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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Hassan "Then maybe it's not such a good idea to go back to the hangars..." Hassan suggested innocently.
  2. IC: Hassan "Yeah, I don't know if we're actually at war. Like, officially. Did they say anything on the news?"
  3. IC: Hassan "Yeah, though one would think that the prospect of having to enlist in a military in order to see these bad bots would deter them..."
  4. IC: Hassan "Other than operating a Walker, the most sophisticated machinery I've worked with, like cracking it open, repairing and tinkering, was a Ronco Kebab-o-matic 3000. Didn't really use it much back home though. Papa didn't think highly of it, probably thought it would steal our job, but he was right in that it never compared to the hand-operated spit roast we used. "Come to think of it, a lot of the pilots here are pretty experienced around machines. If I had a dollar for every engineer degree on base... "
  5. IC: Hassan "Sure! Let's go."
  6. IC: Hassan "Oh, I'd never dream of pulling you away from your preciouses." "So, any idea what to do next? I wouldn't mind more food, but we already cleaned the plates."
  7. IC: Hassan He turned to her and paused. He'd only meant that he needed help with the joke, but he realised how much he needed to hear someone say that in the context Gwen thought he meant. Perhaps he didn't walk away from years of campaigning on behalf of the Federation unscathed... "Thanks. I only meant help with the joke," he made a wry smile. "But I appreciate... this. I didn't realise how much I needed to cook with and talk to someone." He laughed softly. "An old bird like me doesn't always realise when he just needs to take some off time. So thanks for, well, just being here."
  8. IC: Hassan "No, I don't suppose so. Would crumble worse than a... A..." An awkward silence settled upon the pair, broken only by the sound of a cloth drying dishes. "The peace between the Union and Federation? God, too soon. Gwen, you gotta help me out here."
  9. OOC: No prob mate. Better late than never, amirite? IC: Hassan ... "HAHAHA! Hey, that's pretty good, heh." Hassan finished rinsing off the last plate and put it back onto the rack. "Well, you mentioned breakfast pizza? I need to know about this."
  10. IC: Glass - Infirmary Oh boy here we go again.
  11. IC: Glass - En route to PokeCentre medical bay Glass nodded. They walked in silence.
  12. IC: Glass Glass nodded. He knew what Exxan left unsaid: there was too much anger, too much baggage for Omnicron to just move on. Someone who stewed on the death of a sibling, waiting to act on the anger in a public arena... She's defined her identity around this. If she doesn't accept Omega's death and find a new identity for herself... Man, I don't want to go through yet another killing. "Hey, I understand what you mean, but it's not ineveitable, you know? People - Rahks - change." Glass paused, remembering helping Xara through with her worries and anxietes, what felt so long ago. "Maybe you could end this peacefully too."
  13. IC: Glass "You sure look like you can," Glass commented, following the other Rahk. "So, what do you think about all these revenge attacks? Must be getting stale."
  14. IC: Glass "My thoughts exactly," I sighed. I still wasn't entirely sure what Glass really thought of me, but in regards to the Omega issue, at the very least, he seemed to recognise that it was insignificant in the face of what had transpired since. "I'll never understand some Rahks..." "Me neither, until this round ends. Need any help Exxan?"
  15. IC: Glass "Not another one," he groaned aloud. "I don't recall him being such a swell guy to warrant all this."
  16. IC: Glass Glass turned back to Aerahk. 'You ruined it." He hoped off the platform too, but turned away from Geuua. He spotted Exxan off to one side, out of the moat, talking to Slif. He won already? Glass made his way over to the pair. "Match over?"
  17. IC: Glass "What-" Glass turned to the mustard and red Rahk. "Can't blame me from for trying to defuse the situation." He turned back to Geuua and waited for her to take the handle.
  18. IC: Glass Glass didn't say anything. What could he say that wouldn't now sound patronising? He stooped and offered the dropped handle to Geuua. "Well, if you really think you can handle it..." ... wow just kill me
  19. IC: Glass D'oh! "Oh, right, forgot about that. Your warhammer... Sorry about wrecking that. If there's any way I could help-" Don't say it! "-I'll be happy to." Wow. I have to agree with him for once. Thanks. Shut up.
  20. IC: Glass "Good fight, umm... Never got your name. You... need help getting to Palma's? Seems like there's a lot of time."
  21. IC: Glass "Sorry about that!" Glass called out as he raced to his opponent. "It's a weapon I got from... a long time ago. Back when there weren't new faces around, as it were." The silence stretched awkwardly. "Um, you concede, right?" Glass moved forward to help his opponent up anyway.
  22. IC: Glass Yes! Yes! Glass pulled back and swung with all his might, Terrortooth meeting Blazebreaker. The destructive power of the spikes flared once again, chewing and tearing up the warhammer directly through its head. Warhammer now out of the way, Glass stepped forward and swung, aiming at his opponent's lower torso so as not to rip through their Kraata.
  23. IC: Glass Glass, busy getting through his opponent's defense, saw the warhammer almost too late. He ducked, but the warhammer grazed shis shoulder. Nonetheless, it was enough to rip through the armour. He felt his left arm start to grow weak as the liquor that fueled his muscles leak out. We need to change to Terrortooth! There's no other way to meet that monster of a hammer! We can't make it obvious... Glass fell backward, pretending to be knocked off his feet. He let go of the warglaive, making sure to make it fall down more than sideways. If he needed it again, he didn't want to run far to get it back. "Ugh..." He said aloud. Glass pulled out the macuahuitl that was his spoil of war. Memories of that assignment long ago, where he and Xara bonded over wrecking an innocent Matoran village's holiday relics. Glass charged forward, grimace on his face, pretending to be rash and angry. He focussed on his opponent's next move as he charged on.
  24. IC: Glass Well, not much to it. His opponent seemed experienced in handling this kind of attack. Glass jabbed one more time and swung his staff at the other Rahk when they sidestepped again, hoping to keep them off-balance, or hopefully hit them again. He brought the staff back in one large swing and smoothly grabbed onto it as it swung to the back of his head. In a fluid, practiced motion, he disassembled it into two and reattached the pieces to form a warglaive in front of him. Whoa, nice. Guess all that practice paid off. Glad you finally admit it. Glass decided to go on the offensive, striding quickly forward and getting into his opponent's guard, slashing forward with multiple horizontal strokes.
  25. IC: Glass He decided to press the attack. He turned to face his opponent and shuffled forward, making quick jabs. It didn't matter if they did not connect, as long as his opponent continued to retreat to the edge of the platform.
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