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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev "Oof!" Cor knew all my weak poke spots. ... That's not what I meant. "Alright, I'm sorry! I'm the fat one here. I'll help push the Hound when she's stuck, okay?" IC: Mokeron Mokeron followed behind Lufon to the auditorium.
  2. IC: Zekev "Whiskey. Whatever. Hush, they're approaching!"
  3. IC: Zekev "I wonder who hasn't been shaking off their beer belly."
  4. IC: Zekev "They didn't seem to come looking for us. Now get in here!" The space was a little tight, but nothing worse than our driver seat.
  5. IC: Zekev "You see!? OK, we got this covered. Pull your head under that cloak you so love, and we'll tiptoe to that dark alcove there. They ain't seen us yet." I was already making my way to the side. "Once they pass us by, we calmly walk out, then dash to the park lot. Got it?" Stupid ######, all the money for nothing.
  6. IC: Zekev "Not that way! We'll use the alleyways. If it's too dangerous, we take the roofs."
  7. IC: Zekev My response was to quickly whack the Matoran with my shield. He was knocked out cold. "He'll wake up with a bruise. Let's hurry before the guards come after us."
  8. I think the Crast would be just as good. Pretty good considering that heavy tank is a big target, so there's going to be many shells coming at us.
  9. IC: Zekev "One more thing. Where is he?" I opened the pouch. Stuffed full of hundred widget coins. At least ten grand in there.
  10. I'll take loader then Say, is our crew the vagabond kind or just normal mercenaries? Edit: I take it we're from Neuf?
  11. IC: Zekev - Outside the Citadel "See, I reckon they either have really thick skin or just want to sound scary, because I dont know why anyone would call themselves Piraka. "Although, I have heard of them, and I don't like what I've heard." The two Skakdi were followed by a couple other people, probably their colleagues. I know I wouldn't be anywhere around people with that kind if reputation for the pleasure of their company. Except maybe the Grandmaster. But he's a nice guy! IC: Lunefeld - En route to the Citadel/Sanctum They were here. Lunefeld looked up at the imposing edifice of the Sanctum, taking a moment to marvel at the sturdiness of the structure. The city was sacked and burned, but this building, where the best of the Makuta Army had fought their way in, seemed largely intact. Truly a commendable specimen of Great War architecture. Lunefeld spotted two guard outside talking, although only one seemed to be actually guarding.
  12. OK, Teclax, MasterSerge, which positions do you want in our as yet unnamed tank?
  13. IC: Zekev "If you're playing us for fools..." I growled. But what if he was right? "First thing you're going to do is to cancel this bounty. If Lufon asks, say that our charred corpses were found in a tank wreck. I don't care how you deal with him afterwards. "Say, you can't really pay that bounty, can you? Twenty thousand's a lot."
  14. IC: Zekev "Dman near killed me too. He's dead." Wasn't he?
  15. IC: Zekev "The bounty. Where did you get the funds for such a big bounty? And who put it out in the first place?"
  16. IC: Zekev "Now come on, I can only pull one underwhelming trick a day. Let's see now..." I hopped on over to the barkeep. "Hey-" "Buy something or get out." I sighed inwardly and outwardly. Not a good start. "We're here to turn in a bounty. Says I should meet with a certain Matoran, but forgive me if I can't tell y'all apart," I gave my best(that is to say, worst) grin. "He's the fella with the two ladies. And buy something." "Something even better," I said, tossing a five widget coin to him. "If you could refrain from pulling your little crossbow under the table and shooting my head off, as well as not report to your government buddies, I've got more where that came from." I leaned in to the other Skakdi. "And I'll maybe even buy a drink." After a few more sentences to confirm our trade, I swept up a jacket that was left alone and covered my face up with the collar. I signalled to Cor to follow. "Hello friend. Good to see ya!" The Matroan, grizzled and missing an eye, looked up from his lady friends and frowned at me. "Who're you, slug-back?" I almost smiled, but managed to keep it under control. "I'm here to turn in a bounty o'mine, friend! A good big one too." The Matoran pushed the two women away and stood up. "Don't call me friend till we've gone through ###### for each other. "Trust me, I have. I'm here to turn in a bounty for two tankers. A certain Zekev and Cor Saeva." "An' where might they be?" A good thing my trade with the bartender included his crossbow. Underneath the jacket, I aimed it at him, pushing it out into the light just enough for him to see the quarrel's tip. "Here we are. Now, unless you want this just inside your throat, leading to a pretty painful end for you, you'll come with us quietly and outside. Now."
  17. IC: Kubrick Kubrick retrieved the disc and absorbed it. "Fine, let's go. I'll try not to fling discs at your head again."
  18. IC: Zekev No one fit the description of our 'friend'. "Hmm, doesn't seem to be here. How do we smoke him out?" IC: Mokeron I turned away from the recruit, looking up into the Commander's masked face. "Sir, the Inferno is prepped and awaiting your orders." The Commander was taking too long. If we didn't hurry, Seize might take our price from us.
  19. IC: Mokeron "If I were you, I'd scamper off to clean all the toilets single handedly in two hours." Mokeron glowered at the little fool.
  20. IC: Mokeron "Another recruits bothering you, sir?" A straight-backed Matoran fitted with a prosthetic arm appeared at the door. IC: Zekev I laid a clam hand on her arm. "No need fie that. We'll get in and out without a bloodbath."
  21. Name: Mokeron Species: Matoran of Gravity Gender: Male Gear: Mokeron's EDD is built into his prosthetic left shoulder Powerless Ruru A standard melee short sword A battered but reliable shield, emblazoned with his old unit's markings A wristwatch that measures date, time, and ten separate stopwatches An encrypted electronic smart-tablet Handheld radio built to receive Vingt military radio broadcasts Appearance: Taller than the average Matoran, with intense blue eye-lights and a rugged physique from a life as a soldier, Mokeron could be described as having a weather-beaten handsome look, if it wasn't for the almost-permanent scowl affixed on his face and scars that run the length of his face. His mask's eye-shafts slant sharply down, making his angry look downright menacing. His brown and white armour has long faded into a sort of dirty grey-brown colour. He carries with him a pack containing supplies described above for survival. Mokeron frequently wears his shield on his arm or back, with his sheathed sword on his belt. Due to the incident that sent him away form Seize to work in Vingt, he has a prosthetic left arm and shoulder. Personality: Misanthropic and distrustful, Mokeron trusts only himself, and that may be an overstatement. He has a sharp eye and guarded mentality that has saved his skin more than once. With his sword and shield, he has killed more than most would believe of a Matoran his size. Mokeron's loyalties lie with Vingt, who saved him after his flight from Seize, and will overlook most things that his new colleagues do. Bio: Mokeron was once a loyal soldier of Seize, serving the Emperor with the utmost discipline and loyalty. It was a simple and straight forward life, filled with comrades, regular pay, and food. The life suited the likes of him. Thanks to his dedication, he was steadily promoted to the rank of sergeant. However, Mokeron worked not just as a squad leader, but also as a corruption investigator. One unlucky day, he was approached by his superior, no doubt due to the threat Mokeron's position posed, to join in a criminal ring affiliated with Vingt's government (at the time) that intended to undermine the city's military, destabilising Seize's government and profit from the ensuing chaos while Vingt swept in. Mokeron gathered his squad and foolishly confronted the officer himself, instead of reporting directly to the Emperor. The officer was ready, and refused to back down. He had Mokeron and most of his squad imprisoned for treason to await execution. Fortunately for them, some of their number had escaped arrest and requisitioned a heavy tank to blow a hole in the prison walls. The squad escaped into Northrun, where they made off with several illegal exo-suits. The squad then debated heading east or west along the coast. As they debated, corrupt troops appeared and killed almost half the number before Mokeron's second in command overloaded his exo suit to bring the slums down around him, buying the rest some respite. Mokeron, filled with rage and a thirst for revenge, ordered the last seven of them to storm the regiment headquarters. They managed to interrupt an emergency meeting and kill almost all the officers(most of whom were in cahoots with the criminal ring) but they were beaten off by overwhelming firepower, leaving Mokeron, left arm blown off, and his medic. The medic carried an unconscious Mokeron out of the battle and south, to the open plains between the cities. The medic managed to cauterise the wound, but was killed by pursuing infantry. Mokeron had no choice but to honour his squad and escape into the wildlands between the cities. After several months as a beggar and wanderer, turned away from all cities, he was forced to go to Vingt. By then, a new government was installed and was happy to accept Mokeron's experience and knowledge of the precious government's doings. He was outfitted with a prosthetic arm and given promotion into the armoured corps of Vingt, and led several successful extermination campaigns against the remnant of the previous government that had a hand in causing his friends' deaths. Recently, he has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and serves as the second in command to Lieutenant Commander Lufon 'Deadeye' in the new expedition West. Armor: -Armor Name: TBD
  22. IC: Zekev "Alright, here's the inn." We two vagabonds entered the building, and the first thing that hit me was the stench. I mean, wow. It was bad. Like someone had left Ruki out in the sun and forgot to bring it in. Maybe that's how it got its name... The second thing I noticed was that the interior was pretty well-furnished. It's not some swanky joint, but there's definitely a bit of effort put into the deco. The common room was populated with fellas hunched over their tables and talking in low voices. None seemed to look up as we entered. This is already giving me bad vibes. "This is already giving me bad vibes."
  23. IC: Zekev "Why yes, I think- oh, it's you! The Dakkie dude I fought." Zekev gave Dahkapa a hearty slap on the back. "Come to join our cause, I see. Have you opened your eyes to the Archangel's wisdom?"
  24. IC: Kubrick Kubrick growled and hurled an iron disc at Avier's head it wouldn't takes his head off but would at least get him to behave.
  25. IC: Glass "She's not as evil as you are," he jested.
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