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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii was about to dodge when the house shifted and the item which he had intended to dodge needed no dodging. Nujanii then regained altitude (he was in a rather large room) and threw a few ko-metru disks of weakening, level 3, at BZPP.

  2. NujaniiZahdak's midair victory dance was cut short by an increase weight disk that hit him square in the face."In your face!"Zahdak landed directly next to Nujanii who promptly stood and flew into the air.

  3. NujaniiNujanii was buisy attacking, but he "had an eye on his radar." His Arthron let him know of the incoming vahki and Nujanii flew higher to avoid the sl-Ouch!Nujanii banged his head against the ceiling, got his by the slash and fell to the ground. Gravity hurts.

  4. iBrow did mention that...NujaniiNujanii used his RSotS to block the lazers, then realized that he had the shield in the appearence of a mirror. The lasers must have been sent back at BZPP. Nujanii ignited his jetpacks and flew above BZPP, throwing fire downwards through his disk launcher and at BZPP and Zahdak. Nujanii added a disk of weakening level 1 to the barage aimed at BZPP.

  5. NujaniiNujanii's PSJS took the hit for him. Nujanii stood, then sent a few fireballs at BZPP, jumped over her, then landed behind her, spun and slashed her across the back, all in one fluid motion at kakama speed.

  6. NujaniiNujanii saw the rubble and ghosts. He could not do anything about the ghosts. But the rubble...Nujanii used his RSotS to rebound the rubble at the ghosts. The ghosts could not die, but were trapped for now. Nujanii made sure BZPP would not free them by ramming into her at full Kakama speed with his RSotS (which, by the way, is completely unbreakable), sending her flying. Of course, Nujanii was also sent flying, but managed to get to his feet before BZPP did. Nujanii drew and ignited a dagger, then attempted to stab BZPP. She might be unconscious, but Nujanii did not want to underestimate her.

  7. The Arthron uses echolocation to sense solids around. It is unable (as far as I know) to sense energy, and I don't think it works in a vacuum. But if I'm in a vacuum, the Arthron not working is the least of my worries.Cole, I noticed.NujaniiNujanii was far enough up the staircase that he was out of range. He easily dodged Zahdak's attack, but knew that he could not dodge the rubble that was to fall. Nujanii activated his shield and held it over his head as he was buiried by rubble. BZPP could not poke him.

  8. NujaniiNujanii's fire was negated. As his existance was about to be as well. He had to break BZPP's concentration. Nujanii couldn't use fire, but by Bandos he could still manipulate heat! Nujanii withdrew the heat from around BZPP, freezing her solid and returning the air that had been absent. Nujanii then returned to Zahdak and sent more fire at the elite vahki.

  9. What's the "oops" for?NujaniiNujanii ran (with a kakama activated) to Zahdak and hit him in the back with a fireball, in the hopes that Zahdak would go into dragon mode.

  10. I'm kinda scared now at all the special weapons you guys have. I'm glad that all of my special weapons are defensive. Otherwise...NujaniiNujanii realized that BZPP didn't have water powers. So Nujanii absorbed the fire and sent it in an unusually large fireball that he aimed at BZPP.

  11. Woah! I just looked through your special weapons, MoC, and you have a TON of stuff!Nujanii"Indeed, indubitably, and most assuredly so." Nujanii finished his statement, then jumped down behind his block of ice, which was shortly impaled by several projectiles. Nujanii, untouched, activated his kakama, then ran to BZPP and executed a perfect flying (as in jump at kakama speed) sidekick, which hit directly in the center of BZPP's face. Nujanii landed behind BZPP, stood up, and ingited the ground beneath their feet. The mansion might burn to the ground, but Nujanii doubted that BZPP would let it. She had, as Nujanii recalled, water powers.

  12. NujaniiNujanii's Arthron alerted him to the exact location of Zahdak, and with it, he was able to easily dodge the water keyblades. Nujanii's natural agility and short ranged omniscience were a powerful combination. Nujanii then executed a flip and, in the middle of it, froze the air beneath him via heat withdrawal. Nujanii then blasted Zahdak with fire.Nujanii only then realized that he could have simply knocked the water keyblades aside with his RSotS. Oh well, this was more epic anyway.

  13. I'm no longer inactive, guys! I'm now going to be semi-inactive!iBrow, I think (with your approval) I'll stick with the Arthron as power #3.Oh wow. I have some serious catching up to do.NujaniiNujanii teleported into a mansion. Nujanii chucked a fireball at Zahdak.

  14. Concerning the combat.I want to see Toa doing what they do best to the full extent. Here's what we've gotten from the movies so far.MoL-Elemental powers, little mask power usage, little to no meleeLoMN-No elemental powers, mask powers, little meleeWoS-Rohtuka spinners (poor replacement for elemental powers), no mask powers, some meleeTLR-little elemental power usage near the end, no mask powers (I don't count the Ignika), PLENTY of meleeSo, what conclusions do we draw from this. In my opinion, all three of these elements (Elemental powers, kanohi, and melee) should be included on the show with creative and realistic usage. I don't want a TV show with all kanohi usage, all elemental power usage, or exclusive melee. Each movie (except WoS) seemed focused on one thing.

  15. I hope that this has not already been stated, but I noticed something. In the Onu-Koro scene, when Takua grabs the Kohlii staff, a beam of light eminates from his hand and hits the staff. Av-Matoran do have a measure of light powers, after all.Oh, and I noticed another LotR parallel. The One Ring and the MoL both are intelligent.

  16. Star Wars' sequals didn't spoil the endings. I'm not an episode1-3 hater.

    Read the novel Episode IV was based on. Sequels were not intended, and, IMO, ruined A New Hope.This is my personal opinion, 'kay? Or, for that matter, Fezzy's.
    The book was made before and to promote the movie. All six movies were intended, as well as three others. Lucas didn't go on to make all nine.
  17. The regular topic is dead. I decided to post my problem here. I keep getting this error that won't let me run the game. It says:

    Script error in 'scripts/main.js', line: 29 Error: could not load sound 'title theme.midi'

    I have been encountering this since the second version of the game and therefore haven't been able to see the improvements that have been made since the initial version.
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