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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Kubrick Kubrick considered for a moment. "The hunt. It's what we in our occupation do, no? "Well, probably not, I'll warrant. To be honest, I don't know what I enjoy doing, other than this. In these dark decades... Enjoyment is hard to come by. At least, for me."
  2. IC:Glass Glass grinned from audio receptor to aural capacitor. "Well done! That was one cool lightning bolt."
  3. IC: Glass ... Woah. "Xara... I think you should cool down too."
  4. IC: Zekev "Hey, Sir Ira. This crazy person was about to attack us, so we're subduing him. "Should we also knock out the Vortixx?" I whispered separately to Dahkapa.
  5. IC: Glass Glass flipped backwards and swung Terrortooth in a wide arc shearing off the nearest chunks of the pillars. "That's what I'm trying to tell him. I'm trying to stop him," he called out to Caoutchouc. Glass turned and saw Xara telling them to stop. "Make that guy stop. He was going to rip Silencer's killer to pieces."
  6. IC: Glass He's not thinking straight. That was nice of you, to be serious for once. I'm always serious. Just ask me. Glass reversed his staff stabbed at the Rahkshi's torso, intending to topple him.
  7. Oh no, Nato! Fang X Kat already sailed. Glass X Xara must hurry up if we want to stand a chance.
  8. IC: Glass No. Enough fighting. Enough death. Glass bounded forward held up his staff to block Rail's punch, aiming to stop him without hurting him.
  9. IC: Horic Horic took his leave of Golu and went out to find the others. He had barely taken ten steps when he found Wekan outside. The Navigator was buying some fruit. "Good to see you, Wekan. Golu needs us to assemble for something important." IC: Zekev "Sleep. I have a feeling we'll need it."
  10. IC: Floor "Oh ." Silencer... He just- I don't know what to do. For once. I'm just stunned. Then it becomes clear. I run over to him. He had always survived his injuries. He always did. I look for any vital signs. IC: Glass "No..." Silencer. There's no way he can survive that.
  11. IC: Mokeron Mokeron frowned as he looked over the map affixed in front of him. They were too near to Vingt to be attacked. Something was up. IC: Zekev "Nah, I'm good. Wait, did you just show me concern? What did they do to you? "That was a joke. Thanks."
  12. IC: Zekev What the actual ##########? Oh, it's on. "Hey! You're attacking Knights of the Brotherhood of Ak'Rei'An in the place of our victory! Unless you want to lose an eye, an arm and a a tooth, I suggest you ###### off." My hands went to my weapons, ready to kick this little fool's butt.
  13. IC: Zekev - Treize Cell #227 I started snoring. Loudly. Really loudly. Cor elbowed me but I dodged it. I opened one eye. "What? I have a condition. OOC: What role is Mokeron's in the Vengeful Inferno. IC: Vaxel - Old Relentless In the back if the venerable old tank, a Matoran in blue and white silently operated the radio and took notes on a tablet.
  14. IC: Glass Glass fell off his bench. He was silently cheering for Xara. Woah! Xara- Since when could she- She just turned level 3! "I might need to see if she needs a hand." IC: Floor "I'll be willing to help." IC: Glass "Oh! Err, thanks for the offer, Floor."
  15. Name: Vaxel Species: Matoran of Lightning Gender: Male Gear: Vaxel's EDD is built as a watch that shows the time A large and sleek broadsword Two Scimitars for close combat Disk Launcher (five discs) A radio for communication with any Seize units Flint & Steel Water Binoculars Appearance: Vaxel has the looks of a professional mercenary. Lean body, deep eyes, mouth set into a thin hard line, hands that can change from motionless to a weapon at a moments' notice. He frequently sports a cloak while travelling. A scar crosses Vaxel's left eye, which shines marginally less than his right. Personality: Efficient and professional, Vaxel is, despite his past, strangely loyal to Seize. He is usually quiet and unruffled, relaying instructions between his crew and headquarters with a calm and clear voice. Bio: Originally a scout and fighter, Vaxel worked as a mercenary for along time after his village was destroyed by raiders. He vowed revenge, and to do this, he hired his services out to various villages and even morally ambiguous pirates and governments. He finally succeeded in avenging his home and took a job as a specialist in Seize's military, who took a noice to him after hiring his services to them a couple if times. Now, Vaxel continues to serve under his adopted home with the same attention to detail and efficiency that has guided him for his entire life. Armour: -Armour Name: The (Old) Relentless
  16. IC: Mokeron Mokeron swore as he swerves to avoid the shell. "Things have heated up pretty soon." IC: Horic "Gotcha. I'll go get the others. Don't take too long," Horic said, as he drank the last of the sweetened sludge. IC: Zekev I sighed loudly and long, laying back. This was going to take a bit of time.
  17. IC: Zekev "Well young lady, allow me to explain. "The Archangel is Ak'Rei'An himself, Mata Nui's own lieutenant. He served him well and faithfully, until he asked his lord to end suffering. The arch-hypocrite struck him down, and... "What happened then?" I asked Dahkapa. I couldn't for the life of me remember.
  18. IC: Kubrick Kubrick watched silently as two players on one side hut each other chasing the same kolhii. "Not really. I never had time to appreciate it. I understand it's basically war compressed into ninety minutes?"
  19. IC: Zekev "Woo-hoo! Bail!" The words "offer you three bail" suddenly woke me up and I thrust my hands into the air. There was space for my hands, oddly enough. "I don't know about you, Cor, but I'm willing to hear this guys's offer."
  20. IC: Horic "I'd say it's worth talking to Grunbeld about." IC: Mokeron "I'm here. Let's get moving."
  21. Well, the personality change bit is somewhat misleading. Zekev(whom you, Roman, know from the Tanks RPG) hasn't changed much personality-wise, but his devotion to his new lord does colour his actions quite a bit and parts of his character. Also, I don't think the Brotherhood preaches Makuta's non-existence. Just that he is an usurper and fraudulent poseur. (Also inaccurate but less inaccurate that not existing.)
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