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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev "Who was..." ...that? Someone shouted at us. Someone came up shouting for us. She looked... Nuts? "Halt. What business do you have here?" Wow, my professional voice has improved considerably! OOC: Dallior, that's you char.
  2. The expedition. Dun dun dun! Since obviously nobody is working for Treize for the expedition. (No PCs, at least)
  3. IC: Zekev "Karz ####### stinking rats..." I cursed under my breath as Cor luged me out. She was stronger than she looked. I raised my hands a little as I hopped onto the ground. "OK, you got us." "That was quite the little adventure, eh?" I whispered to Cor. IC: Horic "Heard about 'em. Seems to be a lot more... Held up by facts than all the other ones." Horic got himself a mug of sweet brown sludge and sipped it.
  4. OOC: Yeah of course we'll be caught. We're having some fun in the meantime. The gates will be barred, probably. IC: Zekev "Err, okay. "The city gates are juuuust ahead."
  5. IC: Zekev "Ehhh... We'll make a run. He just might kill them."
  6. IC: Zekev "Thats true, but it's not like we succeeded in getting rid of the first one. Well, we did. Then that fool came to get us. So unless you want to rot in jail for decades or blow your way our of the jail, I suggest we simply bash through the fence and run out of here as quickly as possible." Phew. I never knew I could talk so fast.
  7. The Dauntless? The Indomitable? Relentless is good too.
  8. IC: Zekev "Your guns!" I kicked the belt up and shoved it into her hand. "Let's goooooo" I swung my axe and cleaved open the lock. I kicked the wire gates in. "The Hound is to the right. Start her up!"
  9. IC: Zekev Now was the chance! I launched impact vision at the nearest two guards (directly at their most, ahem, sensitive parts) before ripping my gun out and shooting a third one. I didn't care if they got hit or not. Three down- "Run run!" I held up my shield to block any incoming arrows and shoved Cor towards the garage. I hoped she picked up her weapons.[/color]
  10. Armour points, I would think.
  11. Do we have a choice? Thought it was assigned to us. It being a military and all.
  12. IC: Zekev "You didn't have to take off your clo- oh. Just your tool belt." "I'd still like to ask something of your leader. Pretty please?"
  13. IC: Glass Great. Now we're stuck in the gym. Look, I didn't know- You should. Glass sighed and sat down on o e of the benches, watching Xara fight.
  14. And that's Bionicle how...? Again, not much relation to Bionicle to warrant Bionicle being added in.
  15. Me me me! *Raises hand a lot* What roles are empty?
  16. All I need is a fourth PC for Seize so that I cover all the bases...
  17. IC: Zekev "I'd like to speak to your leader first. Then we'll ourselves in." IC: Mokeron The Matoran listened intently to the details. IC: Horic "Hey, Golu," a voice came from beside the driver of The Onslaught. The Matoran took a side opposite him.
  18. So, onslaught dudes. Looks like we're going to grunbeld?
  19. Thickish I would think. These are Rahkshi, after all.
  20. OOC: Dallior, I suggest you PM the current leader of the Brotherhood to get his permission first. IC: Zekev "Alternate? We can just go in. We're guarding, after all. No one will notice od you want to sneak in for a while."
  21. IC: Zekev "'Twas a metaphor." "So what now? Make a run for it?"
  22. IC: Zekev "Well, old girl I think you've buckled under the stress." I started laughing as well.
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