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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii may not be the brightest bulb in the socket, but he was certainly pretty condemned close. Nujanii didn't bother to melt the ice, he siply flew out of range. high in the air, ToD would have to send a rather long distance attack at him. Added bonus to this: Nujanii flew fast enough to evade all the other attacks sent at him. Except a spike that had poked him in the heel. Another bonus: Nujanii could fly better than a Toa of Air. Nujanii summoned VR and LS. He was ready to power own!

  2. NujaniiNujanii tore all heat from the entire ocean and launched it in a devastating barrage of heat and flame at ToD. The result? Nujanii stood on top of a ginormous ice block while everyone else was frozen beneath his feet.

  3. No crash. I negated your post. We are driving on a highway in the middle of the desert. Read the history please.NujaniiNujanii telekinetically slapped Sybre in the face. Even though Sybre is stuck in a big block of ice that takes up most of the bus.You always were a ninja, Vert- er- iBrow. I oughtta get a volitak some time...Nujanii Nujanii found himself underwater.Crud.Nujanii could breath, due to the magic of the game, but he was as sure as Karzahnii not happy.

  4. Nujanii"Fire is NOT your specialty! It's MINE! Or one of mine, at least... BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT!!!"Without leaving the driver's seat (or even diverting his eyes from the road) Nujanii withdrew all heat in the bus and sent it at ToD in junction with a fire surge. The result? ToD's head poking out of a ginormous block of ice. Syber (ninja you) was frozen in and did not jump out (just because it's against the rules.) The block of ice fulled most of the bus. Except the front part where Nujaniii sat with his iPod.

  5. NujaniiNujanii withdrew the flames and hurled them out the window at a passing bone hunter (who promptly died.) Nujanii cranked up the volume and set Move Along playing throughout the bus.

  6. NujaniiNujanii shook his head and sighed. He pulled out his harry potter wand, teleported all fighters and the bus to Bara Manga, then returned the wand to his pack. For some reason there was a highway in the middle of the Bara Mangan desert. Nujanii pulled an iPod out of nowhere, plugged it into the bus speakers, then cleared the driver's seat. Nujanii hit the gas and Road to Nowhere began playing throughout the bus.

  7. NujaniiZezima teleported out of nowhere and handed Nujanii 5 rocktails and a super restore (4). Zezima left and Nujanii ate a rocktail, regaining his legs, then stucke the stuff into his pack. Nujanii would need it later. Nujanii hit ToD with a surge of fire, just because ToD had no immunity to it.

  8. NujaniiNujanii stuffed some chocolate into his mouth. As the powerful substance flowed through him, Nujanii noticed that his arm was back. Yay.Nujanii attempted to cut ToD's legs off with his laser blade.

  9. NujaniiOnce more, Nujanii's Virtus Robes had to save the day. "I love having healing powers. I really ought to post that upgrade that I made." Nujanii stood and drew an >o< on a nearby seat with fire. "Love Star Wars emoticons. Now, who can tell me what that is?"

  10. The dumb one? That'd be Kopaka, because 'dumb' means unable to talk. But we know that Kopaka is going to beat everyone else anyway, so the foreshadowing is completely useless.Also, you could make the word 'dumb' into a running gag. Just saying...

  11. NujaniiNujanii was thrown out of the bus half he was in. Everyone died.Saradomin"Your work here is not yet complete." Saradomin put the but back together, before explaining the usage of a loophole in the Guthixian edicts to an offended balance god.NujaniiNujanii felt himself alive and well... again. Nujanii cut ToD's arms, legs, and wings off, saying, "Well, then. I misunderstood you. What is your opinion on attack negation?"While Nujanii talked politics with ToD, he was sending fire at all other players while keeping eye contact with ToD.

  12. NujaniiNujanii peeked through the windows and viewed the end of Hero Factory, Barak Obama's last day in office, and the release of Star Wars episode 1 in theaters in 3D.Then Nujanii pulled his head back in. Nujanii drew his Harry Potter wand and fixed the bus. Junky was still a part of the bus, though, and Nujanii could not think of how to remove him. Nujanii shrugged and put his wand back into his pack.He then shot iron at Whale.

  13. NujaniiNujanii felt his Virtus Robes heal him. He was happy about his upgrade. He hadn't posted it though, which was not nice. But Nujanii did not have time to post it. So he was justified. Sort of. Anyway, Nujanii cut ToD into pieces, saying, "I thought you detested auto-hitting."

  14. NujaniiNujanii gasped as his left arm fell off. He quickly grabbed it and reattached it with duct tape. His Virtus Robes did the rest. "I visited him for the half year BZP was down." Nujanii made an iron prison for ToD.

  15. NujaniiNujanii melted his way out spectacularly with flames going in all directions. "A good friend of mine once said, 'Do or do not, there is no try." Nujanii then encaged JiMing in iron.

  16. I'm rather proud of this post.NujaniiNujanii had used strategy before. He would use it again. Nujanii anticipated the barage and used his kakama to get away from it. If Whale could throw explosives in a confined area and not take damage, then Nujanii decided that the safest place to be was where Whale was. So Nujanii used his Kakama to run behind Whale. Then Whale teleported. Nujanii had seen (and felt) this scene play out before. His opponent would teleport behind him and tap him on the shoulder, cut of Nujanii's head, or stab Nujanii. Nujanii had been on the receiving end of this common strategy far to much. He had modified his powers to fit this scenario (among others.) Nujanii's limited omniscience alerted him to Whale's position. Nujanii ducked the slash and stabbed Whale with a dagger. Nujanii withdrew the dagger and ignited it to clean it. Due to the laws of awesome, Nujanii had not been dirtied by the insides of Whale.

  17. NujaniiNujanii took half of Whale's attacks, while dodging the other half. His VR minimized his damage taken. Nujanii met his opponent's sword (it is a sword, right?) with his own, eventually getting the better of his anger driven (and therefore careless) opponent, and cutting off Whale's right arm.

  18. I don't like the term "sexist." I prefer "Gender segregationalist."That aside, If Lego wants to produce an utterly stereotypically girly product, I see no reason why they ought not to. If they think they can make a profit off of the line, that's good for the rest of us, even if we don't like the line. As someone above said, no one is forcing anyone to buy these things.Even if Lego is gender segregating, I see nothing to stop them from doing so. There's stuff for the Tom-boys too, right? *disclaimer: I am not knowledgeable concerning my preceding statements.

  19. NujaniiIn order to avoid the seemingly otherwise unavoidable destruction of the bus, Nujanii withdrew all fire from the inside of the bus. Nujanii then began to send iron spears at some random player. Meh. Why not the next person to post? Yes, Nujanii sent iron spears at the next person to post.

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