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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. I had acually considered getting upgrades for my special weapons before others did so, but I had only intended to give them extra powers. Like giving my VR the ability to double my health in bossfights. Speaking of which, I want you to promise me that, regardless of the future, I can fight the next boss with ALL of my special weapons, powers and weapons.More detail is not better. In fact, it's often outside of the spirit of the game.NujaniiNujanii ducked a bowling ball, then rammed into Beano.

  2. I don't really like the "statistic" idea. It just doesn't work well. Next thing you know our powers and weapons will be re-examined.Though I am glad that I get to choose three instead of none. I don't like most of these changes. We usually knew about how powerful our weapons are supposed to be; we really didn't need to be told. I like ToD's idea. I say we have a limit on special weapons in a modifier. For example, for one round we may have all of them, for another just two or something like that. The stats and the limits just are outside of the spirit of the game.Well, that's how I see it. Fine, I won't call the recently added members of the game noobs. NujaniiNujanii appeared. Not much else to say. He waited for someone else to hit him.

  3. It is really slow. Oh, and the fireball was meant to have two elements behind it- Fire and Surprise.Nujanii"Outclass? You definitely outclass me. But you don't and cannot outclass Armadyl and Saradomin. Neither are you invincible. Let's see, is THIS stepping it up?" Nujanii summoned six Toa Vakama Hordika, who all charged their rhotuka spinners to near Nova Blast levels and shot them at Khakadaz. Due to the intervention of Armadyl, each and every one of the spinners hit squarely on target. "Can you deal with nearly six Nova Blasts at once? I've excersized some pretty epic fire powers today, but nothing the equal of what my brothers just unleashed upon you.

  4. Definestrate- A finestra is a window. Latin. Basicly defenestration is throwing out of a window.NujaniiNujanii killed off all of the arivals with a surge of fire. Except Tahu Nuva with a vahi. Nujanii took the Vahi and stuck it in his pack. He would want that later. Nujanii then turned his attention back to Khadaz-thing.

  5. Err-so they're immortal, and ultrapowerful. And yet they're taking damage?NujaniiNujanii took all attacks and healed just because he could. "Lhikan was said to be worth six toa. Let's see if I'm at his level!" Nujanii picked up Khadaz and definestrated him.

  6. NujaniiNujanii grunted and then healed. "Well I'm also unstoppable. Unless you have a certain artifact, but I won't tell you what it is." Nujanii decapitated Khadaz-thing. (Don't you dare negate that) "Fix THAT, book creature!" At that moment Zezima teleported in.

  7. NujaniiNujanii was immediately healed. Khadaz thing could not heal himself, though. Nujanii wished he could fight just players sometimes. Nujanii summoned Krahka, who turned into Khadaz thing (or whatever it is) and began to fight with Khadaz-thing with its own powers. Nujanii was therefore saved from Khadaz-thing's attack. Nujanii let those two fight, then put the godsword in his pack and turned to Zahdak. "You brought that thing into the world. You're going to help me take it out. Or I'll get rid of you. With the power of two gods, it'd be easy to kill you. But you know more of those things than I. Therefore, I need you alive. Well, no I don't, but it'd be nice to have you alive."

  8. How anti-climactic is it to win a round and gain nothing but a 'congratulations, you won'? How anti-climactic to spend hours getting multiple special weapons, just to lose them in a refresh? If I lose them again, I'm going to seriously reconsider my time spent here. Would I be better off dedicating my Bionifight time to schoolwork? Or Runescape? Or a traditional RPG? I wouldn't really be all that missed by anyone but a handful of veterans anyway...Think of it this way: is it really worth my time to rebuild my current status? If not, do I have enough fun to justify playing this game anyway?NujaniiNujanii was definestrated. However, he was teleported back in and healed by his divine assistants. "Now kick their rear ends!" Armadyl needed not encourage Nujanii. Nujanii grabbed a few 2006 BIONICLE books and opened them until Vezon popped out. Nujanii grabbed the spear of fusion and used it on Khadaz-thing.

  9. Maybe you're right about the incentive issue. However, I don't like the "coinage" system. It'd take too long to get special weapons. 1 win=1 special weapon. I don't think we ought to lose any special weapons. But, to accommodate the noobs, I guess there are only three choices. 1- lose all special weapons. 2- keep only 1-3 special weapons. 3- lose all your special weapons for ten rounds or so to give new players a chance to earn special weapons and then get all or at least some back.NujaniiFortunately for Nujanii, Beano was on the other side of the room. By the time Beano was in striking range of Nujanii, Nujanii was ready. the plasma sword slices thin air. Nujanii sent him back to the other side of the room with his god-level fire powers.

  10. ANOTHER reset!? Come on! You mean I'll have to re-earn my PSJS a THIRD time!? Can't we just keep 2 or three? Yeah yeah, noobs don't stand a chance, but hey, doesn't that just give an inclination to play more and/or better. Besides; winning isn't based on who beats everyone else to a pulp. No one likes to loose the fruits of their labor. I've played a good while to aquire 5 special weapons and I'm not privy to loosing them just to give noobs even footing. A reset is not nessesary, like the past two (I don't know about the first one; I wasn't here for Bionifight 1) and I don't think it's a good idea. Period.YES!!! CHANGES IN WINNING REQUIREMENTS!!! Have 'creativity' as a factor.iBrow modifier gone-yes. Tag team modifier gone-no. I like pairing with another player and fighting everyone else.YES, SPECIAL WEAPONS CATEGORIES!!! Defense and offence ought to be enough though.Round numbers are good. Please don't do letters. And for heaven's sake, don't do another reset after 26 rounds if you do!NujaniiNujanii turned his flame powers on JiMing. He executed a fire stream with a large radius. JiMing had better have a pretty good block/dodge for it. And Nujanii had evaporated the water; JiMing couldn't just dive. Nujanii used his fire powers to blast Beano into a wall when he got too close and tried to stab Nujanii.

  11. Percy was stated as dead a good few times but myself and someone else. If you say otherwise, it's attack negation. If you negate an attack, you'd better have a Karzahni good reason for it!NujaniiNujanii grabbed a copy of the Bible and opened it. Out came Black six, who slapped him in the face and told Nujanii to do all in his power to avoid religious controversy. Nujanii then evaporated all water in the Library and blasted Percy Jackson to death with fire. (If you negate that I'm going to PIG you. I mean it this time.)

  12. NujaniiNujanii was tired of BZPP's Valar Kaita. She had missed one important character, however. Nujanii upened the silmarillion and summoned forth Illuviar who took all of the Tolkeinian Characters back to middle earth. Nujanii then sent a few low power (to a god) fire balls at Zahdak.

  13. Some of those have already been killed, BZPP. Please revise your post.Nujanii"Three or four in one..." Nujanii trailed off dramatically. Nujanii summoned a hau wearing Toa of Ice and Varien. Nujanii made a Kaita with the pair and used the hau to prevent all post-kaita hits. Nujanii-kaita then sent a barage of ice at Khadaz, which froze him solid. Nujanii-kaita then melted the ice and Khadaz.

  14. NujaniiNujanii created a massive flare up of flames from below Khadaz. "I am but the outlet of two greater than I."But that did not stop Nujanii from making full use of the powers granted him by the gods. He sent more lethal blasts and created more unblockable undodgeable fire from below which rendered Khadaz unlikely to evade the lethal blasts.

  15. NujaniiZezima suddenly found himself in Lumbridge. Nujanii stood alone in a corner of the room, Armadyl and Saradomin having teleported him. All of the book-summoned people had died. Nujanii pulled out his librarian's blaster and sent several lethal blasts at Khadaz.

  16. NujaniiNujanii was joined by Zezima who stood back to back with Nujanii. Zezima killed one Khadaz, Nujanii another, and soon Zezima and Nujanii stood back to back facing identical foes.Past-Nujanii opened one of the Tolkein books that BZPP had missed; the book of lost tales. Nujanii yelled a call to arms in Quenya and was joined by a host of elves. The last Khadaz replica died fast.

  17. NujaniiThe purpose of these energy beams was to send the pair flying across the room. Well, Zezima landed hard, and had to eat, but Nujanii evaded his beam and found himself two feet from where he had been; Nujanii could credit to divine intervention alone. Nujanii used his Saradomin sword to, faster than the eye can blink, slice off Khadaz's head.

  18. NujaniiNujanii drew his daggers, then sheathed them. Zezima pulled out a pair of Saradomin Godswords. The two attacked Khadaz in tandem, Nujanii ready to shield the pair at a milisecond's notice.

  19. NujaniiNujanii roared back at Khadaz, "BY ZEZIMA, I WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS!!!" Nujanii immediately healed. Having god-level powers does have interesting side effects.Past-Nujanii got the hint and opened a book entitled "RS famous players wiki." Out popped Zezima, weilding his dragon dagger and wearing a completionist cape.Nujanii yelled to him, "Fellow RS player, I call upon your aid!" Zezima walked over and executed the Dragon Dagger's special attack on Khadaz

  20. NujaniiNujanii was expecting Khadaz to do something like that. Nujanii met Khadaz's blade, then ducked the laser vision-like attack. Nujanii was enjoying gods' semi-omniscience. Nujanii hit Khadaz with a weakening disk, saying, "If there are three things I do well, they're using kanohi, throwing Kanoka, and manipulating fire."Past-Nujanii looked on his future counterpart in awe.

  21. NujaniiNujanii sent streams of fire at all his opponents. Nujanii accidentally killed PJ. Nujanii switched to the magic skillcape once more.

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