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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Glass Darn it, Caoutchouc. You're going to get killed too.
  2. Seriously guys Zex's torture is getting uncomfortable to read. More specifically, the apathy the students give to him.
  3. IC: Zekev "Huh? Er, yeah. Just wondering how loud the explosion would be. Also whether or not the world exists if our Sergeant told us it didn't."
  4. And to think I only got the starter edition or WoW. (Also I have Skyrim, so now it's even worse for me.)
  5. IC: Mokeron He shrugged. "That map." IC: Zekev I'm getting the heebie-jeebies. Something was wrong. "Are you sure? Your voice is pretty memorable."
  6. IC: Glass Glass made no move towards Zex. He watched impassively as they took turns delivering victor's justice.
  7. IC: Zekev Well this sucks. I dragged the Vortixx and the shooter and dumped them, with much back straining, onto the back of a Brotherhood carriage. I locked it up. OOC: That's the two converts.
  8. IC: Glass Glass pushed air through his vocal articulator. It came out as a rasp. "That's quite a little something." OOC: He tried to whistle.
  9. IC: Zekev "If an exo is exploded, but no one claims responsibility, does it make a sound? More importantly, how cool was the explosion?" I mused aloud as I called for confirmation. "This is Recon Gamma Unit One, requesting permission to take out rogue Unit Two."
  10. Sorry matey, Zekev was a little sleepy and drunk on water.
  11. IC: Glass "Hey Xara! Sorry, I had to grab some grub. Literal grub from the refectory."
  12. IC: Kubrick "The occasional card game to exercise my mind. Not enough brain practice, as it were, for war."
  13. IC: Zekev "What was that? I couldn't hear it. Something about weight gain being in vogue?" IC: Vaxel "What was that exo trying to do?" IC: Mokeron Mokeron let go of the crinkly paper and followed Lufon. IC: Horic Horic scoured the streets for Erixel. Golutaka might have been done by now.
  14. Guys I'm all so sorry I was offline for two days. I err, sort of started to play World of Warcraft... I'll respond asap!
  15. IC:Glass "Thanks. I've been trying to fond cause for them since I got them installed."
  16. IC:Zekev "Turn off the ###### radio, for goodness' sakes..." I kicked the radio off. "Err, you were saying?" IC: Mokeron Mokeron carefully peeled the metal back. It seemed extremely lightweight and shiny. Who knew what wonders lay beneath it... OOC: It's tinfoil covered food, right?
  17. IC: Zekev "You're just jealous she pulls off the 'hot evil Vortixx' thing better than you."
  18. IC: Glass Aaaaand my luck ran out. Knocked off my feet, I fell backwards. I tried to roll back up but only ended up in a crouched position. "I've had some practice too." I dropped the staff and charged, lashing out with my feet weapons. IC: Floor "That would need some taking used to."
  19. IC: Zekev "Got it." I accelerated the tank and it sped off ahead. "Now that we're away from the main convoy, let's talk about how much of a ###### the Sergeant is." IC: Mokeron Mokeron turned off the radio and got out. The harsh sun blazed on them. Mokeron drew his sword and shield and followed Lufon.
  20. IC: Glass I raised to block the feint, but Xara struck from the other side. I rotated around my heel and blocked the attack with the middle of my staff, before pushing off and stabbing at her.
  21. IC: Glass I didn't reply, only rotating my staff to intercept her strike.
  22. IC: Floor "I see." Floor continued to examine his weapon. "What do you think of Silencer's death?" IC: Glass "Uhh..." Go! Quick! "Sure!" I pulled out my staff, and adapted a combat stance.
  23. IC: Glass "If you're sincere, they should be able to trust you. "And I'll be willing to defend your benign intentions," I added. IC: Floor "Most don't come put here unless they're not satisfied. But if you say so," Floor said, as he started to eamxine his staff.
  24. IC: Floor "Having problems?" To Era, it might seem like Floor simply appeared from thin air. He was sitting on the other side of the Courtyard, examining some flora.
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