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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Year 13

About Space: Ocean of Awe

  • Birthday 08/18/1996

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    Where the underworld am I??
  • Interests
    Books: I won't bother trying to list my favourite books. Usually they're science fiction, but I love all genres, including nonfiction.

    Some TV shows I like:
    The Twilight Zone
    Twin Peaks
    Get Smart
    The Monkees
    Doctor Who
    My Little Pony
    My Favourite Martian
    The Dick Van Dyke Show
    The Outer Limits
    Surely there are others.

    Some movies that I very much loved that come to mind:
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    Napoleon Dynamite
    Star Wars movies
    The Harry Potter movies
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off
    Groundhog Day
    Mr Nobody
    October Sky
    The Party
    Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis movies
    A lot of old movies (including silent films)
    More, I'm sure, that escape my mind…

    Music. I like music. I also like nonsense that somehow manages to be more beautiful than excellently crafter music, for example the default Cisco call manager hold tone.

    Other things are awesome too, like Cabin Pressure (and really anything written by John Finnemore). Oh, and dreams. And science, philosophy, metaphysics, writing, reading, mountains, weird internet stuff, getting sucker punched by nostalgia.....

    I'm also currently studying physics as an undergrad. Ridiculously cool, and very good at robbing me of sleep (or is that procrastination?).

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  1. haha, Gary Paulsen FTW!! so, I've never read Ender's Game, but ppz i know always talk about it. Would you reccomend??

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