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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. Well look, JL. I'm not going to mention any names, but some people don't seem to understand something. When someone posts something, it's almost always a good idea to accept their post as concrete truth and accept anything they post. The only times that I can think of that would be good to negate an attack or dodge/block an auto-hit would be:A) A PIG worthy actionB ) something that directly (Or maybe indirectly, depending) contradicts another's defensive power(s) or special weapon.For example.ToD used his Reinbringer in a no-special weapons round. I did not negate it.Someone shocked me with electicity while I had my PSJS. I took the hit but no damage. Indirect post contradiction.(Hypothetical example) Someone does a nova blast and the very next post uses the same elemental power WITHOUT special weapon intervention. I would PIG that person. Maybe. Or I might just negate it.Does that help, oh entity of beans?Oh, and it's rather a pity that Pahrak left. He was usually a fun guy to fight. Until he reworked his character, that is. :/

  2. NujaniiNujanii was shocked. By Beano. Partially by the lightning (though the VR rendered that of little consequence), but mostly by Beano's appearance. Horns and tentacles and... well, Nujanii didn't look too closely, but his limited omniscience told him much that he would rather not know. Nujanii hoped that the disks would wear off in the next five (of JL's) posts or so. However, for the next few hours (or posts) Beano would have many appendages that he ought not to.

  3. 37 guests :D They all came to see me. :PNujaniiNujanii was fortunately airborne and therefore out of range of ToD's attacks. Nujanii threw a reconstitute at random disk at ToD. At least, he meant to throw it at ToD. It was rather hard to aim with all the light and his limited omniscience was rather... near-sighted.Nujanii flew up and dumped a bunch of reconstitute at random disks in a downward direction. Anyone below him was about to get a makeover.

  4. NujaniiNujanii knew all that Beano had done and said. Nujanii, being better in the air than a Toa of Air, evaded the bullets and used his fire powers to do something unexpected. Nujanii took heat from the air above Beano, but not enough to freeze the water vapor. Instead it condensed and Beano found himself being rained upon. "Creativity. That's what sets some powers apart."

  5. NujaniiNujanii once competed with Lewa Nuva for best flyer. Lewa lost.Nujanii evaded some winds, weathered others, and all around managed to stay airborne.Nujanii summoned Iruni. Iruni joined him in the air and calmed the tempest around them. Nujanii found himself without special weapons. So he summoned his light saber and virtus robes. Now at his usual awesome level, he was ready to compete, despite being out of his element. This was ToD's element. Therefore, ToD would fight better here than anywhere else. ToD could draw strength from the crowd. ToD was neigh invincible here.Nujanii had been wanting such a challenge.

  6. Nujanii"There is a difference in having fire powers and being a Master of fire."Nujanii absorbed the fire. He redirected its heat to melt the rock beneath Beano's feet and the bottoms of Beano's feet, then removed the heat. The result: Beano's feet were fused to the rock."It took weeks to perfect that move."Nujanii sent a small fireball at Beano, knowing that both ToD and Beano had no fire resistance, despite their fiery special weapons.

  7. I edited my post after you posted. Oops. Still, Kopaka is a god. He took on a makuta single handedly (Solek doesn't count) in 2008 and nearly succeeded (darn mental attack) in pulverizing him. As it was, Kopaka would have killed Mutran if Antroz hadn't interfered.

    Ascribing deity to Bionicle characters is not a good idea. However, I will admit that Kopaka has more skill than you give him credit for. Especially in Mask of Light, where he completely owned Tahu.
    When I refered to Kopaka as a god, I meant not that he was omniscient or omnipresent. I meant that he was extremely powerful. Yes, however, I could have found a better adjective.
  8. NujaniiWith a combination of being a Toa of fire and wearing VR, Nujanii was immune to the flames. Nujanii did what any decent jedi would do: He cut a perfect hole in the wall (of flags) and stepped out. Nujanii then clashed swords with ToD, saying, "Why dost ye attempt to defeat me at that which I am both immune to and master of? And dost thou not know that I weild the mighty power of telekinesis? And of iron? Ye had better prepare a better cage next time. Though, by faith I certainly don't wish for ye to implement it now!" Nujanii, without looking from ToD, stopped the Berzerker sword in mid-air with telekinesis. Nujanii then said (in no accent, only ToD was worthy of being addressed in an accent according to Nujanii) to Beano, "Why so wrathful? Can you not see that we're having a little melee here? Or will be anyway..."Nujanii slashed at kakama speed at ToD's left side.

  9. JiMing, I gave you no room to dodge or block. You were stabbed. That was attack negation. Attack negation is a big no-no.NujaniiToD would have been super effective, but for one thing. Flags are flamable. Nujanii was shocked by the lighting, but not to a noteworthy extent, thanks to his VR. Nujanii then walked to the edge of the big rock he stood on and sent several iron projectiles at ToD. Nujanii noted with approval as Iruni stabbed JiMing (I'm giving you a second chance here, I advise you take it) before returning to Nujanii's side. Nujanii and Iruni blasted ToD with fire and wind (Forgetting completely ToD's powers) before Iruni vanished once more into stealth mode. Nujanii wished that he was as stealthy as the nigh invisible Iruni. In fact, Nujanii had no idea where Iruni had gone. Nujanii shrugged. Nujanii jumped into the air and flew at ToD, light saber bared and laser blade on. "Try cutting through this with your massive fire-sword!" Nujanii knew that the reinbringer could not be sliced through, but neither could his laser cut through the sword. The blades would act as normal swords against each other.Except that they looked a lot cooler than ordinary blades.

  10. NujaniiNujanii was hit a bunch. However, he had a few tricks left. Not that he intended to use any of then at the moment . Nujanii flew to JiMing, and said, "Not at all." Nujanii blasted JiMing across the battlefield with a combination of telekinesis and fire. Nujanii noticed approvingly that Iruni had left the shadows and stabbed JiMing. Iruni returned to the shadows to avoid retaliation. Nujanii was glad that the ninja was on his side.

  11. I'll try to spell it right from now on, Pahrak. However, it does not justify your actions. You used the misspelling to negate my attacks. Later, you completely ignored being thrown into a big rock. You are not the morally superior one here.Nujanii"Feel free. That's what old timers are for!" Nujanii used his telekinesis to slow Beano down. Nujanii used his Kakama to speed himself up. Nujanii met each slash and managed to (after a minute or two) relieve Beano of his sword. Nujanii then ignited the ground under Beano . "Now, let's try this without the Drago blaster. Unless you insist, of course."

  12. NujaniiOut of the corner of Nujanii's eye, he saw Beano using special weapons. Powerful looking special weapons. Nujanii decided to put them to the test. Nujanii crouched and as he jumped into the air, a golden glow surrounded him, emanating from his kanohi. A golden sphere surrounded Nujanii. And he heard Saradomin say, I have modified your armor to better serve me. The golden sphere dissipated and Nujanii hovered above Zadakh, kept in the air with his flames alone. Like usual. Nujanii shot over to Beano, using his Kakama to hasten his trip. Nujanii kicked Beano in the face at kakama speed with his full momentum. Then he passed over Beano's head, flew five feet away, landed, and spun to face Beano. Nujanii began to walk to where Beano and JiMing were. Flames erupted around his feet when they touched the ground. Nujanii's light saber had its solid blade deployed and ignited. Nujanii stopped 3 feet in front of Beano. Nujanii said, "Beano, why do you torment this recently added member to our establishment?"

  13. I edited my post after you posted. Oops. Still, Kopaka is a god. He took on a makuta single handedly (Solek doesn't count) in 2008 and nearly succeeded (darn mental attack) in pulverizing him. As it was, Kopaka would have killed Mutran if Antroz hadn't interfered.

  14. Er-- in the cannon he took on five rahshi (and nearly succeeded) when Pohatu and Onua (the strongest of the Toa Nuva) couldn't handle 3 between them. Kopaka owns the world. Though, that's in the canon. I guess this is your comedy. I hope Breez falls in love with Nex, he tries so hard.

  15. Really, Pahrak? Attack negation? Through a misspelling of your name? You knew at whom I aimed. Therefore, you should have taken the hit.EDIT IN RESPONSE TO iBROW'S BELOW POST: Yay.NujaniiNujanii melted the ice. Nujanii snuck up beside Zadakh. Nujanii then grabbed Zadakh's Kualsi and put it in his pack. Nujanii then punched Zadakh in the face, saying, "Don't... Negate... attacks... through... minutia!" Nujanii then threw Zadakh into a big rock and yelled, "Well, Zahdak, got the idea yet?"

  16. NujaniiBut no preparation could assist Zadak. Iruni, Ninja as he was, stabbed Zahdak in the back. Nujanii decapitatied Zahdak. The pair then generated a lava tornado around Zadak. Iruni retreated to the shadows.

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