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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Lunefeld Hakann's gaze signalled for the two of us to follow him as he strode over to a Matoran currently chewing somebody out.
  2. IC: Zekev "Your love for high-explosive ballistics is showing again. Try to keep it under control." Ha! That's hilarious, coming from a worshipper of grape juice.
  3. IC: Vaxel "Got it Captain," Vaxel nodded. He clambered in after Kulkakahn and seated himself into the comms station. He started to do a pre-mission check of all his tools. IC: Zekev "I almost forgot, I want half the gold too. Bud that's inconsequential. "So when can we stop running?" I was really out of breath by now. I'm built for speed and looks, not stamina. Well, not speed, either, come to think of it. Or looks. IC: Mokeron Mokeron looked around, scanning for threats. He hated being unprepared and not in control of his situation.
  4. IC: Mokeron "Good point. Although I don't know how we could fit into this tunnel easily..." IC: Zekev "Stuck on an adventure with you? As long as I get all the grape juice, I'm game."
  5. IC: Zekev - Burial "I would be fine with monster swords, myself." I looked around to make sure no one was watching. "I concur, except... How do we find our way back, then?" IC: Mokeron - Ertrunken "I don't think either way would be helpful in such a scenario as this."
  6. IC: Vaxel - Seize garages The Matoran was ready and waiting at the designated spot. He couldn't wait to get back to work. IC: Zekev - Burial Karz, I am soo confused. "Cor, we kinda should retreat too!" I shouted over the din if her weapon. IC: Mokeron "Sir, I think we might've just fell into a trap."
  7. IC: Elbinger The paladin turned and caught sight of the eavesdropper. "No harm done, I believe. Well met, goodsir. I am Elbinger Hawklight," he shook the newcomer's hand.
  8. IC: Elbinger "Then it's most definitely not a coincidence." The Paladin considered. What did the dream mean? Could a new invasion of Waterdeep be in the making? Putting the dreams and the rumours together, they weren't far-fetched.
  9. IC: Wolfram Wolfram tried to reply. "Big family, huh?"
  10. IC: Wolfram "I assume your name means you have at least... Three?"
  11. IC: Elbinger - The Yawning Portal "There were demonic things in the snow, walking, before clashing in the most horrific display of violence I've seen. And I've seen quite a bit. "What were yours like?"
  12. IC: Wolfram "What would you give for a rice cooker?"
  13. IC: Elbinger "Nothing, just... I was driven here by the rumours and dark visions in my sleep. I doubt they are not connected."
  14. IC: Elbinger Dark dreams? Could it- "Did these dreams appear only recently?"
  15. OOC: He's in his robes IC: Elbinger The Paladin thanked her and sat by the fire. The gentle light of it soothed his still-worried heart. "So, what brings you here to Waterdeep in these troubling times?" He asked to distract himself lest he fall asleep from staring too long into the fire.
  16. IC: Zekev I took the chance and fired a few darts at the exposed underarm.
  17. IC: Elbinger Elbinger approached Dawn, grape juice drained from his mug. "Mind if I join you?"
  18. IC: Wolfram Wolfram nodded and followed Rynekk following the Fourth.
  19. IC: Glass "More importantly, what are those Rahks doing there?"
  20. IC: Vaxel "Got it. Where's he at?" IC: Zekev I charged at the next creature, swinging my new weapon and axe again. I think it's a great catharsis for my Skakdi rage.
  21. IC: Glass "Oh yeah." Sand started to gnaw at the sand. "Do you know of anyone who thinks like us? Who would like to just escape all of this..."
  22. IC: Arabeth/Dervish (The Golden Pickaxe) They were coming again. The monsters. The shapeless shadows that chased her down Xa-Koro every night, keening for her blood. There was never anyone around, and the sounds of her pounding feet were the only things that offset the terrible wailing of fear and destitution manifest. Alone, the lamps were so bright, yet so distant and unhelpful. They only to keep her shadow gone. She was trapped in a corner that appeared out of nowhere. She turned, and they bore down on her. Her scimitars had melted in her fists, and it scalded her flesh. With a sigh, Arabeth woke up. It was the same dream since she arrived. She had moved on, but her sleep never did. Arabeth got out of bed and looked around. Ishi was gone. I wish I could say I'm surprised, she muttered to herself. A note told her to collect the stuff from Ferron and wait in the Bazaar. It wasn't even signed, much less bearing a small thank-you. Arabeth had always been envious of Ishi. He was what she wanted to be. Effortlessly smart and able to get out of anything, without resorting to her weapons. The perfect brain-for-hire. Yet,they had shared a friendship of sorts. He was her mentor, and... She wasn't quite sure how he saw her, really. A student? A curiosity? Another inferior? She packed her belongings and went downstairs for breakfast.
  23. IC: Glass I cleared my throat. "So, what do you think of my cake?"
  24. IC: Wolfram "We can't exactly go knocking on doors..."
  25. IC: Zekev "Karz!" Cor shoved me away and I rolled off. I got up in time to shoot a dart at the other weak spot below its shoulders.
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