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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Glass "That's... That's terrific! The students here could use some help."
  2. Glass and Xara's convo turned from heart talk to career counseling
  3. IC: Glass I couldn't answer that. "There's no reason to stop training yourself, there are lots of Level Threes around. You don't have to limit to beating up others. You can push yourself to become better. Maybe err, giw many dummies you can take down in ten seconds? "Either way, know that you have more options that you can consider."
  4. IC: Glass "I can't make you become who you want to be. You must take that path yourself. But I'll be here to uhh, silently tell you when you're heading for a cliff, so to speak."
  5. Wait, no ten pages if gameplay and discussion in my sleep? Something's wrong.
  6. IC: Glass Oh gods... "Xara? I'm sorry I said- it'll be fine. You don't need to be alone anymore. Sand and I are here. Well, just me, right now."
  7. IC: Glass "I see someone trying to seeks their identity, their path, but only finds a big blank space. You compensate by doing what you do best, fighting, hoping to find meaning. "But you don't. You only make the big blank canvas worse, tearing into it, cutting people out, isolating yourself in an effort to make your own essay of You. "But here's the secret: the big canvas isn't a terrifying void: it's a miracle. You have a large amount of autonomy in your destiny, and it's up to you to make that canvas mean something. But you don't know how. And so you fight, fight to make meaning for that canvas. "But you're not alone, Xara, and you aren't just an unfeeling weapon. You have other schoolmates who want to help, but no longer feel safe doing so. "But I'll be here, because I know what you are: someone with potential. And you're restricting yourself. And I won't let you do that, not after all we-" Finally, regained control. Where was I? "-I... I'm sorry, Xara, I... I don't know what I just... That's to say, you do understand what I mean right? You're more than just... This." I gestured lamely to our surroundings.
  8. IC: Zekev I pretended to listen to her as I let the Hound idle. "We're all ready!" I shouted into the radio.
  9. IC: Zekev "Seems so. Do we... Bring them in for conversion? The Grandmaster is busy." IC: Greisk/Cyrena This could get ugly very quickly. Echelon seems to insist rubbing it into the Grandmaster's face, so... Just in case. Greisk signalled to Agrona, "Should we be on guard?"
  10. IC: Glass "You will have to find that out for yourself. He- I'll -be here to help you along, and there's no reason to be less than yourself."
  11. IC: Zekev "That was perceptive of you!" I gunned the engines. Yep, the old Hound was working just fine.
  12. IC: Zekev "Aw, that's sweet of you."
  13. IC: Glass(Italic) "Is that all you want to be? We were given this gift of intelligence. Whether it was an uncaring universe, or a malicious Makuta, we have the capacity to evaluate our actions. "So why do you insist on acting like one of the primal Rahkshi?"
  14. IC: Zekev "If you throw it, yeah."
  15. IC: Glass ... She's mad. She's wrong. She doesn't seem to know it. You want me to go up to her, rationalise my argument, and make amends? That's not going to work. Put it that way... Remember what he said about taking control? I struggled and started twitching, mumbling and all-round frizzinghaiisnfnkdlekdjjdj- Oh wow, this body is nice. Hey! Too bad. I quickly ran up to Xara in staggering, unsure footsteps. "Hey, Xara, look, I'm sorry. I think I should say sorry. Sorry. I simply wanted you to understand that your actions have consequences on others as well." Give it back! Once this is done.
  16. IC: Vaxel Vaxel laughed. "Wouldn't that be a change." IC: Zekev "Don't worry, Cor. Serves you right for only owning ranged weapons." I quickly climbed into the tank to escape any potential kicks from Cor. Yep, my shield and axe were still here.
  17. Nah, Glass would never forgive me(he's actually a voice in my head like the voices in his head.)
  18. And so Glass x Xara has reached a rocky point. (Geddit, cos ships get damaged when traversing shallow rocky areas)
  19. I would like to add that the lat bit about power gaming wasn't aimed at you, Arctic, it was just a general reasoning for the constraint on crystal powers.
  20. Sigh... The reason we separate ice from crystal is less about the scientific accuracy and more for balance. So crystal people don't use ice otherwise it's unfair. We play to have fun, not power game by cramming powers. Nuff said.
  21. IC: Zekev - Somewhere over the rainbow "Cor, calm down! Punch me instead. On second thoughts, just poke me." IC: Vaxel - The Relentless Vaxel nodded to Tor. "All comms are online and working."
  22. OOC: Oh yeah, plasma thingies. Whoops. IC: Zekev Well, there's that. Now, where's that girl?
  23. IC: Glass "So you don't care what your actions do to others, don't you? You fight because you have nothing else, right? Even when they are defenceless, dying... You don't care, because it's not you in their place."
  24. IC: Zekev As it turns out, Brotherhood shields are really strong. The bullet bounced off a mere second before I barrelled into him, s swinging the flat of my axe at his head.
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