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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. And another veteran leaves. :(Darn. You were one of my favorite opponents. You and Blade. Shadok was fun too, I wonder what happened to him. Username change perhaps?NujaniiNujanii was surrounded by blue and purple light as he was teleported to the bus. He arrived and noticed something. cHaoS uTTeR. Like usual.Nujanii sent fireballs at everyone in the bus.

  2. NujaniiNujanii cut himself out of ToD's stomach. Due to the laws of awesome, he was completely dry (no nasty stuff). Nujanii turned and blasted ToD with fire, saying, "Have fun dealing with that big gash in your underside. Oh, and by the way, you no longer have your reinbringer, so this oughtta hurt."

  3. Why do I get the feeling that there are two or three other people playing?NujaniiNujanii easily evaded the acid. He was enjoying this. The air was his home turf!Wait a second.Forget it.Nujanii evaded the acid and flew behind ToD, taking advantage of JiMing's distraction of ToD and nailed the said Toa of Dancing in the back with a reconstitute at random disk. "Let's see how you like being un-normal. It'll wear off in a few posts, but I can always hit you again with another disk. That is, unless you fix his feet..."Nujanii flew back from ToD in order to avoid his retaliation. Who knows what ToD might do or be next. His changed might grant him new powers and/or take powers away. Only ToD's next post would tell.

  4. NujaniiNujanii's plan worked perfectly. Nujanii had to evade his disks, but that was of little consequence. ToD had unknowingly weakened his flags. Could it really be so? Nujanii looked again and-- yes! The flags were moving a bit more slowly. Nujanii hadn't weakened them much, but a sure as Fighty is awesome, Nujanii had weakened ToD's flags.Still, he was going to have to do better than that. Nujanii sent a rapid (kakama speed, people) stream of weakening disks at ToD. Nujanii was quite happy. He was the Kanoka sniper, doing what he did best-- shooting people from above. Nujanii enjoyed sending kanoka at an opponent while flying. For that matter, Nujanii enjoyed flying. But Nujanii loved flying, throwing kanoka and dodging all at the same time even more. In short, Nujanii was almost more a Toa of Air than Toa of Fire.Almost.

  5. Cash: 1.9 MilStats:Attack- 68Defense- 66Strength- 64Ranged- 50Prayer- 47Magic- 67Runecrafting- 49Construction- 42Dungeoneering-51Constitution (Helth Points/HP)- 66Agility- 34Herblore- 26Theiving- 48Crafting- 52Fletching- 50Slayer- 37Hunter- 20Mining- 63Smithing- 68Fishing- 63Cooking- 63Firemaking- 62Farming- 11Woodcutting- 63Summoning- 18

  6. NujaniiThe kitten fell over dead. "A little telekinesis applied correctly to the inside of an opponent can, when applied with x-ray vision or short ranged omniscience, be able to kill or stun an opponent." Nujanii batted the giant sword of painfullness aside with his light saber. Nujanii then darted around ToD, stabbing as he went. Nujanii then flew into the air and sent a barage of weakening kanoka at the pair.

  7. That was playful banter. No offence was meant. Don't be thin-skinned. Say something cool back, don't resort to name-calling.Nujanii"Do we need to call Black Six? Because you just evaded the word filter."Nujanii took the full onslaught of his opponent without so much as wincing. His VR deflected much energy and the power slash was nothing. As for the cherry bombs... well a little telekinesis can go a long way.

  8. Squishy! Yay! The world just got better!Nujanii"I dunno. Hobby I guess." Nujanii used his omniscience to reattach his head. Nujanii needed no duct tape; his head just popped back on. Maybe it had something to do with recent chocolate consumption. Whatever it was, Nujanii was fine.And that was bad news for JiMing.Nujanii engaged JiMing in melee combat. Using his Kakama to out-do his opponent, Nujanii cut off first JiMing's left arm, then his right. Nujanii then bowed to his victum and flew off at ToD.

  9. NujaniiAnd so Nujanii decapitated JiMing. Again. Except this time Nujanii double checked that he cut off JiMing's head. Nujanii then whirled back to ToD and sent a wave of fire at ToD, saying, "Maybe you ought to have kept the reinbringer.

  10. NujaniiNujanii summoned his VR, which rendered the tornado thing unsuper-effective. Nujanii ran at ToD, jumped, and (at kakama speed) kicked ToD in the face. The result? ToD's eyepatch fell off. Nujanii landed and spun, stabbing ToD with his light saber's laser blade. Nujanii then withdrew his weapon and attacked the next person other than ToD to post with his lightsaber's protosteel blade.

  11. NujaniiNujanii was stabbed and otherwise harmed. Nujanii withdrew his chunk of chocolate and took a bite. Immediately the power of chocolate coursed through him, healing him, purifying him, and strenghtening him. Nujanii put the chocolate back into his pack. Nujanii sent flames at ToD.

  12. NujaniiNujanii ignited the kittens around him. Nujanii stowed the minigun in his magical pack that can store just about everything while keeping weightless. Nujanii used his fire powers to withdraw all heat from around ToD and sent the KBD's to attack Beano. Nujanii then walked up to ToD and attempted to cut ToD to pieces with his laser blade. Unfortunately for ToD, Nujanii made sure to stay quite clear of the cannonball shooting mouth.

  13. In its ridiculousness it is elegant. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what sets ToD apart from all others. Period. NujaniiNujanii hastily erected iron walls around himself, protecting himself from the barrage. Nujanii checked his inventory for helpful items.-Harry Potter wand-Ringil-Chocolate chunk-kanoka-PSJS Currently disabled-pair of daggers-Garai disabledNujanii whipped out his wand and muttered a few words in latin. Immediately, Nujanii had a minigun fully loaded and ready to go. Nujanii stuck his wand in his pack (where it was safe) and prepared to activate his own plan.Nujanii lowered his iron barriers in ToD's direction and lit ToD up. Unfortunately, Nujanii missed ToD in the first few seconds, but Ronald McDonald was eliminated. Immediately. But this was no ordinary minigun.This minigun shot bullets that turned into three headed black dragons (called "king black dragons" or KBD's for short) after the victum was dead or if they missed. The KBD's would not harm Nujanii, but there were already several attacking ToD.And a couple were eating Big macs.

  14. Decapitate means to cut off a head. Revise your post please.NujaniiNujanii's shortranged omnipotence alerted him to the incoming missiles and he easily avoided the bolts of energy. He then whirled and sent iron spears (which the armor would not be able to affect) at JiMing, saying, "I don't try. I do or do not."

  15. NujaniiNujanii, noting that the matoran had all escaped, was free to destroy his opponents. Nujanii instantly ignited ToD and Beano. Nujanii ran at JiMing. Needing something to hit JiMing with, Nujanii summoned his LS and activated its protosteel blade. Nujanii proceeded to decapitate JiMing. Nujanii then began cutting Big Mac's to pieces with his laser blade.

  16. NujaniiNujanii hopped off of the bus and entered McDonalds. He noted the giant evil big macs. He also noted that several matoran had just been eaten. Nujanii would have to distract the big macs so that the matoran could escape.Nujanii sent fire at all of the big macs and began flying around, big macs chasing him. Matoran used this chance to exit.Nujanii was a Toa. The easy thing to do would be to let the matoran get eaten and use their deaths as cover to get himself a hiding place. But Toa didn't have the luxury of doing the easy thing. Besides, this was more fun anyway.

  17. Good characterization of Kopaka. You are not doomed to an eternal sentence in the wastelands of ko-wahi. (MNOLG2 reference)Poor Breez. Nex is really going to get it when it wears off of her! REALLY going to get it. Nex is going to be dead, body and heart.

  18. I apologize for my inactivity. I've been busy.NujaniiNujanii, not having read the previous posts, was hit by whatever and had to take time to recover. He then stood and instantaneously ignited every other player. Not that that was a great number...

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