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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev The path to the inn was pretty rough, but it was pretty good compared to, say, the road conditions of Northerum. "So keep you head down and mysterious, while I act like the dumb Skakdi brute that you are so convinced I am. That work for you?" And there it was, in all its beauty squalor. Karz, it doesn't even have a working neon light.
  2. IC: Glass "######." Fortunately, Sand was only toying with Glass. She stopped at an open crate. "Now what's this..."
  3. OOC: Trying out Zekev first-person(like in the BZPRPG) IC: Zekev Oh, this is a hoot! The changes on Cor's fave were hilarious. First she was facepalming then she was grinning devilishly (she looms mighty fine while smiling, honestly), and now she was soooo angry. "I'll pay you back, trust me. First, though, we got to kick this bounty guy's ######. Now, the Fat Ruki..." I decided that we should get a drink once we got there, since we ran out of coffee.
  4. IC:Glass "Don't worry, she's-" Sand jumped out of Glass's hands.
  5. IC: Glass "That's a good idea. We don't even have to take the main exit."
  6. IC: Zekev "I'll pay you back." They drove in and entered the public parking space. "It always works to find the most peaceful solution. I could've fought him and even him down, but then we'd never find our real enemy."
  7. IC: Glass "Seems like there's no one here, though. Sand would've sniffed them out." She nodded.
  8. IC: Zekev Zekev emptied out twenty widgets. "Enough for a nice warm cloak," he beamed. It was actually enough for that and some boots.
  9. IC: Zekev Using his ventriloquist-speak, he asked Cor. "Force him or pay?"
  10. IC:Glass "Good idea."
  11. IC:Zekev "Don't mind her, she was swatting a fly. Pests tend to congregate, you know? And no. We're here to claim it."
  12. IC: Kubrick "Sigh. One more time you do that and you be one finger short." Kubrick regained his footing. "So where to?"
  13. IC: Zekev Out of the corner of his mouth(literally, as Zekev was an accomplished ventriloquist) he said,"Calm down. Act normal and totally aware of this supposed friend of ours." To the guard: "He works from the Fat Ruki Inn."
  14. Are we allowed to have an exo suit but sometimes work for another tank?
  15. IC: Zekev "Here to visit an old friend. He's known for putting out bounties. Know him?"
  16. IC: Glass "Right. Let's start searching."
  17. IC: Zekev "Wonder if there's parking space..."
  18. IC: Glass "Hey, Suvak!" Glass shouted into the warehouse.
  19. IC:Zekev "So you say. Hey, gate up ahead." OOC: Tiragath, now would be a good time to work your GM magic.
  20. IC: Zekev "So you admit I outrank you!"
  21. IC: Zekev "So this Matoran Bounty guy, you got the details recorded?"
  22. IC: Zekev - Nearing Treize "Cool. That's the city, built into the mountain."
  23. IC: Zekev Zekev laughed. "Now now, I'm not saying it's your fault, what I meant was that you would probably drive straight up to them and scare them if we saw them first, with you as the driver. That's not a good idea. These people are... Prickly. "And that incident was a n accident, okay? We came out fine!"
  24. IC: Zekev "Just keep going; they'll find us before we fond them. Which I'd probably for the best, with you at the driver's console."
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