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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii hit himself with a disk of shielding and strength. Nujanii was now shielded from all attacks he was aware of and super strong. And his Arthron made him aware of almost all attacks. He ran forward and slammed both daggers into the weak spot near the horn. He was very vulnerable if this didn't work.

  2. This will more likely than not be my last post of the day. I hope this will finish Sumiki.NujaniiNujanii ignited his daggers once more and blinded Sumiki with a sudden blaze. Fire makes light, and if it happens to be directly in front of the eyes (or other seeing thingy) it will produce a short term lack of sight. Nujanii then flew to the horn and sank his dagger into the weak spot near it. Hard. Nujanii flew away as the berserker fired in random directions. Nujanii's Arthron made it much easier to dodge. Nujanii flew off unscath--BAMNujanii was hit by a few lightning attacks, sending him to the ground.

  3. Err-- Sumiki? You just ignored having your tail cut off and a massive elemental blast.NujaniiCole allowed Nujanii time to gain a safe distance. Nujanii then decided to assist BZPP. Nujanii hurled a massive blast of fire to join BZPP's attack.

  4. NujaniiNujanii flew to Sumiki's tail and finally succeeded in cutting it off. However, Nujanii was not quick enough to get out of range before Sumiki could strike back. Nujanii braced himself. If some other player didn't assist him, this was going to hurt. Nujanii pushed his Kakama to the limit and used his Arthron to the maximum, in hopes that he might avoid Sumiki's counterattack. Nujanii was now out of melee range. However, he must avoid the horn's longrange attacks.

  5. It is gramatically correct to use the pronoun "it" on animals.NujaniiNujanii was a Toa of Fire. He easily absorbed it and sent it towards its master. Nujanii then activated his Kakama. Nujanii, who was of equal speed, knew of Sumiki's attempt to attack him. Nujanii easily avoided Sumiki, who slammed itself into the ground.

  6. NujaniiNujanii, whose previous attack had been ignored, decided not to wait for BZPP's assistance. Nujanii flew at Sumiki from above and slashed him (you are a guy, right?) across the base of the tail. Deep. Nujanii quickly left the area and got to a safer range. Sumiki was sure to return fire. And hopefully nt ignore this attack.

  7. NujaniiNujanii had found the Anthron quite useful. Knowing where everything was through echoulocation, Nujanii had been able to dodge everything. He had not so much as a scratch on him. Nujanii had no special weapons, but (on the bright side) at least the boss could not now ignore them. Nujanii decided to do something. Nujanii used his Kakama and Arthron to speedily navigate through the air. That disk launcher (used with his fire powers) provided quite a good set of jetpacks. Nujanii used his daggers to slash Sumiki across the base of the tail, one of two weak points, and return to the ground unscathed. Nujanii then hid and went into stealth mode, waiting for the ideal time for his next strike. Which would probably be right after Sumiki's next post.

  8. Weapons negated!? NO!!!For this round, if it's ok with iBrow, I wish to use an Anthron. THe semi-omniscience will be a big help.NujaniiNujanii landed in the traditional Jedi landing pose. Nujanii didn't have his PSJS, RSotS, or BoH. Nujanii stood and drew both daggers. Ok, this is going to be tough. Nujanii ignited both daggers and prepared to dodge. Nujanii was quite good at dodging. Nujanii had done things while dodging that few others had. At least, Nujanii was pretty sure that most people wouldn't dodge with a handstand or a cartwheel.

  9. Pahrak, by my estimate, the boss battle will start in about a half hour.ToD, you could beat a boss with all of the modifiers in place, no teammates, both hands and wings tied behind your back and fifty miniguns shooting at you.

  10. Let's look at the modifiers, shall we?BarebonesIf a Round has the Barebones modifier, no weapons are allowed during that Round.One Hit WonderIf a Round has the One Hit Wonder modifier, combatants are only allowed to use one of their powers.Forever AloneIf a Round has the Forever Alone modifier, no armies are allowed during that Round.Tag TeamIf a Round has the Tag Team modifier, each player will be assigned to another player. These players must always work together as allies.Bounty HunterIf a Round has the Bounty Hunter modifier, each player will be assigned a specific enemy to target. They may only attack this enemy.Weapons Negated

    If a Round has the Weapons Negated modifier, then all special weapons during that round are disabled, both offensive and defensive.

    Yes, I purposefully ignored the "iBrow" modifier.Now, let's examine each individually.Barebones-Weapons are not allowed. This is fine and dandy with me. Except that this means that we can't have special weapons either. I could live with it, after all, we could still use powers.One hit wonder-Only one power allowed. A special weapon could be selected in this category. I REALLY don't want this in a bossfight.Forever alone-My favorite modifier EVER. Keep it.Tag team-This would be fun if I got partnered with someone active. Otherwise no. No offense to anyone.Bounty hunter-Why? We would already have just one target (Sumiki) so what difference would this modifier make?Weapons negated-One of the many no-special weapons modifiers, this one only negates special weapons. I'd prefer not to have it, but It'd be fine if we had it.The iBrow modifier is completely ridiculous and should never see the light of day, night, or lightsaber again. Boss fight or no. Have a boggart execute it immediately.

  11. That was... um...Well, Pirok, Stormy, and Takua-like-guy are all teleported to a suva. The masks get shiny and the villain says that he has won. Haven't we seen something like this before? Maybe you should use your author powers and explain what's going on with Fezzy and myself.

  12. There are morons in both F2P and P2P. The elitist mentality is the issue. You missed one group, though. FORMER members. People like me that have had membership in the past but are not currently members. My group is constantly being overlooked, though it's not one of the more majorly acnowledged ones.F2Pers mostly hate the snobby members and not without reason. Besides the snobbyness (I refuse to admit that that isn't a word) issue, Jagex has recently favored Members in ways that many (me included) think that they should not. These offences include: Not allowing former members to have avatars on the RS forums, Making the Hi Scores members only, And not making Zezima a god like Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak.Former members have paid at least $6 a month. We aren't non-contributers. Even if we were, Jagex has to make SOME money off of the advertisements in the perifrial vision of every F2Per and Former Mem.As for making the hi scores P2P, we feel that they are taking something away that we had before. This provides a sence of loss. They also had a bad excuse for doing it...

  13. Money making, eh? I've tried that and slayer. I've had three months of membership to date, so I haven't exactly had much of a shot at it. However, the bot nuking day slayer boost helped considerably. Unfortunately, I missed all of the other days of bot nuking boosts.As for money making, does anyone know of a good F2P method?

  14. The below is a joke. If I break any rules, please ignore the post.And yes, it is actually my birthday.NujaniiNujanii teleported in. Nujanii grabbed the weapons from the nearest Bionifighter as a birthday present. Nujanii then found a hobbit-like creature that had a ring. Nujanii killed it, grabbed the ring, and turned invisible with its aid.

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