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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM


    There's already a timeline on BS01. 


    Also, rule of thumb: people are lazy. If something is too much work to understand, people are likely to get turned off by it. I'd rather start with a simple premise ("organic guys and robotic dudes on a planet") and introduce the backstory, weaving the basic parts of it into the new story slowly as part of the past secrets affecting the present. That way the new fans get to experience it as a mystery instead of a refrence manual, while we get to see the old story of Bionicle in a new light.


    We should do that ^ instead, i hope lego had this exact conversation when they were talking about bionicle's return, because the best ideas are here, unless lego has a even better one?!?!


    What if LEGO was reading our posts for ideas?

    • Upvote 1
  2. Perhaps a collectible mask system in which randomly packed masks of different power levels were included... Like trading card game booster packs. You could still have that chance at a legendary super-mask (Vahi, Ignika, etc.), but you are most likely to get noble and great kanohi.

    I think it could work, done right.


    Given the number of masks not yet put into set form, there is PLENTY of room to accomodate it.


    EDIT: Some sort of collectible character system could also work. Remember that Agori, Matoran, and Turaga could all be about the same size.

  3. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does CCBS stand for? 


    If it's a continuation, we definitely NEED to see the element lords and the dinos. Next logical step, IMO. Even if it's a reboot, I'd wanna see them. Dinos and giant reptiles are popular again. Recently we've had Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Transformers: Age of Extinction, and Jurassic World is coming soon...only makes sense for Bionicle to cash in on the giant reptile craze before it goes extinct again. 


    ...Pun was very intentional.


    Dinosaurs vs Rahi...


    ...and evil spider things too.


    And all of them mad at the Toa.


    ...I could see that working. It would be like the 2001 story: heroes vs monsters.

  4. I for one am registering myself as hopeful, but not entirely convinced that BIONICLE will return.


    The law of critical failures states: Anything with an element of chance can go disastrously wrong.


    Even if our evidence--which our rules forbid us to discuss--DOES prove that LEGO currently plans to release BIONICLE again in 2015, there could be any number of things that could cause LEGO to delay or cancel BIONICLE's return. Given the amount of unknown information, we can't really say that BIONICLE will return in 2015. LEGO might be planning a re-release now, but they could change their minds.


    We have too little data with which to work.


    Bionicle was actually hard to get into
    by design; it was stated many times that they wanted it to take work to understand. They did a good job of making that work enjoyable, at least for those with the right tastes for that, but it's still not "easy" compared to HF.

    Could someone provide us with some quotes on this?

  6. Given that the game will be multiplayer, could there be a setting to turn off color-changed elemental effects, such that the people who want to see the different colors may, and the people who prefer the standard effects only may choose not to?


    This way, the people who might be confused by all those different colors don't have to deal with processing too much if they don't want to.



    Well, I'd argue that the LEGO Group has ALREADY put a significant effort into lore and story around current products, specifically Ninjago. It's not the same kind of story as BIONICLE, per se, but it's still very complex and engaging.


    I agree. Ninjago is very good. In fact, I'd say THIS is the standard as far as Lego's productions go, if not Bionicle. Compared to it, though... Chima and Hero Factory are pretty weak.



    To be fair, I haven't followed the Ninjago story in about six months. Even so, I can clearly tell a difference between the level of BIONICLE's story and the other themes'. I agree that they put effort into Ninjago's story, but less than what they put into BIONICLE. I think that we won't be seeing BIONICLE-level, that is complexity and scope, story again unless TLG opts for an older audience or the situation changes to the point where TLG might feel detailed lore--with the element of mystery--could be viable in the sale of a theme.

  8. Fair warning, I'm going a bit off topic here.


    Why don't we iron out and clarify the aspects of BIONICLE that made it great, and then, when we have an essay or 1AC ironed out, we discuss "can this kind of thing happen again?" Truly, opinions will differ about how important BIONICLE's elements are to its success, but what common ground we find and clearly explain would make this kind of discussion much MUCH easier to follow.


    Now, to the subject at hand....


    No. BIONICLE is unique, in a unique set of circumstances. There can't be another theme quite like it.


    That said, I find it unlikely that in the status quo, LEGO will put a significant effort into lore and story around the products to be sold. The point is to sell toys, for LEGO, so if they don't need to spend money on good story, they won't. This is my opinion of LEGO's position.


    I'm pessimistic. Unless LEGO decides to aim a theme for TFOLs, I think we're out of luck.


    I now stand ready for cross-examination.


    EDIT: to aid in speculation as to what might bring about a new "BIONICLE" theme, could we have some analysis of the kinds of things that led to the financial issues that LEGO used BIONICLE to ward off?

    • Upvote 1
  9. I don't understand the hipster thing. The 'too mainstream' stuff just doesn't make sense to me. I'm reading Virgil's Aenid at the moment. Is that mainstream?


    Likewise, I have trouble applying 'hipster' to RS. I play both EoC and '07, both infrequently. Does each one have to be set against the other?

  10. Good point. The Ignika is alive, so it can use itself or assist its wearer. The other legendary masks might be as versatile, but no one is able to use them to their full potentials.

    The Vahi seems to be "nicer" than the Ignika, because, apart from the Time Trap, it let a being touch it without doing anything.
    That's because it doesn't have a consciousness. The Ignika only reacted to its wearers because since it controls Life, it is alive; the Vahi and Mask of Creation are not alive.

    What if the Vahi is alive? That would explain how Vakama used it before he used his Huna, eh?


    Perhaps if time travel works like the ignika (give life to do it) perhaps another energy source could be used instead (like Back to the Future I) to allow the user to survive the time travel.


    As for traveling into the future, a Toa can slow time without affecting certain targets (Tahu slowed time, but not for the Toa Nuva), so maybe he can speed it up incredibly without affecting himself? No Toa has managed to reverse time, only slow/stop it. Perhaps a greater being (like a makuta or Artaka) could manage time travel without the potential take-your-life-in-the-process cost, but then we have the 'destroy the universe' effect to deal with.



    All in all, I doubt Greg wants to bother with it.


    EDIT: Idea:


    What if the MU has an internal machine that regulates time? The Vahi's destruction could hamper the machinery in some way that would cause a massive failure in the flow of time that could allow a convoluted time travel-- like in Time Bandits, only on a large scale with no map. This machinery could explain why MU inhabitants live so long, and how Vakama received telepathic communication from the future.

  11. I think Tamaru might be a makuta in disguise, because he's slightly different. Or maybe he's a great being that has been planning to destry Velika. OR...


    In all seriousness, though, Tamaru might be a Toa of the Green. The "leaf running" makes me think that they are at home in the hights of the trees, but perhaps not in other high places (a mountain or gukko, for example)



    But I still like a Le-Matoran who doesn't like to fly.

  12. I'll take lonesome over crowded, but I doubt that the bots will ever really leave me.



    WHY BE ALONE, when you can have bots????


    Grotworms, frost dragons, living rock caverns, they are your friends here and there, they are your friends everywhere!

    They have abandoned me in the wilderness, which is the only place I ever wanted them. They made great sport, like low-risk pking, just with no loot.

  13. Kanohi Phylarchus: Allows a telepathic communication link between wearer and rahi, also causes nearby rahi to be friendly towards the wearer. Extent of influence based upon the intelligence of the rahi in question. Also increases loyalty of friends.

  14. I would not have chosen Chima for an MMO. That said, I am willing to give it a shot. My impressions of Chima so far have been rather poor. The comic was of little quality, the story it presented the most basic it could possibly be. The sets look acceptable. No, Chima looks to be average, or below. But I am willing to try it. Perhaps they will go into the story more deeply in the MMO.


    In any case, the fact that Lego is putting out another MMO says to me that they are going to have Chima stick around for a while.

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