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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev "Took us long enough. Here we are." Except the gates were locked. "."
  2. IC: Zekev . I felt bad for saying that. Guess he was really bad to her, huh? "One more block from the garage." OOC: I swear, TBRPGs employ time dilation to do these things.
  3. IC: Zekev "Then who would you banter with? Who would hold Lufon by the arms as you ticked his feet to death?"
  4. IC: Glass "Is he going to be alright?"
  5. IC: Zekev "Either way, we make for the garage now." I signalled a halt, let a drunk guy stagger pass, then exited the tight road. It was then that I realised how worried I was. I could suddenly breathe again. Talking to Cor certainly helped, but only did I realise how uptight I felt. The memories... No, can't let them come back. "Left. This avenue leads back to the Hound. Hopefully."
  6. IC:Zekev "That's my Skakdi special skill. Be irritating and not die from it. "Is he really following us?"
  7. IC: Zekev "Wouldn't be too bad of an idea. At least I can cannibalise your fats. " OK OK I'm sorry I'm fat" I quickly deflected her pokes.
  8. The last bit is a bit impossible too. You don't just show up at the school after breaking free of envoy (which is pretty impossible on its own) without being immediately tasered and squished by MacTriddy himself.
  9. IC: Zekev "I'm sure impact vision will do lots of help, don't you?" I hissed
  10. OOC: Glass will bring you to the infirmary. Wait till Ultron gets online and uses Palma to heal you. It's almost ritual by now IC: Glass "Come, I'll help you." Glass put one of Cuutuk's arms around his shoulders and helped him to the Infirmary.
  11. Someone needs to be the new Phogen
  12. IC: Glass "Why don't youbpay attention to Xara. I'll bring Cuutuk to Palma for medical attention. Thanks to you." Glass had heard from Xara what Vaalku did to her. He wasn't going to make friends with him.
  13. Glass X Xara All you need to know
  14. IC: Glass "What a coward..." Glass muttered under his breath. Cuutuk, now on the ground, groaned a he heard Vaalku rushing over. Fortunately for Glass, bull rushing targets are easy targets. He fired off a blast of lightning at Vaalku dead on.
  15. IC:Zekev "What works for me is the best solution, so I think we're going to stop him now. In an alley. Of course. Always an alley. "Hey Cor, you need to be here. Not worrying about Lufon or death or how kch whiskey you have left. Focus, okay?(can't believe I'm the one saying 'focus')" I hope she doesn't zone out. Once we make back maybe- No. Don't think too far. Focus here. I hook a right on the next alley entryway.
  16. IC: Zekev "No, I asked before or after. That's not a yes or no question. Sheesh, did you learn Matoran?"
  17. IC: A stream of Plasma blasted the space between Xara and Vaalku. Hopefully Vaalku wouldn't be hit. From behind, two hands grabbed Cuutuk and hauled him from Xara before the lightning killed him. "All of you stop." Floor the Plasma Rahk stood nearby staff still steaming. Glass was holding Cuutuk away from Xara. "Friend, I suggest you don't interfere. This is an honour thing between the two," he signalled at Vaalku and Xara. He nodded his thanks to Floor, who acknowledged the nod and walked off. "Now, let's start again," Glass motioned at the two. He wasn't going to interfere in Xara's fights. She wouldn't appreciate that. IC: Floor The Rahk yawned as he exited the gym. He was bored. OOC: Floor open for interaction.
  18. IC: Zekev "Probably. Want to take him out before or after we reach the garage?"
  19. IC: Kubrick Kubrick shrugged. "Might as well." He remembered the last time he watched a kolhii match. It was to beat information out of a narcotics dealer afterwards.
  20. IC: Zekev "We've got a spook on our tail," I whispered as we walked the cold streets of Treize. "Seems to be heading to the hangar too."
  21. Well, he works for Neuf now. I'm thinking of making a solo char for Seize, though.
  22. Name: Horic Species: Matoran of Iron Gender: Male Gear: Horic's EDD is affixed to his chest Powerless Arthron A master-crafted battleaxe A wristwatch that measures date, time, and ten separate stopwatches A journal An eyepatch Appearance: Horic is an old veteran, and as a result he is taller and stronger than most Matoran, even if he is a bit old. He wears mostly burnt orange armour, which has numerous little scratches on it and miscoloured patches from his past service to Seize. His mask is less angular than might be expected of an Arthron, although it is still recognisable as an Arthron. Personality: Loyal and honest to a fault, Horic is straightforward and down-to-earth. He is old and tired, doubting his proficiency, yet he continues forward as he knows that his actions safeguard the civilians of Neuf. Bio: Horic is a veteran of many wars and battles. Serving in the Seize army for a long time, he has seen more than his fair share of violence and death in his decades of service. He was renowned for his physical strength and his sharp eye. Horic was raised in Neuf, but decided to travel east, to Seize to find a new life. There, he enlisted in the military and served with distinction and dedication. During one of the innumerable wars against Vingt, Horic injured his master eye in battle. Since then, his eye can only tell colours and rough shape outlines. He sometimes preders to wear a patch over it as it can be distracting. After he was honourably discharged due to his injury, he journeyed back to Neuf and volunteered to join their defence forces. Although he can no longer aim well, and despite his allegiance to Seize, he was accepted as he was still physically strong and his experience was valued. He served his home town with dedication, repelling attacks from Nomansland and even fighting against Seize regiments. Recently, he has been assigned to the new heavy tank The Onslaught as the assigned loader. Armor: -Armor Name: The Onslaught
  23. IC: Zekev "Alright, alright, just-" The group ambled past our hiding spot. "Ok, let's go let's go!" No time to lose. I made for the door.
  24. IC: Zekev Hmm, wouldn't be surprising if the stories of the Rahks being the spawn of the heathen god were true. "They might be favoured by the Dark One. Rahks seldom follow another, especially in the wake of the Dark God's defeat."
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