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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii switched to an agility skillcape and was almost immediately at the other end of the library. Nujanii opened a book and Armadyl came forth. Nujanii quickly shut the book to prevent Zamorak's exit. Saradomin convinced Armadyl to assist Nujanii. Nujanii had now the power of two gods behind him, and one of those was Armadyl. Nujanii had little to no chance of missing.

  2. Nujanii"I have absolutely no idea, to be honest. I can only trust to Saradomin's wisdom."Nujanii began with a slash, using an ignited dagger, just to see what would happen.Past-Nujanii yelled at Percy Jackson, "OI! PJ! Riptide won't work on us, we're mortal!"

  3. Nujanii"I am a god and am bound by Guthix not to tamper directly in mortal affairs."Nujanii sighed."However, I can boost your abilities and strengths and all that, making you a match for your opponents. Nujanii, take now my blessing."Nujanii was surrounded in a golden light. When it cleared, he was wearing a trimmed magic cape."I thank you, Saradomin. Since you can tamper in divine affairs, please destroy Posidon. I will deal with his son.""I will heed your advice; good and faithful servent."

  4. NujaniiNujanii realized all that had happened. He was annoyed at not having his PSJS. Nujanii ran to the fantasy section and grabbed a familiar book. He opened it to let out one character and ONLY one.Saradomin.

  5. NujaniiPast-Nujanii used his kakama to evade the attack. The two Toa then began to send streams of fire at the fleeing Zahdak. Past-Nujanii brought Zahdak to the ground with his Garai, then the two poured a wave of fire on the downed vahki.

  6. NujaniiNujanii and Nujanii abandoned their Kanohi Dragon mounts and ran on foot over to Zahdak. Past-Nujanii used his kakama to run around Zahdak at high speed, stabbing as he went. Nujanii delivered several fireballs to the Vahki, yelling "You will FALL to the past!!!"

  7. NujaniiVertak was riding Cuer. Nujanii and Nujanii were both riding Kanohi dragon mounts, with the current Nujanii being the more skillful. "How did I get so good?" Asked Past-Nujanii."I practiced for almost half a year while BZP was down.""BZP will go down? What will I do!?""I already told you. Train like Karzahni!."The two Kanohi dragon riders destroyed a pair of librarians and took their blasters. Nujanii and Nujanii both set theirs on 'stun.' They then began shooting librarians and Bionifighters; past and present.

  8. I really hate one hit wonder rounds. Well, at least it's not one hit wonder and no-weapons...This is a nice setting. A good idea, MoC1.NujaniiNujanii definestrated Einkedu. Nujanii then burned Gilgamesh to death. Nujanii then noticed an alien. Nujanii ignored it. He walked over to the shelf. He picked up a book entitled 'Bionifight 2.' "Looks good." Nujanii opened the book and faced himself. Nujanii and Nujanii gave each other a fist pump and fought the combined power of Cuer, Vertak, and ToD.

  9. NujaniiNujanii picked fire. As usual. Nujanii knew that here he could wreck havok. Not that he wanted to; but if he needed a distraction there was plenty of fodder. Nujanii, being the genius he was, opened the Epic of Gilgamesh, And was soon fighting for his life against both Gilgamesh AND Einkedu.

  10. NujaniiNujanii anticipated his opponent's attack. Nujanii had two options: dodge, or let himself get hit. Nujanii let himself get hit. As Beano swung towards him, Nujanii (at Kakama speed) moved so that Beano hit him in the stomach, on the left side. As Beano went forward, Nujanii's right side moved towards Beano as his left moved away. As his right moved towards Beano, Nujanii stabbed Beano. He then withdrew his sword and, to make matters worse for Beano, created a wall of iron, floor to ceiling, directly in front of the swinging [insert Beano's species here].

  11. Jl, you said "Unable to block." So this stab may be dodged, right? Also, you said that the result of the stab would be a smack in the face. Are you turning it off and hitting me in the face with the handle? I'm just going to dodge it to avoid confusion.NujaniiNujanii had underestimated his opponent's speed. However, Beano had underestimated Nujanii's speed. Nujanii ducked the stab. Nujanii then cartwheeled around Beano, then attempted to stab him in the back before the kakama-less Beano could turn around. As he did so, Nujanii dimly registered that there were rifle rounds rebounding off of his PSJS and RSotS. Nujanii decided to ignore them. If a shot was aimed at a place where it could do damage, the Arthron would alert him.

  12. The BIONICLE confusion power provides disorientation.NujaniiZahdak was startled to find that Nujanii had escaped the bowl before him. In fact, Nujanii was munching a chunk of chocolate. "That was easy. Especially since I can fly."

  13. Lightsaber hilts- maybe another time, I guessDragon scimmy- Well, I guess you could use a lego scimmy as a base, but the handle'd need to be mostly or completely changed. the crossguard is all wrong, and so is the pommel. You'd have to add spikes too. I suppose that that would not be too great an issue.Dark bow- I suppose that if you used the bow from the elf collectible minifigure it'd work... with heavy modification. I mean HEAVY.How much would each custom item cost? Just so you know, as you require that I get the materials for you, I really cannot order until I have them. I want to know if it can be done, how it would be done, and then what it would cost to do it.

  14. I wonder if Confusion would be blocked by my Boots of Healing. They give mental shielding...I'll look it up on BS01...EDIT: Nope, confusion disorients. says nothing about mental tampering.NujaniiNujanii was expecting a confusion attack. So he managed to, with great difficulty, shake it off without hurting himself. However, as he did so he was very exposed...

  15. NujaniiNujanii pointed his jetpacks back and ignited them. Momentum canceled out and he landed lightly on the ground. "Wasn't expecting that."Nujanii flew over the now-grounded Zahdak shooting fire at his downed opponent.

  16. NujaniiNujanii, seeing a golden opportunity, yelled, "Elvarg was tougher than you. And she's a girl! No offence, BZPP..."Nujanii turned his lightsaber to "laser" and slashed the incoming wing. If Zahdak didn't get that wing away pronto, it was going to be history. As it was, Nujanii had cut half way through the wing. If Nujanii cut through the wing all the way, Zahdak would be grounded while in dragon mode.

  17. Unless someone negated your post (a big no-no usually), there was no way to stop you from giving me the kakama. Just FYI.NujaniiAnd so Pahrak wrote it. And so it happened. Nujanii landed on the ground. Hard. His VR were in tatters. The VR fixed themselves. Nujanii, with a headache, said, "Ok, I guess your nerb powers put me on equal terms with you. Except for one thing. Nujanii used his Kakama to ran to Zahdak and he slashed with his Light saber. "Thanks to my PSJS, I took next to no damage. Now, isn't it a pity that you didn't think to pack a kanoka Jutlin?"

  18. I kinda feel bad beating you guys to a pulp, but it'd be unrealistic not to. However, if I weaken myself, like so, it's more realistic for me to not dodge everything.NujaniiNujanii noticed that his Kakama had been snatched by a group of rahkshi. He began to melee them.

  19. NujaniiIt was dark. Nujanii couldn't find his Kakama. Furthermore, he was standing in the middle of a tornado. Not a big deal, his RSotS took care of that, but it made his Kakama harder to find.

  20. Not what I meant. Not at all. Forget my boss comment. I meant it as a joke. Though I would consider being a boss in the future, if asked. But I ment it not as an ego-boosting comment.Nujanii"I am the kanohi master. I am the kanoka sniper. I am the master of heat and flame. I am not, however, the master of iron. That i only partially contr--"Nujanii's monologue was interrupted by a Rahkshi of accuracy that knocked off his Kanohi Kakama. Nujanii ought to have paid more attention to his Arthron. Nujanii scrambled after it. Without it, he would be down to ordinary Toa strength. (Nujanii does not always use the most intelligent choices. Now would be a good time for some telepathy...)

  21. My VR boosts elemental powers a bunch. I would not be half as powerful without my VR and Light saber.Nujanii"You cannot outdo me with kanoka either!" Nujanii bellowed as he shot several Kanoka of silence at the group. He then made more supports for the roof; however far away enough that Junky couldn't manipulate them.

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