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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Kubrick The Toa of Iron was already up and ready. He nudged Avier surprisingly gently. "Time to go." He got up and softly tapped Skyra's seat with an iron stick he materialised as he walked past. "We're here."
  2. IC: Glass "Hah, yeah." This was getting a little uncomfortable. "Should we try now?"
  3. IC: Greisk - The Citadel Greisk shrugged, 'I don't know.'
  4. They are, but just like everyone else, getting to that stage where they really have no choice but to say yes is the real challenge
  5. IC: Glass "It's not like they have actual brains."
  6. IC: Lunefeld The Toa, firearm holstered, strode up to his erstwhile employer. "It's done." Two simple words that could mean so much. IC: Greisk It wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? She's probably escaped. Wordlessly(as only he could), Greisk signed: The head doctor of the hospital here.
  7. IC: Glass "Um... We fill up buckets of sand and tell them it's project work and could they kindly bring it in?"
  8. IC: Xara "We could trick them into it?"
  9. IC: Glass "I don't think we have a choice..." The Porters? "What about the porters?"
  10. IC: Glass "I highly doubt it's the case."
  11. A few more questions: 1)It mentions the powers manifesting in the armours? 2)Are the Medium tanks a certain model or a size class? Do they all look the same? 3)The profile bit mentions approving 'player pieces'. What's that? Thanks in advance.
  12. Is the school's floor all morphable ground like the gym?
  13. IC: Glass "It's not the same pseudo-material, is it?"
  14. Okay, great to see that. Pst Roman, want to join me?
  15. I already have the ideas for a tank crew. Actually, a mercenary outfit operating several tanks. Say, is that allowed? One player controlling the three characters in a tank?
  16. IC: Glass "You're welcome,", Glass said. He expected to be a little uncomfortable looking into Xara's personal space, but he didn't seem to feel that. Instead, he felt quite Hally that Xara trusted him in here. "What now?"
  17. This is so awesome I must play it! Well written and interesting.
  18. IC: Kubrick "No, but it gave me a chance to reflect on the nature of happiness, our relationships, life and what we make of it." ... "Just kidding, it was annoying."
  19. IC: Glass "Your room suits you," he commented as he took in the simple, almost spartan furnishings if Xara's room.
  20. IC: Kubrick Beside Avier, Kubrick said to him, "It's almost funny, don't you think?" With one eye still closed.
  21. IC: Glass "Yeah, agreed." With one last look, I turned around and followed Xara out.
  22. IC: Glass "I'm not sure. He... I guess he was always putting himself on purpose into dangerous situations, making enemies. I just don't know if it had to come to this. I don't know if he had it coming, but I'm not entirely surprised this happened."
  23. IC: Glass "Gah! It's there!" Glass walked slowly to the corpse. "He's... Actually dead. I can see the wound I gave him that day, remember?" Omega's armour was in pretty bad shape. His Kraata was obviously gone by now, but any moment now, Glass felt like the suit would stand up and start to hunt Glass down
  24. IC: Kubrick Kubrick opened one eye and observed the proceedings. It turns out that giggling and poking was not conducive to dreaming dark dreams about dark memories. Mata Nui knows I've had enough of those.
  25. Anyone open for interaction?
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