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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Lunefeld The Toa of Gravity watched the exchange between the newcomer and his eloquent colleague on silence.
  2. IC: Glass "Erm, preparing something? It's not much. So err, you been up to?"
  3. Looks intriguing, probably work on a profile soonish?
  4. IC: Glass Glass found Xara in the infirmary.
  5. IC: Zekev "No I meant the other direction. Something" On top of the bush lay a skeleton, dried and ancient to the point that a stiff breeze might crumble it. "Oh. That's what I saw." I approached it. "Yo, skelly. How's death?" He didn't respond.
  6. IC: Zekev "A hallway. Now a courtyard. Some nice stone buildings. A bush. Something at the corner of my vision."
  7. IC: Zekev "How cruel." I started mapping at an alarmingly quick pace. IC: Mokeron Mokeron took a seat. His feet hurt.
  8. IC: Zekev What!? "Did that came out wrong?"
  9. IC: Zekev "Yes, namely my tank and my decorum."
  10. IC: Zekev "Got it. Also, I know you said that just to lean in close to me."
  11. IC: Glass- medical place Yowch! I woke up in the med bay, armour repaired. Round ended? Apparently. We should find Xara. I got up and wandered around. OOC: Roman?
  12. IC: Petra Petra enjoyed a big fat burger the next day, reaping the benefits of her attack on the warehouse. OOC: Open for interaction.
  13. IC: Arabeth Arabeth sighed. With such high expectations, Ishi never seemed to realise that not everyone was the savant he was. Or maybe he did, and relished it. "Sure, I'll get some sleep."
  14. Valentine's day is over and Glass X Xara no progress Darn I blame it on homework and exam preparation
  15. IC: Mokeron The Matoran complied, dropping his weapons. "What if they attack us, sir?" IC: Zekev "I still don't like this."
  16. OOC: I'm going to assume that the second OOC was supposed be to be Attacking Kale, because it makes more sense. Kale Ironshaper- Fighting Glass IC: It's hard to shoot at something you can't properly see. Something that Glass discovered as his lightning bolts slammed into a nearby rock that looked vaguely like a Toa. Kale had never lowered his cloak, the simple bending of light around him creating nothing but a faint shimmer that one would have been lucky to see at close range. At range and in the middle of a snowstorm he might as well have been a ghost. Nonetheless, firing repeatedly from the same location was a surefire way for him to get hit by return fire. So Kale began to make his way along the ridge he had been standing on, all the while watching his opponent. It seemed that a section of the outer casing had been removed completely, allowing him a view at the kraata inside. It seemed normal enough, or as normal as an intelligent could be, that is. If he didn't take it out the could soon would. Settling on a good spot, Kale halted and fired another laser at the opening in the armored shell. IC: Glass Something hard me from the back, blinding me with a great flash. I stumbled forward, covering my optical receptors. The movement let me dodge the laser unknowingly.
  17. IC: Zekev "Suit yourself," I shrugged. I turned tot he gun and peered out. "Nothing much going on..."
  18. IC: Zekev "Prove it." I love moments like this.
  19. Can't seem to access Kat's photo.
  20. IC: Zekev Was she daft? I hadn't made myself clear? "I already established that I can fly. So. Go ahead. Make my day. Or don't. Either way is permissible."
  21. IC: Zekev "I can..." Oh gods. "I'll simply fly back up."
  22. IC: Mokeron Mokeron listened intently, thoughts on escape from the net gone from his mind. He wasn't so foolish as to dismiss them as savages of fools so quickly. IC: Zekev "I think your state of happiness is not high on my list of priorities, given that there is this supernatural monster out to eat us."
  23. IC: Zekev "If it shows its face again I'll be hitting this gun so hard it will come off the chassis."
  24. IC: Zekev "I just want to stay far away from that thing."
  25. IC: Arabeth/Dervish "Hmm. Nothing much, just an old mab who's seen his fair share of life and wants to take a break. Although he's still willing to answer the call to help." It wasn't much, but Arabeth had little to work on. It was impossible to get Ferron's attention once the horde of refugees had arrived, not counting all the customers.
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