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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev "It's funny how facepalms are possible even when handcuffed."
  2. IC: Zekev "Okay, Vortixx guy. You're going down!" I charged at him, shield held in front of me, as I peeked out over my shield and shot lasers at him. OOC: VahkiDane, that's you.
  3. IC:Glass "And you nearly killed someone because of it. I thought we intervened to stop the fighting, not make it worse."
  4. IC: Zekev "I feel at once mollified and indignant. And I don't know what either of those words mean." IC: Mokeron "Commander, if I may, there's a slope to the side of the convoy. We could take up position there and look for the Seize tanks."
  5. IC: Glass This was too much. I strode up to Xara and turned her to look at me. "What's wrong with you? He was defenseless! And less said about that crab. How would you feel if someone fried Sand from the inside out? What happened to you?" I snapped, the anger bleeding from me with every word.
  6. IC: Zekev - Truck "Also, did you touch my Ash Hound without my permission? If there's a scratch on her... Not that there isn't already a thousand scratches, dents and burns on her already." IC: Horic - Neuf road "Right. Say, know where Erixel is?" OOC: Who plays Erixel? IC: Mokeron - Vengeful Inferno Mokeron confirmed on his map that they were able to do such a manoeuvre.
  7. IC: Arabeth (Dervish) Arabeth sighed impatiently. Ishi was off doing his mystery man thing and it reaaaally annoyed her that she wasn't in on it. You sully girl, you're not smart enough to be a part of his plans. Better to not know and do what you're told. Arabeth decided to find Ishi.
  8. IC: Glass "Sure. Let's stop him. Again." I hurried up to Rail. "You need to stop. Now."
  9. Floor should be wandering the halls again after Silencer's death
  10. I'm just kiddinYAWCHOMPCHOMPRAAARGH -Zekev
  11. IC: Glass "Spar who?"
  12. Oh gods it's an arms race
  13. Also, Roman, Skype not working for me, so I'll say here that the MoC was TOTALLY SWEET! Well, the pose could use some work, but I assume that's LDD's fault.
  14. IC: Glass "Err, to kill Zex again? I'm not sure, really."
  15. Tbh, it's kind of difficult to take a melodramatic electrocuted interrupting Rahkshi's words serously, so I RPed accordingly.
  16. Except snore. And bicker. And eat another.
  17. Ohh,that comment was for Xara. I missed your post
  18. Huh? Blow what Edit: huh, I totally missed that post. I edited my post
  19. All you need is 2 more people that have a sense of jealousy, nevergiveupness, or prone to being injured badly. HA HA Good luck getting characters like that to work together.
  20. IC: Glass "I'm still very unsure if who wants who dead, but sure. "Also, who was that that just said something?" He asked Xara
  21. IC: Glass/1st Person(not going to miss this chance) Eeeaaraarraragggggg Dude, you okay? Xara's hugging me again! You don't like it? What!? No, I do! I- Then hug back! Can't you see how happy she is? ... I smiled nervously and hugged her back. "I hope so as well." Dang, he really should be given the reins. Not happening.
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