience. I'm worse off than the Toa Nuva in late 2003.

  10. I did read your post wrong. I thought we were given other people's powers and special weapons until the end of the round. Which would have been epic. Unfortunately, I was wrong. So the rest of the round is going to be lame. Which is what usually happens when I'm wrong. I don't think I'll bother to post if I can't really fight. If I can't use fire, kanoka, or kanohi, (and I definitely cannot fly, not that there's anywhere to fly, being underwater.) than I see no reason to do anything for the remainder of the match.

  11. NujaniiNujanii was surrounded by clue and purple lights. When the lights were gone, Nujanii was back in Mahri Nui. He seemed to have lost some things and gained others. Nujanii checked his inventory.-Kanoka-Saradoin Godsword-harry potter wand-Chunk of chocolateNujanii attempted to size up the situation. He had been given an odd pair of gauntlets which allowed him control of coka-cola. He also had Toucha-Toucha talons which he had not yet divined the use of. Nujanii attempted to tap any other powers he might have. After some expiriments, Nujanii discovered that he could mentally activate the powers of teleportation and enhanced strength. Nujanii eventually also figured out that he could use lightning.And water conducted electricity.Nujanii's new powers reminded him of a fallen hero.

  12. Good night all.Never said I was going to quit. I can't really. We're the only veterans left. You more so than I, but still. If either one of us was to depart, I don't think the game would be the same for anyone.NujaniiNujanii found himself completely unrecognizable. His flames would not respond. He had no light saber. He was unarmed. No-- wait. He had powers... sort of. Nujanii found himself able, for example, to control cola. Nujanii went insane.Saradomin"Must I continually assist you?"Saradomin teleported Nujanii to an insane asylum until his next opportunity to post. (likely tomorrow morning)

  13. I did not melt any zero ice. I formed an iron sphere which saved me from it. Even if I had (and I don't remember doing so) think how powerful I am. Read my profile.I negated ToD's attack because I was fed up with him. The result of my negation was acceptably close to what my attack would have gained me had it not been negated- a brief respite from ToD's attacks.I didn't steal your weapon, I tore it from your hands, used telekinesis to stab it through someone and left it there. you should talk to Sybre about holding your weapon.Defend yourself? Not if I specify that it hit. For goodness sake, if I post that I slam you into the ground, I don't care if you post "I eat a magical mushroom and recover in half a second" as long as what I posted stays unaffected. You may magically recover from anything, ToD. That's part of the game. You disrespected my post, therefore I gave your post none of the respect I would usually. I may have acted imprudently, but I think I'm yet in the right.Though I ought not to have left Mahri Nui. You are correct on that account.You say I'm 'Bosslike.' That is so. I want to use my special weapon to its fullest extent. I've done this before. Check my profile. My VR's upgrades make it so that I can take on an infinite number of people (though not with gauranteed success.) I wanted to fight as many people as I could, thus giving me huge power. It ought to have worked perfectly. It would have, I think, but for a little attack negation from an unexpected source. The one guy here that has been here longer than all others. ToD. I expected more of you.If you wish me gone, than I might just take a few rounds off. I do have other things which I could do with my time, after all.If everyone hates me and refuses to admit any fault, I'll more likely do so.NujaniiNujanii was hit by whatever and was healed by his Virtus Robes.

  14. You negated my attack, reason or no, and that is simply intolerable. If you didn't deflect my attack, your next attack would not have occured. Therefore, I negated the result of your negation.NujaniiNujanii slammed ToD into the floor of the area with telekinesis. Nujanii then flew out of the water.

  15. Ninja'd. :/ Sorry ToD. No, actually I'm not sorry. You negated my attack. So no, I'm not going to modify my post.NujaniiNujanii was high in the air. So Junky had a long way to fall. Now having the power level of eight Toa, Nujanii slammed Junky into the ground with telekinesis.

  16. NujaniiNujanii created an orb of iron around himself which rendered the ice attacks useless. After the ice was gone, Nujanii lowered his metal defenses. He then encountered a whirlwind. This really didn't bother him too much, thanks to the VR. Nujanii heard ToD, then yelled to his less aerially agile opponent, "I do believe that you, sir, are incorrect." Drawing on his virtus robes, with the power of six Toa, Nujanii blasted ToD into the ground with a wave of fire and telekinesis. Nujanii then sent a nigh undodgable barrage of iron at Sybre. Nujanii sent JiMing to the ground with telekinesis.

  17. Read the previous posts, Evo.NujaniiNujanii easily melted the ice, rendering it useless. Nujanii's VR provided protection against non-physical attacks, including air, allowing Nujanii t retain his position. Nujanii smiled. He was fighting two people. His VR therefore gave him the power level of three Toa. Thie was going to be fun. Nujanii used telekinesis to rip the spear from JiMing's hands and stab Sybre.

  18. NujaniiNujanii took the hit, but used the opportunity to hit JiMing with an increase weight disk. He then cut the jetpacks off of the suit and melted them. He watched his doomed opponent fall.

  19. NujaniiNujanii's eyes were a cold blue behind his golden Kakama. Blue as those of a Toa of Ice. In slow motion, Nujanii easily evaded all of the ice spikes. Nujanii's eyes gleamed. This was aerial combat. This was what he was best at. This was where he was strong. And JiMing had no idea how powerful Nujanii was. Especially here.

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