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The Great Spirit DM

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Posts posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. NujaniiNujanii's matoran knocked a kanoka from the jaws of the unfortunate Zahdak just as Nujanii used his matatu to hurl him towards the lava.Takua grabbed the fallen Crast and gave it to Nujanii who stuck it into his pack.

  2. Well, I would fit into the cannon story as a Toa. One elemental power, two kanohi. You must admit that my powers work as those of a Toa. It also helps that I specified in my profile that I am a Toa.Nujanii"I am a Toa! And I did not lead them out to die!"Nujanii noted that Jaller had knocked THVN's Crast off again. It was good to have matoran to back him up. Nujanii flew directly into THVN's path and used his Matatu to slam THVN into the ground. As he did so, a few disks made conact with THVN's unmasked face. Kapura fainted at the sight.

  3. NujaniiIncredible speed was not enough, as Nujanii wore a Kakama. Nujanii easily avoided it and hit THVN with more fire while THVN while he was exposed.Unfortunately for THVN, Nujanii was not the only one to take advantage of THVN exposing himself. Nujanii's Ta Matoran threw their disks in a course and speed that that Crast ought to find itself removed from THVN's face.

  4. NujaniiThe matoran battle drums began as I smashed THVN in the face with my foot, hoping to dislodge THVN's Crast. Nujanii sent a rush of flame at THVN, saying "You harm my villagers, you harm me! Captain Jaller! Cover me! I'll deal with this one myself. Defend all other points with boxors. And beware of any other Bionifighters. Send for the Turaga if our defenses are breached. Takua, get out of here!" Nujanii covered the retreat of the sole surviving matoran of THVN's attack.

  5. I am the Toa of Ta Koro. Now that I am rejoined with my people, you CANNOT stop me.NujaniiNujanii dodged a spark or two. Then he got hot by a spark or two, which hurt. Oh well, thought Nujanii. He hadn't realized how good anti-electricity was until he had lost it. Nujanii was suddenly confused by some babbling from below. He saw BZPP attacked and that jolted him from the nerdish influence. Fortunately he had not been the target. Then he would have fallen and hit the lava. Toa of Fire or not, he was vulnerable to lava. Of course he could save himself from it if he was conscious. So Nujanii stopped thinking about is and flew downwards. Nujanii landed next to Tahu's Suva in Ta Koro. Nujanii was hailed as the Toa that had came to save them. Nujanii soon was battling to save Ta Koro from Rahi, bohrok, rahkshi, and Bionifighters. Nujanii was in for the fight of his life.He was enjoying himself. Especially since his Ta Matoran were throwing disks with unbelievable accuracy at his foes.

  6. NujaniiNujanii had no lava surfing board. However, he could still fly with his fire powers working through the disk launcher. Nujanii also still had his kanoka. Nujanii threw a disk of increase weight at Zahdak.

  7. Nujanii"No, he's right. We shouldn't pick on the newbies. Let's agree not to attack anyone that hasn't been here since BIonifight 2. Oh wait. That's just us and ToD and Cole. Never mind, let's kill the newbies!"Nujanii was enjoying hitting THVN with fire, so he did not stop. Nujanii was enjoying thrashing THVN in a way that he normally could not.

  8. I reread iBrow's post, and yes I was wrong. It is a no Special Weapons match. My bad.Nujanii"You should talk, noob!" Nujanii then ignited the disk launcher that he realized that he had and flew above THVN. Nujanii hurled fire at THVN, now sure that THVN had no defences against it.

  9. Well, you see the swords are weapons, right? you cannot use weapons in a no-weapons match. Also, I don't quite know what you mean by "His weapon makes offensive powers obsolete" If you mean your power is generated by the weapon, you cannot use the power in a no-weapons match, nor can you use the weapon in a no-powers match. You'd be in the same predicament that special weapons are in.And where are you getting fire and lightning? You don't have fire or lightning powers...

  10. Those aren't allowed. The sword violates the modifier.NujaniiNujanii knew perfectly well that he could summmon the PIG. So why didn't he? Nujanii didn't like it when attacks were negated. So Nujanii instead melted the swords without so much as heating anything else. It was this pinpoint control over fire that he had worked for years to achieve that made him so deadly. Nujanii then sent PH realing back with a blast of acid his shiny new Matatu.

  11. Well, they're not necessarily bad, and they could be made to fit. However, they need to be seen in a priority list.1)finish Toa/rahkshi elemental powers2)finish melee/projectile weapons3)finish multiplayer4)possibly implement other species like Skakdi5)possibly implement a story/campaign modeYou see, only the first three on that list are certainly going to be in the game. The other two are sugestions that Katuko hasn't said a definite yes or no to. You must not forget how massive this project is. However, when he is finished with Toa, Rahkshi, melee, and multiplayer, it will be awe inspiring. If he adds Bohrok and skakdi, this thing will be the best fan made game ever.

  12. No, it negates weapons. This means all weapons special or otherwise.I wouldn't have left an empty slot if I were you.By the way, you're not asking to get hit; you're asking to get pounded into the ground.NujaniiNujanii flew from the top of the Mangai Volcano. Well, he didn't actually fly; he didn't have disk launcher or kanoka (they were weapons). Nujanii used his Kakama to reach Hellion in time to hear his speech. "You are no Toa! You have no Kanohi, no elemental powers. You will fall before a genuine one!" Nujanii used his fire powers to create a ring of fire around himself and Hellion. Nujanii remarked, "I've fought others that could teleport before. You have no melee weapon. Your advantage is lost over me." Nujanii used his matatu to fling Hellion to the ground. "So let us begin."

  13. This is a game. A story mode would be cool. A comic would be neat (I would volunteer here). However, this games' focus is multiplayer combat with BIONICLE powers. Sort of like in Bionifight, we'll be beating the #### out of people, only more realisticly.The bots killed two exo Toa? Cool!Anyone having trouble with staying against bots should go god mode and edit their text files. If you open the file "characters" and open yours with a word processor, you can give yourself unlimited stats. Well, 1,000,000 DEX freezes the game...

  14. Yay, I win! Now, I believe I owe my feet a pair of boots.I think ToD would not abuse his numerous special weapons too badly.Also, iBrow there is another matter that I wish to discuss. As a few people know (and you ought to be in the know here; I PM'ed you) I have officially decided to give up my Garai. I don't concede my point on whether it ought to be used thus, but it was a source of emnity. Therefore, I request permission to switch kanohi between rounds and only between rounds to find out what works for my fighting style. I wish to begin with a matatu. If you don't respond soon, I'll simply fight with two powers.EDIT: Thank you iBrow! Yes, I know that I need a mask that fits for the boss battle. I'm gonna have to pick my next (and likely last until much later) special weapon carefully.NujaniiNujanii entered the abyssal plain. Nujanii exited the abyssal plain in Lumbridge. Nujanii ran to the bank, deposited his special weapons and other weapons. Nujanii withdrew a few kanohi (with hopes that he may gain approval to test them). Nujanii re-entered the abyssal plain, exiting at the rondevous point. Unfortunately Nujanii couldn't spell that word. Not that he cared. Nujanii stood on top of the managi volcano, ready to fight.

  15. Well, you seem to be intangible. I ought to concede right now!NujaniiNujanii ignored ToD and threw a fireball at Zahdak. He had attacked two unresponsive people. He hoped that the figure would not include Zahdak.

  16. NujaniiNujanii knew that ToD would die down there, and that was against the rules. But if Nujanii didn't help ToD out, it would be considered drowning. And it was ok for Nujanii to drown ToD. Therefore, Nujanii turned and flew away. Nujanii sent a blast of fire at BZPP.

  17. NujaniiNujanii's inventory slots could not be murdered because that was where he kept his kanoka and he could not lose his kanoka. Nujanii kept a few other things in his inventory, but those were of little consequence. Nujanii flew upwards, knowing that his army would die. They all did. Nujanii flew down and grabbed ToD. Nujanii picked him up and threw him into the water (good thing that scuba gear was adapted into), causing ToD to wake up. ToD was more dangerous asleep than awake.

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