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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. MoC1, I adjusted my powers to fit my species. I took my own advice.NujaniiNujanii, angered by the loss of epic factor resulting from the loss of the Fkeyblades, ran at Zahdak, daggers drawn and ignited. (please not that Nujanii has both Kakama and Arthron activated)

  2. NujaniiNujanii commanded the fire keyblades to come to him. And they did. The Fire Keyblades circled over Nujanii's head. Nujanii jumped over spurts of acid, ducked around the carnivorous plants, and over a set of infected armor that came out of nowhere. Nujanii ran at BZPP, only to confront a rahkshi of dodge. Being a master of the art of dodging, Nujanii and the rahkshi bowed to each other, traced a ring in the ground, and began attacking and dodging in their artistic art. Nujanii was the first to land a hit on the other; in mid hand-stand, Nujanii cut off the lower part of the rahshi's left leg. (Yes Nujanii is balancing on one hand alone.) The rahkshi (after a quarter of an hour passed) lost its head. Nujanii then bowed once more to his deceased partner, saying "Well, maybe I am untouchable."

  3. You're right, MoC1, I'll adjust my profile accordingly.NujaniiZahdak's preperations were in vain. Nujanii hit him square in the back with a fireball which sent Zahdak through a wall. "Oops, I didn't mean to make it that powerful. It's the Virtus Robes. It amplifies my powers, often more than I expect."

  4. Well, yes your profile does say that. The problem: it shouldn't. For the reasons above, I request that you either modify your powers to fit your species, or your species to fit your powers. Or you could plead "non-canonical," but that wouldn't fully rectify the situation...By the way, BZPP, don't forget JiMing's attack.NujaniiNujanii finished his chocolate. It reminded him of KO, because the round that he got it (accidentally, but he got it) was the same round as the round when he had been partnered with KO. He rather missed KO. Nujanii stood up and shook his head to clear it, then activated Kakama and put Arthron on "full power."

  5. Er-- MoC1, you're not a Toa by species. First, you have two elements. This has occurred once only in the canon and Taka was split between light and dark. That's the only occurrence. You have complete control over both elements, unlike Taka, who had control over one only. And then comes the question- How would a Toa have alchemy? I just don't see how that could work. Furthermore, you have no Kanohi, only a visor with the outline of a Kanohi on it. No, you're not a toa. It's alright for your character to have all of these powers, just don't claim to be a toa.NujaniiNujanii finished the toa of fire, then sat down next to BZPP and began eating his chunk of chocolate. Nujanii then noticed the powerslash. He activated his shield, blocked the slash, blasted JiMing with fire (sending him backwards several yards) then resumed his chocolate consumption.

  6. NujaniiNujanii, thanks to his PSJS and Virtus Robes was unaffected by the EH. Nujanii walked over to the toa, and asked, "Who wants to die first?"A toa of air volunteered, so Nujanii melted him. Literally. Nujanii then sent a rain of fire up on the mass of assembled toa. Yes, they all died except for the toa of fire. Nujanii pleaded with them for their allegance. They refused. Nujanii began power owning them with melee.

  7. I froze her then hit her with fire. BZPP was stunned and falling off of the caterpillar to her death. Therefore, she was going to die. Sort of. Anyway, you really weren't the reason I saved her. In fact, you ninja'd my post, but I didn't modify my post. Read from the top of the page down to see what I mean.NujaniiNujanii discontinued his flaming streams. He turned quickly (and he used his kakama, so it was really quickly that he turned) and withdrew heat from around BZPP and Zahdak, freezing them in a cylindrucal block of ice 50 feet in diameter. Nujanii stopped to admire his handywork. Ethereal Keyblades were frozen in mid-ice. BZPP was in mid-turn, about to face Zahdak, who had Kualsi-jumped behind her and was about to strike. Nujanii thought it was cool. Nujanii then used the heat that he had withdrawn to create the ice to amplify the power of a stream of Virtus Robes boosted fire. Needless to say, it was huge and completely made up for Zahdak's not being targeted earlier. Nujanii stopped the blast after a minute or two. Zahdak was lying on the ground 50 feet from where he had been frozen. BZPP was still stuck in her half of the ice block, but Zahdak's blast had quite weakened the entire cylinder.

  8. NujaniiNujanii didn't follow the official Toa Code. He had his own Toa code, but that code dictated that killing others ought to be avoided if possible. So it was that Nujanii hit BZPP with a teleportation disk and she landed next to him, preventing her inevitable death. Nujanii then resumed blasting the others with fire. Except Zahdak.

  9. NujaniiWith BZPP down, he could divert the stream of fire that had been aimed at BZPP at the other Bionifighters. This meant that there was even more fire targeting the all of the Bionifighters except Nujanii. And BZPP, because she's stunned. And Zahdak, because he's cool.

  10. MoC1, you have ignored two consecutive attacks from me.For my reference, kanoka targets were squishy, bzpp, beano, and zahdak.NujaniiNujanii intensified the stream of fire channeled in BZPP's direction.

  11. Thank you Zahdak for your respect for kanoka.Could anyone give me a date for the next Bionifight boss battle?NujaniiNujanii, annoyed at the others' disregard for kanoka, decided to blast them all with fire. Except Zahdak. He was cool.Nujanii mentally activated his Virtus Robes' elemental offensive enhancement capabilities (EOEC). Nujanii channeled his fire powers in a stream, multiplied many times by his Virtus Robes. He shot fire at all opponents and around them, making kulasi-less escape impossible, unless you happened to be Zahdak, who wasn't targeted.

  12. NujaniiNujanii noticed a pair of dueling pairs. He had a moment of peace. So Nujanii went through his inventory.-Kanoka. Tons-KO's lightning imbued dirk-Harry Potter wand-A chunk of chocolate that had fallen into his pack. How had he not noticed that before?Nujanii pulled out four kanoka of freezing, ga metru. One by one, he threw them and hit the combatants. As they were ga metru kanoka and all of Nujanii's targets were preoccupied, all four hit. Nujanii then flew into the air, just in case.Nujanii still held Ringil. Since it wasn't doing him much good, he stuck Fingolfin's sword in his pack.

  13. I haven't been on the forums, so I wouldn't know about rage.Your observations on the barrows I agree with 100%.90 firemaking...It is hard to get, but this is a high end quest. By Bandos, some things should have 90+ requirements. Even though I'm lv 60 ish Firemaking. I understand that quest requirements shouldn't be lowered to fit my needs; I ought to raise my skills to meet their requirements. I wish that Jagex had left it at 90.

  14. When's the next boss fight?Oh, and I really don't have the time to find one of the times that I was decapitated. It was more than once, but it'll be as hard to find as hey in a needle stack. I honestly don't have an hour or two to spare.NujaniiNujanii, being too lazy to read all of those posts, blocked any physical attacks with his RSotS, and any energy attacks that may have come his way were reduced by his Virtus robes.Nujanii then pulled out a disk of regeneration and restored his Daggers. Nujanii then put disks and daggers back.

  15. NujaniiNujanii was at home in the air. He had no intention of landing. He held the legendary sword, Ringil. He wore the legendary Zarosian Robes, The Virtus Robes. He was a toa of fire, but his teammates said that he was part toa of air.Nujanii sent a rain of fir down on BZPP, Zahdak, and the Caterpillar.

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