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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii and Iruni emerged from the shadows behind Zadahk. Quickly, the pair attacked. Nujanii cut Zahdak in half at the waist. Iruni stabbed MM2. Nujanii turned to Zahdak's upper half. "Now, what would a Vahki like you know of teamwork?"Iruni the ninja slipped once more into the shadows, ready to harm anyone he chose. Except Nujanii of corse.

  2. NujaniiNujanii exited the windstorm with assistance from a newly summoned Toa Iruni. Nujanii and Iruni went into stealth mode. Iruni, being a ninja, was nigh invisible. Nujanii and Iruni snuck up behind ToD and unleashed a flame tornado on ToD. Then the pair disappeared into the shadows. Which wasn't easy for Nujanii.

  3. Tahu: What if you walk into a trap you can’t escape from?Furno: We won’t run into any of those.This^Kopaka is a god. He doesn't need to be in the class. He could beat up everyone else in the class. With both hands tied behind his back. He will not be trapped. He is going to beat all the villains by himself.Got it?

  4. NujaniiNujanii was hit by an all encompassing blast of energy. Nujanii was glad that he had picked his VR over his PJSJ. Nujanii flew to Zadahk and kicked him bakc into a tornado. Unfortunately Nujanii was sucked into a tornado. This wouldn't have been too big a problem if this wasn't a stone tornado. This had rocks.Big ones.Nujanii encapsulated himself with iron and waited out the storm.

  5. Look, Pharak. Your actions were realistic. But they contradicted my post directly. Therefore, they are unrealistic by the logic of the game. Unless there is an offence worthy of the PIG, don't negate attacks. Seriously, it only stirs up trouble. Unless you have a negator built into a special weapon or your powers list, of course. But that's different.NujaniiNujanii froze. It was cold. He didn't like it. (Bionifight 2 reference)Nujanii melted his way out of the ice. Nujanii looked at ToD. Nujanii looked at Zadakh. Nujanii looked at Vertak. Why was Vertak riding a flying PIG? Nujanii then recalled that Vertak had been made the moderator. Which explained the PIG. And the location.Nujanii stepped on Zadakh's face. Nujanii then flew over to ToD. Nujanii attempted to cut ToD in half. (Note to Pahrak: I'm giving him a chance to dodge, because I'm not saying that I cut him in half. I'm saying that I attempted it. Now it's up to ToD to choose whether to block dodge, or take it.)

  6. A shield. Like a metal thing with a handle. Not energy. Physical. Stone or iron would have been fine. A shield would have been fine. Energy? No.I know. The energy waves which you refer to were from Pahrak.Evo, I'm in stealth mode.NujaniiNujanii, still in stealth mode, snuck behind Zahdak. Zadakh was asleep. So instead Nujanii snuck up behind JiMing. He tapped JiMing on the shoulder and Nujanii--BAMNujanii hastily regained altitude. Junky had hit him and hit him hard. Nujanii had been in stealth mode. How could he have been hit? Nujanii, head reeling, resolved to get a Huna. Nujanii shook his head to clear it. He was still dizzy. Disoriented, Nujanii couldn't aim right. Nujanii shot fire in all directions, boosted by his VR.

  7. Attack negation, Pahrak. I said that the disk hit. Therefore, you cannot dodge. If you have a shield or something, you can block. But you cannot just knock it aside. That's attack negation. I gave you a chance to do something funny. Like the mutations of Karda Nui way back in Bionifight 2.NujaniiBut Zahdak and Junky had forgotten Nujanii's light saber. With a push from his mind, Nujanii had walls of iron around him that protected him from junky and temporarily stopped the energy wall. Nujanii hit himself with a teleportation disk and ended up on a rock far from Zadakh and the rest of the Bionifighters.But they thought he was still in the iron capsule.Nujanii went into stealth mode and began sniping with kanoka. Buisness as usual. Nujanii nailed Junky with a freeze disk.

  8. You are new. You do need to learn. MoC1 is a guy. He has a female character named BZPP. Just so you know. Yes, Beano ought not to have called you an arrogant fool.In my expirience, there are two types of "noob." They are both comprised of players new to a game/website/whatever. One group is obnoxious and slanderous. The other is hardworking and polite, always willing to learn, and thick skinned. Remember this. Also, know that I am not categorizing you. This is a generalization. I am not pointing anyone out in particular.NujaniiNujanii was frozen in mid air. He had to melt himself and regain altitude. He yelled at JiMing, "Oi! You'd be between a rock and a hard place without that special weapon of yours!"Nujanii then sent a few iron spears at Beano. He then half heartedly threw a fireball in JiMing's general direction. "Still, you are new..."

  9. NujaniiBut all Beano found in his mouth was a chunk of Vertus Robe. Which simply regenerated itself. Nujanii flew a few thousand Bio and then dropped beano. Nujanii had no idea whether Beano could fly or not.

  10. NujaniiNujanii had not been expecting Beano to turn around. Therefore, Nujanii wasn't caught off guard. Nujanii instead grabbed beano's ankle (Is that how you spell that?) and flew upwards at kakama speed. The Beans weren't quick enough to stop Nujanii!

  11. NujaniiWhen Beano rolled, Nujanii backflipped. THe result was that Nujanii faced Beano's back. So Nujanii tapped Beano on the shoulder. If Beano turned round, Nujanii would punch Beano in the face.

  12. JiMing, you honestly think that we have enmity for someone simply because they've played for less lenghty spans of time than we ourselves? If Beano corrects you for something you did incorrectly, it's usually a good idea to accept correction and move on.As for "beat up the noobs," I think I may have said that in the past. I'm sorry. I ought not to have said it. The comment was not meant to be offensive. Besides, guys. Let's not be thin skinned here.As for "Veterans," the only Veterans still around are Cole, ToD, Nujanii, Vertak (our current game moderator), and BZPP. I used their roleplay names on purpose. It's ok to be friends with us. Except iBrow. :P But, on a more serious note, if you think you're being ganged up on, please don't be afraid to say so. It used to be against the rules. I don't know if it still is. If it isn't, though, you have to make a choice. Do you enjoy being ganged up upon. When everyone attacks me, it's usually a compliment. I know it isn't when someone complains about "being a boss."Also, please state that which you post in a civil manner.NujaniiNujanii's shielding kanoka took the blast. Nujanii smiled and drew his light saber. He activated the laser blade, and (kakama activated) attempted to slash Beano in half. (note to Pahrak- I didn't say that I cut him in half. I said that I attempted it. This is giving him a chance to dodge, block, or whatever. To state that I did something [as in cutting you in half] is auto hitting. Just take the hit when this occurs.)

  13. Attack negation. Bad Pahrak, bad. Never negate an attack. Well, there are times, but those are RARE. BAD PAHRAK.:PNujaniiNujanii turned to JiMing, saying, "You know he's using fire immunity powers, right?" Nujanii then impaled Zahdak's upper half on an iron spear.

  14. NujaniiNujanii ducked a shockwave. However this caused him to lose alititude. He was hit by the phycic attacks, though. Nujanii flew up into Zadakh's face and yelled, "I DON'T KNOW YOU ANYMORE!!!"Nujanii then hit Zadakh in the face with a weakening disk and chopped Zadakh in half with his light saber's laser blade.

  15. Mr Mewtwo is a bit overpowered. I think it'd be right for it to be only invisible or something.NujaniiNujanii melted his way out of the ice, with assistance from the strenght kanoka. He then blasted Zadak in the back with a fire blast. "I trained for six months during the Great Downtime with greater result than you have shown." Nujanii summoned his Virtus robes (finally) and used his laser blade to slash Zadak in half. "You were more fun while you were more 'goofy and untrained.'"

  16. NujaniiNujanii anticipated Zahdak and did something unexpected. Nujanii hit himself with a shielding kanoka. Nujanii, completely unaffected. "When I said that I meant-- never mind. Now I should say something epic back before the kanoka wears off... um... Oh I know! *cough* And I am Nujanii, Kanohi master, kanoka sniper, lord of heat and flame, last practitioner of Nutajaka! I am not destined to be defeated by you, mechanical scum!"Nujanii hit himself with a level 8 shielding kanoka, level 8 strength kanoka, and a level 8 speed kanoka. Nujanii then threw a weakening kanoka from ko-metru, level 8, at Zahdak, yelling, "I AM NUJANII!!!"

  17. NujaniiNujanii did some fantastic dodging. However, even while alseep, Nujanii could not dodge everything. Dream Eater finally woke Nujanii. Nujanii faced Zahdak. "You've changed. You're not the vahki I fought before. You're now simply a machine made to defeat me. There's one thing though." Nujanii blasted the Sanok wearing toa with iron, spontaneously killing all. "You had better not get overconfident. You've seen all I can do, right? WRONG!"

  18. Actually, it's not whether you beat me or not, it's your fighting style. You've changed your character and special weapons. I'm essentially fighting someone new. This isn't always a bad thing. I enjoyed fighting Cuer and Toa Makuta, for example. BZPP is less fun than TM and Cuer, though that's not the point.NujaniiNujanii and ToD had one peculiar special ability in common- sleep-based luck. Nujanii, without waking managed to right himself and fly quickly over the beam. And, being asleep, the psycic powers wouldn't bother him too much. "smurgle... murf... borg.. gurgle..." (Obscure reference)

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