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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Zekev Zekev plonked himself down into the gunner's seat. "Cor, you flattened the leather upholstery again. Oh, the trials I put myself through. "Let's head south." --- The Ash Hound rumbled and trundled south from Seizr's coast, towards the mountain range. The first sign if this was Zekev's tea starting to cool down.
  2. IC: Glass Glass couldn't help but laugh. His plans didn't seem to be worth the effort after all.
  3. IC: Zekev "True, they were stupid enough to come after us." Zekev hopped onto the hull and started to wipe smudge onto his cheeks. "Let's go then. Treize it is!"
  4. IC: Zekev "We could go undercover and fake our deaths, since I have a backup career as a songwriter, we could live a while as two bards wandering Vingt. Did you know that half of all tavern songs were written by me?" Cor gave him a questioning look. "That's because it ain't true." Zekev poured the last dregs of coffee into the sand. The grey soot turned brown and less edible than before. "OK, joke over. I think we could send our new friend," Zekev signalled to the injured Vortixx lying on the beach, "as a signal to this fellow. Tie him up and leave him at the doorstep of Seize or Vingt. Or Treize for that matter. With a note that says 'don't come after us or else we will steal your shells'. Or some note to that effect." Zekev refilled his decanter with tea. The opposing fluids fought and trashed on the metal container. Or maybe it was just the swirling of the liquid.
  5. IC: Zekev - Beach "Yeah, we should. There must e some unexploded shells." Zekev sipped coffee again. "Say, should we really be going to Treize? I love a good mountain fortress myself, but Treize... It's just not a really... Comfortable place to go, it seems."
  6. IC: Glass "Tridax. We're here to inspect the latest shipment of his experimental pods."
  7. "How was breakfast?" Boom. "Okay." "That's not the answer I want to hear." BOOM. "What do you want me to say? It was amazing? That my tongue simply melted once I touched the ash-filled fish?" "Kinda. My tongue certainly feels like it did." BOOOOM! "I think we should get into the tank." "You think?" Zekev grinned and sipped his coffee, before flinging it in the direction of the three tanks currently flinging high explosive shells at them. The cup only flew two metres before impacting the soot-stained beach. "They're not very good shots..." "Let's make them regret it," Cor gave a a rare smile.(it was more of a grimace.) Zekev rolled up his picnic blanket and jumped into the tank. He slid into the driver's seat as a disc bounced off the hull. "Gunner in position." The hatch clanked shut. "Let's roll!" Zekev gunned the engine and the Ash Hound kicked up ash as she hurtled forward, away from the beach and the ambushing mercs. "Good of them to ambush us near the beach, and outside Seize's borders." "Who knew they could be so clever?" Cor rotated the turret a hundred and eighty degrees. "Target ranged and sighted. Light Tank. Three hundred yards. High explosive shell." Cor Savea loaded a shell into the breech and leaned back in her gunner seat. The lead tank occupied the viewfinder nicely. "Shoot." BANG! The Hound belched flame and smoke as metal strained and rang. A shell, designed by the most talented illegal warsmiths, hurtled out of the barrel and penetrated the lead tank with unerring accuracy, right between the turret and hull. The resulting conflagration blew the turret (and dead gunner) into the air. The flying turret knocked against the exo suit beside it and the Vortixx went stumbling into the ground, bones likely broken by the flattening weight of the metal. The last tank had to steer clear of its comrade's wreck before firing. Zekev looked in his rear view viewfinder and suddenly wrenched the levers. The tracks spun and groaned against the sudden acceleration (or deceleration) as it turned hard right, throwing up a veritable sandstorm. The shell just missed as it clipped the rear, shearing off one of those weird railing things that stuck out from the tank. "No second chances old boy!" Zekev whooped and gunned the engine. Roaring full speed ahead, Cor loaded another shell. "Target dead ahead. High explosive round. Shoot!" Another belch, another shell. This time, the shell hit the sloping front of the merc tank as its Hau activated. It bounced off and exploded. "Now what?" Cor cursed. "I know this bad, but we can pull through this." "That's what you said when we were ambushed in Lake Kanae." "We pulled through didn't we?" "Yeah, we're the only survivors." "No need to remind me. Besides, it was the captain's fault. And yours. But I don't hold grudges!" He cut off Cor's protests. The Hound spun around again, this time to the right, directly away from the beach. The sand cloud obscured the enemy's view. "Cor, mask, please?" "Only because I'm so nice." The big red button was pushed, and suddenly, they seemed to have disappeared into the cloud. The mercs tried to listen to the Hound's engines, but inside a bouncing tank, it was hard. This was compounded by the Volitak mounted in the tank that quietened its engines. The blast of sand from the sudden twist just made it harder. All of a sudden, from their rear, the venerable old tank fired another shell, directly into their munition stores. The Hau saved the mercs once. It wouldn't again. --- Cor stalked up to the Exo suit Vortixx, hauling him up. "Who are you and why did you attack us?" She's direct, Zeke noted. "I... We... I'm not saying any-" Cor simply pushed his arm. The other Vortixx screamed in agony. "One more chance. Who?" "A bounty! You-you two have a bounty on your heads after Lufon Deadeye was killed. The Third Vingt Republic sent out a bounty notice." "That republic's dead. It's the Fifth Republic in control of Vingt." "They- they work as- as kaff kaff guerillas now, siding with the House of Banor in the swamps." Zekev had to laugh. All these no use little factions trying to and together. It must've been impossible to dig up such a sum to even offer a bounty. He felt touched. "How much the bounty?" A mumble. "How. Much." Cor gave the captive a death glare. "Twenty thousand Widgets." Zekev whistled. He was right. "Who exactly gave the bounty?" Zekev asked. "The bounty master of the Third Republic. A Matoran in an exo suit built into him. He's operating in an inn in Treize." Cor pondered for a while before dropping the Vortixx back onto the ground. "Here's the last of Zekev's fish. That's all the sustenance you'll be getting on your crawl back to Seize." The two mercenaries regrouped near the Hound. "So, where do we go?" Zekev asked, taking another sip of coffee. It had gone cold.
  8. Name: Zekev Species: Skakdi Gender: Male Powers: Zekev is a Skakdi of Ice, which gives him elemental control of ice while working in conjunction with another Skakdi. He also has access to impact vision. Gear: Two metal-spiked knuckles A good old Skakdi waraxe and shield A wrist mounted hidden blade. The blade is a Rahkshi spike A wristwatch that measures rough altitude, date, and time since a meal Binoculars that have become smudged A worn, sturdy electronic smart-tablet Handheld radio jury-rigged to intercept common Seize and Vingt military (and commerical) radio broadcasts A simple double barrelled single shot pistol, usually with several dozen extra rounds Appearance: Clad in white,blue and silver, Zekev is a stubby Skakdi with straight spikes forming his organic spine, always sporting a wacky grin that makes it look like he's constantly amused by something. He has a prominent chin, and large, two-toed feet. In fact, he is as big and brutish in appearance as you can expect a Skakdi to be. Personality: Zekev is happy-go-lucky and lazy. He has a sharp wit, and will talk endlessly if he's allowed to. However, he treats his job with the most consummate professionalism and hides a casually violent personality to his enemies. Bio: Raised in Neuf, Zekev has lived a difficult and dangerous life as a member of a Skakdi clan on the outskirts of that war plagued city. He made a name for himself as being eager and skilled in melee combat, a role most disliked for safe and effective ranged weapons. His clan had contributed much to Neuf's defence for several decades, before a horde of Rahkshi purged them. Zekev slew the most powerful Rahk with a well-timed mine blast, and took its longest spike as the blade for his newest weapon. Now alone and drifting, he joined a mercenary armoured company, where he met [insert name here]. Despite their differences in personality, they became fast friends and continued working together even after the rest of the crew were killed in a skirmish with some Vingt government or other. Together with their light tank the Ash Hound, the two have plied their trade across the realm. Rumours of powerful artifacts to the west, this time with concrete evidence, has turned the pair westwards in search of it. Armor: -Armor Name: The Ash Hound -Category: Medium -Armor Appearance: Old and reliable, The Ash Hound is usually covered in a fine layer of ash due to many operations around Seize. Her armour is Desert-brown to blend in with the grey or brown backgrounds of war zones. MoC: http://i.imgur.com/b2xX8q9.png -Crew: Zekev and Cor Savea -Loadout: A standard greypowder cannon, with normal, armour piercing(few) and acid gas(very few) shells A belt fed disk launcher mounted in front of the driver -Kanohi: Volitak - Reduces heat and noise signature
  9. I like how the life system is working out, but I'd like to know what the limits are on the character powers. Iron is outlawed, but what others? Is there a certain guideline that we can take reference from?
  10. IC: Glass "What's wrong with that? She obviously understands my tone, if not my words." Sand didn't grace him with an answer. IC: Glass "What's wrong with that? She obviously understands my tone, if not my words." Sand didn't grace him with an answer.
  11. IC: Glass They reached the rim. "It's hot... Sand, stay down, alright. A fried kitten is a sad kitten, you hear me?" Meow.
  12. IC: Glass "I don't see why not. I like weapons too!" Glass looked at the map. "We can fly down the volcano if we continue down this road."
  13. IC: Glass Glads cursed himself. He should've been more careful with his words. "I think, if we can't find him in the bars here, we should check that warehouse level. Plenty of hiding places." Do we know much about Suvak personally? We could, like try to think as much as him. Good idea. I'll get to work dredging up memories.
  14. IC: Glass Glass felt a big stab of hurt to his heart. Since Rahkshi don't have hearts(although Kraata had a weird blood vessel that was basically a heart), Glass knew that it was an emotional emotional thing. She called you an idiot! "Yeah, sure, I'm the idiot. Now can we go, or do you have another point to make." Glass was shocked at his words. That's pree harsh.
  15. IC: Lunefeld "Lead on." Lunefeld was particularly interested in meeting this Echelon fellow who seemed to have crushed Ko-Koro. Surely such an individual was worth the time.
  16. IC: Glass Glass and Sand cocked their heads to the side. "Drink alcohol to clear my head. Okay. Yeah. Makes sense."
  17. IC: Floor "So where do we start off?" Floor was happy for Hoto and all, but they were running on a tight schedule. IC: Glass "I'm calm, it's just that the cats... I didn't know such evil lurked under them. Except Sand. She just seems annoyed." Sand gave a pft, whatever look and gave Xara a questioning glance.
  18. I eject the underworld from existence. My mask.
  19. Or you could put a kill button into the contestants. You know if they misbehave, you detonate a nuclear warhead(or something) inside them.
  20. IC: Glass "I'm fine. The cats... It's just... They did something to me," he stared at Xara, eyes wide with... Something.
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