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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. I don't think so. I think it only affects hearing and speech. Not kanohi noise.Nujanii"I heard that!" Nujanii narrowly evaded the uppercut. Nujanii reflected that elemental amplification was a useful function. He was not worn down by the unusually large offensive he had taken. Nujanii felt nearly as fresh as he had at the start of the round. Nujanii showed this by attempting to melt Zahdak and Junky from the feet up via ground ignition. Meanwhile, Nujanii pushed his Arthron to its maximum and created more suppots for the roof via his new iron powers.

  2. Ya'know, I might actually make a decent boss...NujaniiNujanii guessed at Zahdak's strategy. Nujanii used his shield's rebounding power to return the rahkshi to the sender. Nujanii then ran to Zahdak and said, "I know 1000 ways that I could kill you. 201.5 of them hurt." Nujanii then executed a few sidekicks at high speed, while sending spikes of iron and balls of fire at Zahdak and Junky. Nujanii shortly withdrew and prepared to fight both Junky and Zahdak at once.

  3. Nujanii"Tried" was the word. Junkyard did rush most admirably. But Nujanii rushed faster. Nujanii ran around Junkyard (to stall for time) creating iron with his light saber. When Nujanii was done, Junkyard was immobile. Nujanii then flew away from Junkie, fully aware that the earth beneath him was manipulated by the Junk player.

  4. NujaniiNujanii used his powers and abilities to dodge and block whatever had been thrown at him. He then used his light saber to make new supports. He then used his light saber to telekineticly draw Zahdak to him, stab him, then send him flying back through a wall. Nujanii just loved throwing people through walls.

  5. Never try to outdo me at something I do best. Like fire or speed.NujaniiWhile this was all very quickly done, Beano had neglected one crucial detail. Nujanii wore a Kakama. Furthermore, it was on.Nujanii ran out of the way of the cave in, and used telekinesis to shove Beano under the weak point directly before it caved in. Beano was buiried.

  6. Err- what round are we on. Actually I don't really care. I just want to know when the next boss battle is. A date would be nice...NujaniiNujanii was quite awake. His arthron alerted him to a disturbance. Nujanii was therefore easily able to force push knock away the beans that had been fired at him via Telekinesis.

  7. Nujanii is a ninja; yet he gets ninja'd SO MUCH.NujaniiNujanii, being ninja as he was, used his shield's rebounding powers to send the boulder away without even looking in its direction. A fist of iron suddenly sprang from a wall and sent JiMing into Nujanii, who knocked JiMing to the ground with his shield. "Shall we fight?"

  8. NujaniiNujanii turned his lightsaber to "protosteel" mode. He then ignited it, activated his shield, then took up a defensive stance in the middle of a room. He puched his Kakama and Arthron to their maximum (He is the Kanohi Master; max capacity is pretty #### good!) Nujanii stood still, listening, watching and waiting. He hoped for some melee combat.

  9. 5 special weapons! WOOHOO!!! Now I can hold my own against you guys!Lightsaber- This saber is extremely lightweight. It can change its blade between laser and Protosteel. Or it can be just a handle for easy storage. Gives Telekinesis whether it is held or not and also allows the master to use limited iron powers (eg, creating walls and things, but not destroying weapons or nova blasts.)NujaniiNujanii melted the ice around him and was too lazy to read of the other attacks (if any) that were directed at him. Nujanii drew his lightsaber, turned it on (brzzz), and charged the closest Bionifighter (whoever posts next)

  10. Nujanii"I refuse to spell your name rihgt, Zahdak!" Nujanii did not turn his attention from Zahdak as he sent Junkyard through a wall with rebounding. Nujanii drew his daggers and ignited them, assuming a Jedi pose as he did so.Fortunately Nujanii was in a different room from BZPP.

  11. Ninja'd, but it works. Cool.NujaniiNujanii regretted having left Zahdak. Zahdak did not deserve to die. Nujanii blasted BZPP through a wall with fire, saying to Zahdak as he did so, "I can't leave you alone for a minute can I?"

  12. NujaniiNujanii did not power own Zahdak immediately due to the fact that Zahadak was dressed appropriately for the occasion. Nujanii instead turned and raced over to Cole. He blasted Cole with Fire, saying, "I am a Toa of Fire, nothing more, nothing less. What's more, I can't stand rivals!"

  13. I've got a few Special Weapon ideas. I think it's about time I went for an offensive SW.NujaniiNujanii noticed Zahdak's futile attempt to revive Junkyard. Nujanii sent Zahadak flying with rebounding and fire (and multiplication due to the VR). Nujanii used his boots of healing to revive Junkyard. "You can't die, noob, you just got here!"

  14. NujaniiNujanii was no foolish Toa of Fire. He was the kanohi master and kanoka sniper. Nujanii used his Kakama to get out of the way, and his kanoka to send five weakening kanoka BZPP's way. The first two hit, Nujanii got down to avoid retaliatory projectiles though and couldn't tell if BZPP had been hit by the others.

  15. NujaniiNujanii was buiried under rock. Then he was blasted out of it by a stray lightning bolt. Thanks to the PSJS, he was unharmed. Nujanii turned to Zahdak, saying "I'm flattered. I'm also surprised that you, a nerd, weren't aware of Pirate torture methods." Nujanii grabbed a conveniently placed sign and bashed BZPP, saying "Hi, I hope you haven't forgotten me."

  16. Nujanii"It means to put a rope the length of the ship, and under it, then tie a guy to the ends, then pull it so that the guy is dragged under the ship, across the bottom of it, and back on deck. Usually the person dies from drowning. If not, he experiences the pain of the barnacles stripping the flesh off of his back. Usually this..."Without even knowing it, Nujanii had activated his own non-elemental nerd powers. This was awesome.

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