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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Glass The javelin was thrown off-course. Glass, however, was already in mid-jump, and while the blast of air did stun Glass for a second, his weapon continued forward towards Sliver, destruction-infused surface glowing softly in a menacing bath of illumination.
  2. IC: Glass While Sliver was talking, Glass leaned back and tossed the staff, point first, at Sliver. He reached into his pack and pulled out Terrortooth and lunged forward, following up on the improvised javelin.
  3. IC: Glass Glass planted his feet and tried to resist the blast. He slid back a few feet and stabbed forward again, this time activating his power and electrifying the metallic weapon.
  4. IC: Glass Finally in range, Glass stabbed forward,aiming between Sliver's arm and torso.
  5. IC: Glass The Chain Lightning Rahkshi recovered from his stabs in time to see Sliver draw an arrow. He dodged aside just as the arrow was fired. It caught his arm but bounced off the armour. I can't let her stay at range. Until I get to level 3 I need to get in close... And her sharp blades won't matter when up against Terrortooth. Glass dashed forward in zig-zag, switching his standard staff for a shorter one in anticipation for close combat.
  6. IC: Glass Glass took a breath, focusing his armour's vision on his opponent. He unlimbered his transformable staff, holding it in guard position. He wasn't ready to reveal his trump card yet. Glass stepped forward, lightly on his heels, and jabbed at Sliver three times in quick succession.
  7. IC: Glass Glass gulped, trying not to seem as worried as he felt. "Why not? I like a challenge."
  8. IC: Glass "Of course, I, uh, agree." Is she dissing us? I honestly can't tell. "So, you wanted to spar?"
  9. IC: Glass "Exxan's... sister? Oh, you mean you came from the same Makuta." The silence stretched uncomfortably long. "Level five, huh? Seems like I'm the only level two around here these days..."
  10. IC: Sliver - Gym. "And you are?" I asked, sliding up out of my chair, which melted back into the gym floor. I hadn't been around the school for particularly long, but I'd made it my business to identify the students I was supposed to be ruling. This one wasn't familiar. IC: Glass "Glass," he said, extending his arm for a handshake. I don't like his tone... Don't be rude.
  11. IC: Glass The Chain Lightning Rahkshi snapped out of his reverie. He perked up. This was a great chance to clear his mind. "I do," he called out. You didn't happen to leave our weapons behind right? Umm... Don't worry, I remembered. Glass felt his weapon slung across his back.
  12. IC: Glass- Dorm room In his room, Glass slithered into a dry corner of the room, leaving his armour standing at the door. He needed time to sort out his thoughts. This is ridiculous. Your friends have broken out and are being hunted down by the school, and then you're sitting here doing homework!? Knock it off, alright? I'm not cut out for this kind of drama! right you're not. It's been weeks! You too? Really. You're siding with me for once?! Oh shut up, both of you. I'll just go... Glass slithered back into his Rahkshi armour. Look, I'll go find a way to escape, alright? I can't just let them have all the fun of living in the jungle all by themselves. That's the spirit! Glass let his feet wander, and he found himself drawn to the place that held the most memories for him- the gym. OOC: And here I go again... Glass open for interaction at the gym
  13. IC: Lunefeld Magtstrom - The Sanctum Lunefeld stood silently behind Hakann. The Toa of Gravity had said nothing throughout the meeting, as he was... Enraptured, by the ebb and flow of the discussion. While the fact that the loquacious crimson Piraka was Lunefeld's patron determined which side of the argument he was on, he did feel that Hakann was right. Nightfall's rationale for turtling instead of taking out the Maru was that it would solidify resistance to the Pact, citing the lack of a military response at this time as evidence. The lack of unity among the villages would allow the Pact to consolidate their holdings and defend from the inevitable counter-attack. And yet, as someone intimately familiar with the darker side of Mata-Nui society, Lunefeld knew that the villages wouldn't give them time to consolidate, and the Pact had already invoked the total wrath of the Island, because of what the villages treasured most: the status quo. The occupation of Ko-Koro wasn't just morally repungent, as Hakann reiterated. It was anathema to the island's society's identity of self. Anathema to the island's identity of self?My verbose patron's tendency for drama seems to be affecting me. Lunefeld looked back at the group, refocusing his thoughts. Striking at the Maru won't solidify resistance to the Pact. The occupation itself has already done that. Indeed, Lunefeld found it slightly amusing that Nightfall was worried about the backlash if they targeted the Maru, given the current situation. They were already knee-deep in Kikanalo dung. They might as well shoot the Kikanalo and risk its wrath now.
  14. IC: Greisk/Toros, Cyrena Greisk nodded and complied, picking up the rapidly cooling corpse. It was surprisingly light, even for a Matoran. What... What were those tentacles!? I'm more interested in the Turaga and his envoy. How do they know of the Antidermis? Yeah yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but... Tentacles! And... That mutating poison thing. The mute Toa of Magnetism quietly exited the chamber and out into the main halls of the palace proper. The hallways were silent today, the echoes of Greisk's footsteps being the only sound he heard as he crossed the building to the exit. It's hard to imagine that's the corpse of the most powerful man in Ko-Koro. His decisions affected the lives of thousands... Just drives in how vulnerable and mortal all of us are, in the end. You're not carrying him, I am. Thanks for ruining the moment. It's nice to see you being serious for once. Oh, not at all. I was going to talk about his poor skincare, and that his clothes look really shaby. You'd think a rich man like him would be better-dressed... Greisk tuned out Cyrena's comments as he entered the cold of the outside. His hood was up, but the wind still bit deeply, snow brushing his face. He passed by a squad of Legacy grunts roughing up a few refugees. Although he was under orders to not harm any of the soldiers of Makuta, it wasn't unheard of for violence to occur between violent followers of a dark god. Greisk stopped and stared. One of the guards saw the Toa and sneered. "Get lost, this is our catch. Find yourself another!" Greisk said nothing. One of the guard's companion, a shifty Matoran, whispered, "I think that's one of 'em Nightfall guys. We'd better leave." The ringleader, a Vortixx, turned her attention away from the refugees once she pocketed a bag of coin. "No way. Just a two-bit merc with more morals than sense. I'll only say it once," the Vortixx said, levelling a crossbow at Greisk's chest, dead center. "Leave." Don't let them go! Kill them! Look, she's got a dislocated shoulder. The Anxilia activated, and Greisk saw the many injuries in the muscle and bones of the grunts. I'm in no shape to fight.Greisk peered down, his X-ray vision revealing numerous injuries of varying degrees. Cyrena didn't answer, but Greisk could feel her frustration. He turned away, ignoring the jeering of the grunts. After a few minutes, they reached the lab. Outwardly, it was a greenhouse, a refuge for plants from the biting cold and howling wind of the outside. Greisk mentally pushed the door's metal hinge and entered. Agrona had built this greenhouse in the past week, and bred and grew her insects and plants inside the warn sanctuary. Her deft and skilful movements of precision was reminiscent of the skill she dealt with her other... Specimens, in the basement. Greisk laid Ambages' corpse on the floor and hauled open the door to the basement, wafts of sterilising liquid and dried offal assaulting his nose. Urgh, couldn't the ###### have sealed up your nose as well? That's my nose you're talking about. I'd inquire after the opinion of my wearer if I were you. Good thing I'm the Anxilia then. Gods, why was I made to smell what you smell? But it's curious... That crazy hag is usually meticulous about keeping things clean. Why the stench? Greisk slung the corpse over his shoulder and walked down into the darkness, pausing to activate a few of the new-fangled electric lights along the walls. Agrona liked the glow of the new lights. It shined much better off the blood of her newest dissections. The creak of a floorboard signalled that the Toa had reached the bottom of the stairs. Another switch; this one bathed the room in light. It was a small and organised room, the dissecting table where Agrona plied her craft occupying the centre of the room. Rows of body lockers lined with the walls, and notes were stacked in two neat piles. There was even an analysis bench on the far side of the room, filled with tubes of chemicals, rows of differently-sized scalpels and even a rare microscope that was looted from the Nuju-Marion Research Hospital. Greisk knew it well, since it belonged to Doctor Gabel. On the table was Agrona's latest dissection, and the source of the stench: she had neglected to store the extraneous organs of her latest experiment in Greisk's absence, opting to scribble her latest findings on Lesterin biology in blood on a nearby piece of discarded paper. The mute Toa carefully laid the corpse of Ambages inside an empty storage chamber, built into the walls. The cold ice and soil on the other side of the walls around the basement would help preserve the corpse for a good while, enough for the ex-ruler of Ko-Koro to receive the careful and detailed dissection he was destined for. He was put into the lowest row of lockers, which seemed to store corpses the best. After all, Greisk reflected, as he put Agrona's notes in order and stored the extraneous organs into the last few steile jars in the lab, turning to put turn the light switch off. It was only fitting that the man who once ruled from the highest of Ko-Koro's buildings, the most powerful and elevated of its citizens, now rested at the bottom of the very same village, amongst the cadavers of the abandoned.
  15. Yay 4th year anniversary of being on BZPower!

  16. IC: Zekev "Well, I don't think licenses are actually vital. Just keep looking around though, I like to order you around."
  17. IC: Zekev "No, it was the thing that helps put said explodey shells into the big thing that was making a sword noise. I still think there's a cockroach back there."
  18. IC: Zekev "Wait, I don't think we're registered in Neuf. Are we? "Check the back of the cannon's loading mechanism. I remember something clanking back there. Could be some sort of Nui-Roach, though."
  19. IC: Zekev "Is our license still valid? I want to drive in without having to get off."
  20. OOC: We're probably going to need a GM in here. IC: Zekev We set off into the nicer parts of the inner city.
  21. IC: Zekev "Um, drive where? You haven't specified, yoru Royal Snottiness."
  22. IC: Zekev "As long as we don't do anything dumb, they won't. It would be a waste of perfectly good meatshields if the Rahks happen to attack, or something similar."
  23. IC: Zekev "Hmm, it's worth a shot. I'd like to see what they say too."
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