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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev "Hey, Brother. I... Haven't seen you around before?" I said to this new gut as I sort of scooted up beside him to stand outside the Sanctum. "It's cold." OOC: Daniel, that's Dahkapa.
  2. IC: Zekev "We should see Treize once we crest this slope."
  3. IC: Zekev "Aw, that's sweet of you. Careful, check the tread-torsion."
  4. IC: Zekev "Why not? Makes my corpse looks more handsome in comparison."
  5. IC: Zekev "By all means. Hate to die out here."
  6. IC: Zekev "Hard not to do with you taking of the driver's spot and all," he joked.
  7. IC: Zekev "Hmm... "Take the left pass. Looks like a cut through the thickest spine of the range."
  8. IC; Zekev "Got to agree with you on that. Even as a Skakdi of Ice. "How long more?"
  9. IC: Zekev "Yeah, it's good stuff." He closed his eyes as he listened to the sweet sounds of Khewa Gukko's greatest hits.
  10. Yeah, I just thought this was a good idea
  11. IC: Zekev "Good to know." Zekev yawned and lay back. The radio started to pick up a signal. It was the Ihu Mountain Station. It played good music.
  12. IC: Zekev Zekev smiled a small, genuine smile. Seeing Cor's wistful looks into space made him feel happy for her. We've gone through Karzahni and back. It's only right to give her a purpose. "Tell you what. After we kick this little runt's ######, why don't we see if Treize or the other states could use a bit of extra firepower?"
  13. IC: Zekev Zekev was unusually quiet. Well, that wasn't unusual, really. Considering he spent 8 hours a day asleep, being quiet more than half the time was not very impressive. "Did you hear... Did you hear about the treasures they're whispering about in the West?" Zekev asked softly.
  14. Tiragath, might I suggest organising the profiles in your original post by armour? It would allow for easier cross reference. You could put the player name in brackets beside each crew member. Just a suggestion.
  15. IC: Zekev "You like talking about this, don't you?" Zekev gave a small smile. "The old Matoran with bad breath and worse manners. He was killed by the sharpshooters at the start of that ambush." Zekev's thoughts turned back to that fateful day. To be honest, it scared him a lot. He had only made it out because he had run out of coffee and was cranky and refused to take point that day. He was at the rear with Cor when the Heavy Tanks blew the lid off Captain's tank. The coincidences that happen... "The Matoran died that day too. He was helping- I think Captain- by manning the new tank we had. I was at the back of the column sulking, and you were screaming in my ear about cries for help. We turned to shoot, but the forests were so thick. Captain told us to retreat. "Our tank, I think it was the Grey Basilisk, broke down outside Vingt. We slid into the city, stole the last tank we had before the authorities seized it, and then, well..."
  16. IC: Zekev "Charming. I can see why Lufon took an uninvited interest in you. Not. "How long do you think it'll take 'till something happens?" OOC: Tiragath, if you want to throw something at us, yknow...
  17. IC: Zekev - Nowhere warm "Lady, I don't have space to scratch my ######, less said about an instrument." The tank rumbled ahead. "I can make fart noises with my mouth."
  18. IC: Zekev "Hello, we've reached the hill lands by now. Can't you feel the cold seeping in?" Zekev twisted around and fiddled with the radio. Static. Looksblile they weren't close to any radio stations.
  19. IC: Zekev Zekev guffawed. "That's sensible of you. Keep your eyes on the road, wouldn't want to roll over any Treize mines in the mountains." Zekev took a drop of whiskey into his canteen and silently gagged at the taste before returning the bottle when Cor turned back to the road ahead. He started to wipe the viewfinder. Wouldn't want it to be frosted up.
  20. That's understandable. I probably shouldn't be doing too much as this year will be a busy exam year... Eh screw it. Also, in general, anyone who wants to build a crew with me can just PM me anyway. Or use Skype IM
  21. IC: Zekev "From your tone I can tell that you are pretty bigoted aga against tea. Which is a shame." Zekev opened the hatch, took a deep breath of warm air, and tossed the tea out. "Gimme somma that whiskey. Please?"
  22. Hay guys Ultron is trying to make a heavy tank crew You can PM me
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