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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii abruptly changed direction and flew directly downwards, shield in front of him. Nujanii's flaming decent smashed him into Zahdak at Kakama speed. Nujanii suffered no damage from the collision, the RSotS was invincible, but would Zahdak?

  2. NujaniiNujanii saw Zahdak jolt and then didn't see him. His Arthron told him that Zahdak was still there. Why? The dissonance field was still there. Why'd the field still be there if Zahdak wasn't?Nujanii then saw the psionic keyblades. Nujanii easily dodged them. Unfortunately, Zahdak got under the Caterpillar and began throwing the psionic keyblades at him anyway. Nujanii, without his Arthron's assistance, dodged as best he could. Unfortunately, that wasn't good enough. Nujanii was hit several times after a few minutes, on the heel, on the RSotS, neck, right hand (he didn't let go of Ringil), etc. Some were ineffective due to his Special Weapons, others were quite painful. Nujanii flew up out of range.

  3. NujaniiNujanii ducked the reaper, then circled Zahdak, avoiding an elbow. Nujanii took the second reaper strike on his shield, pushing him downwards some, but he quickly regained altitude. However, the lapse gave Zahdak the opportunity to revert, Kualsi-jump away, and use his Kanoka Huna to become invisible while creating another Dissonance Field. Crud. Nujanii used his Arthron to locate Zahdak, fortunately the dissonance field wasn't at the right frequency, otherwise...Nujanii didn't want to contemplate the alternative.Nujanii sent a fireball at Zahdak, but he knew that, until Zahdak returned to visibility, Nujanii's chances of hitting were next to nothing. Even with an Arthron, hitting an invisible target is next to impossible. Oh well.

  4. I've been auto-decapitated before and I didn't give anyone a hard time. I wish you would do the same.NujaniiNujanii withdrew Ringil from Zahdak, then flew above him. BZPP was fortunately below the Vahki/Dragon and Nujanii.

  5. Decapitation is a major autohit? I think not. You can, after all, just go get your head.NujaniiNujanii realized his folly too late. But there was time to rectify. Nujanii blocked the keyblade with his Anti-drag shield. Using his Arthron to its fullest, Nujanii ducked the keyblade's next strike. Nujanii then threw the anti-drag shield at Zahdak's tail, activated his own, then flew over a wing strike. Nujanii then got hit in the gut by a knee. How he wasn't sure, but the PSJS had his back.And, more importantly, his stomach.Nujanii held Fingolfin's sword in both hands and, flying low, stabbed Zahdak's belly from below."Elvarg was fun. Let's see if you are her equal."

  6. I seem to remember that major autohitting is not allowed. I don't remember melee being included. Besides, I often let others autohit me without giving them a hard time. Negating attacks is simply annoying. Consistent auto-hitting can also be annoying, yes, but not to as great an extent, say I. Besides, that was just one instance of auto-hitting and not a series of occurrences.NujaniiAll of Zahdak's attacks missed spectacularly. Nujanii used his RSotS to send BZPP off of the caterpillar. Nujanii summoned a toa of fire who wielded an anti-dragon shield (reduces dragonfire) and Ringil. Nujanii put his RSotS away and took the trusty shield, then took the legendary blade. Nujanii turned to face Zahdak, saying "Are you ready?"

  7. NujaniiNujanii temporarily ignored BZPP and walked over to Zahdak. Nujanii, being a Toa after all and not a heartless killer, used his BoH to heal Zahdak. Nujanii helped Zahdak up, then asked, "Are you ready to continue? I'd rather like to fight you in dragon mode."

  8. Moc, you directly contradicted my post. Instead of retrieving the head you had a "no that didn't happen" post. That's not fun. I could say, "BZPP didn't slash Nujanii because she was retrieving her head" but I won't. Why? Directly contradicting someone's post is often bad sportsmanship. That's the best description I could come up with. It's terribly annoying and can make you positively invincible.Please don't do it. There are times where it's ok or even necessary. This isn't one of them.NujaniiNujanii's rebounding sent the sword back with enough force to rip it from his opponent's hand.

  9. NujaniiNujanii summoned another Dragon scimmy wielding toa of fire who provided another scimmy. Nujanii used its special attack and decapitated BZPP. He picked up the head and chucked it into the void on either side of the caterpillar. Poor Chuck.

  10. NujaniiNujanii got up from the ground. His PSJS took most of the damage (that thing's invaluable). Nujanii then summoned a Dragon Scimitar wielding toa of fire. Nujanii grabbed the scimmy, then activated his shield. He was now ready to take on BZPP. The toa of fire covered Nujanii as he walked epicly towards BZPP. "Now, let's have a little melee, eh?"

  11. Yay! First name change! Bet you don't know who I am now :PNujaniiNujanii's golden orb of special weapon granting had prevented him from initially taking damage from the storm. However, now it was gone. Nujanii was protected by his special weapons from most of it, but was sent to the grou- er- caterpillar by sonics, gravity, light, shadow and iron. How a few of Nujanii's weaknesses got into the storm? Nujanii neither knew nor cared.

  12. The below was just approved by iBrow. And perfect timing too.Virtus Robes- These ancient magical robes are self regenerative. For example, when the wearer is stabbed they fix themselves. These robes also reduce incoming energy attacks' effect greatly and amplify the elemental attacks of the wearer. They cover the torso, arms, and legs (over the PSJS). Due to the magic of the game, they don't degrade (one of a few modifications I made for them to fit into Bionifight)NujaniiNujanii suddenly found himself floating, surrounded by a golden light. Virtus robes (without the hood) materialized around him. Nujanii now felt that he was a match for any of the other combatants, even those with five special weapons. THe golden light slowly dissipated and Nujanii was once more flying above a big caterpillar.

  13. That's more like it! Hit me where I'm weak!The above sentences were directed at Pahrak, not Beano.NujaniiNujanii was struck from behind by the water keyblades. Nujanii wasn't hurt physically (he has his PSJS that covers his back), but the water was... somewhat painful. How? Nujanii was a Toa of Fire. If there was one thing he didn't like, it was cold. If there was another, it was water. If there was a third, it was Beano's attack. Nujanii flew upwards to avoid Beano. His Arthron would let him detect things at high speeds, just not with all the interference. Nujanii, back in the air, was ready to rain death on his foes.

  14. I take a hit every now and then. You got me pretty good last round (when I hit the ceiling due to your slash.) Keep trying. Nujanii may be an expert dodger, but keep in mind that his offensive abilities are limited and he has no protection against Sonics. At all. I'd also recomend ice or water. You also may want to try gravity; that's pretty much impossible to dodge.As for melee weaknesses, the head, neck, and hands are not covered by special weapons.He's immune to lightning, mentally shielded, and highly resistant to fire (nigh invulnerable, actually). The PSJS and BoH cover most of his body and the RSotS helps cover the rest.

  15. NujaniiNujanii withdrew his dagger from BZPP's back, picked up BZPP's jaw, and handed it to her. "Here, you'll need this for humorous banter."Nujanii then kicked her in the back of the head with a BoH.

  16. NujaniiThe sonics did interfere with Nujanii's arthron, but he vaguely sensed something behind him. he therefore jumped over BZPP, executed a flip in mid-air, landed, and spun around, stabbing at BZPP's back with his remaining dagger. Nujanii didn't know that he had unknowingly avoided two attacks.

  17. NujaniiWhile Nujanii prepared to take the reaper on his RSotS, Nujanii ducked under Beano's kick without giving any other sign that he had so much as noticed Beano's presence. The Arhtron was a wise choice. Nujanii Knew that he could not permenantly lose his PSJS, but he had no inclination to lose it temporarily either. He was still outpowered with only four special weapons. And Nujanii knew it well. He actually could only use three special weapons at the moment because he had not yet gained his previous rounds' winnings.

  18. NujaniiBut no, as soon as BZPP had Kualsi warped, Nujanii had used his Kakama to regain the Caterpillar mere seconds after BZPP. BZPP's attacks cleaved through only void. Nujanii threw a few fireballs at BZPP, making sure not to hit the caterpillar.

  19. Are you glad you took my advice about the Verac's?And Pinkie, your advice is good. I bought a trimmed rune platebody then later sold it to get bones, and I lost money. The only other time I did something like that- Corrupt Dragon sq. Was 200k. Is 130k. :/Though I haven't sold the sq. It can't be sold either, so the only thing to be done is to use it.

  20. NujaniiNujanii decided not to wait any longer for his new special weapon. Nujanii teleported in and shoved BZPP off of the cater pillar, saying "Who is better now?"Nujanii jumped down after her, igniting his jet packs to make his decent faster. He quickly caught up with BZPP and began hurling kanoka at her. They both knew that Nujanii could fly back to safety, but could BZPP?

  21. NujaniiNujanii was thrown off balance by a random earthquake. Nujanii fell off of the edge of the floor and flew upwards, unlike Josephina, whom Nujanii had pushed on his previous post. Now immune to the shaking of the ground, Nujanii was free to attack others. He threw a fireball at each other player.

  22. I think I explicitly stated that I ran you through, leaving no room to dodge.NujaniiNujanii avoided the projectiles (Which his Arthron had allowed him to detect) by turning a corner. Nujanii ran down a staircase, then through a maze of passages, ending up directly behind the Arthron-less Josephina. Nujanii ran her through with an ignited dagger, then shoved her down to where BZPP was. A floor below.

  23. NujaniiTar was not hoding his feet to the floor, as Nujanii had removed it. Nujanii's Arthron alerted him to the projectiles that were coming his way. Nujanii turned off his jetpacks and fell downwards slightly to avoid them. Nujanii then flew up to confront a strange female. Nujanii did what anyone would have done. He ran her through with an ignited dagger, then (making sure he didn't leave his dagger in her) flew off as fast as his Kakama would carry him. Which was pretty fast.

  24. NujaniiNujanii hated the undead. However, a ghost couldn't do anything to him but shoot crossbows and use swords. They could not be killed, however. Nujanii melted a hole in the ceiling, extiguished the flame, flew into the room above, then brought the ceiling/floor down on those below.

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