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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Glass Considering that someone just died, a joke like that didn't seem to be in good taste. "Er, yeah, go ahead," Glass said, thoughts suddenly on Omega's death. He wondered how to broach the topic to Xara.
  2. IC: Glass "Your pet, your room?"
  3. IC: Glass "I'm not sure." We couldn't throw her back to the beach, too. She'd either starve or try to come back here, and the guards wouldn't be so nice to her. "Maybe some sort of bed for her? We could start there."
  4. IC: Glass Glass brought it to Xara and the aid box. "I think... I think it's a girl."
  5. IC: Kubrick Kubrick leaned back on the slightly damp seat and listened to the conversations around him, while resting his eyes.
  6. IC: Glass "Like I said, Sand, though you should think of a better name. Your name sounds better then mine, for instance."
  7. IC: Glass "Yeah, see, I don't know much about physical gender differences for Rahi, since we're, well, basically slugs in power armour." That was really awkward to say. Who knew?
  8. IC: Greisk/Toros Greisk hesitated for a second, wondering how much to divulge. I was running errands for someone. I took the direct route, through Kini-Nui. I don't think they'll come after me any time soon.
  9. OOC: Sod it, I'll go for First Person too. IC: Glass "I wanted to name him or her Sand, but that's just my bad taste in names talking, as you can clearly tell." I was pretty happy that Xara liked my gift, though I don't exactly know why I did it. Sure, maybe to make her happy, but it's not like she's been super nice to me. Yet, I don't feel like I want anything in return. Someone with her propensity to joy(or lack of it, really) being happy... That's enough, really. It's nice to do something good. Don't you know it.
  10. Say, are the Brotherhood members with Larikon up on the Citadel? If not, where are they?
  11. IC: Glass "You like it? I... I caught it for you. I knew you wanted a pet, so..." He felt his heart flutter, and felt guilty for that as a student had just died, then felt derision that he cared, then felt disgust that he was so cold... Man, you're weird. Glass did not grace him with a response.
  12. IC: Glass "Why this?" Meow. "Yes, it is a kitten."
  13. IC: Greisk Greisk, being mute, couldn't really do anything but shrug, and signal with his hands. The cultists must have something to show us if their leader said that, his fingers said.
  14. IC: Lunefeld The harsh winds of Ko-Wahi blew across the wasteland, turning what was a bad day for Ko-Koro citizens into an average one. A lone figure, leaning on his staff, trekked across the drifts, heading to Ko-Koro. His tasks were done and he was heading back to report to his... potential benefactor. The newly appointed Legacy guards came to attention and scowled at him as he approached. He must have looked like easy pickings, with his tattered cloak, hunched posture and rickety staff, but they gave him no trouble when he fixed the nearest one with a cold stare. "Name and business?" Quick and to the point. "Magtstrom. Here to pledge allegiance to the Legacy." Not completely accurate, but it would suffice. "Alright, then make it quick. You'll want to go the Citadel. Inns are in short supply at the moment, as are innkeepers, but they might provide you with a bunk perhaps," the guard said. Her face was completely obscured by an oversized helm, making her voice indistinct. Her colleague made a simple note on the tablet on his hand. Lunefeld nooded his thanks and entered. He stopped several yards in. Hut were on fire, ash had coated the road and several corpses were unattended to along the roadside, which by now had an underlayer of frozen blood. He wondered where Hakann was.
  15. IC: Glass As it turned out, Glass wouldn't be away for long. "Um... Hi Xara!" He called out as he entered the building proper, Silencer curiously watching the kitten.
  16. IC: Kubrick Kubrick followed the Kavinika.
  17. IC: Glass "Yeah, I guess..." He couldn't really agree that death was the solution, but... They were Rahkshi after all. Killing was their destiny. "I'm heading back. Want to come?"
  18. IC: Glass "But wh- do you know why?"
  19. IC: Kubrick "At least you'll be doing more for the group than your Cipher buddy here has for the last ten minutes."
  20. IC: Kubrick "If you can't even stop your own associate from buzzing your friend with hot gas, how will you stop a bullet at the speed of sound?" Kubrick snapped. Kubrick was getting annoyed at these... Party lions, as Mar put it, and their bickering and cantering around. These three were awfully unprofessional. He didn't doubt their abilities (Rhea wasn't a fool) but they seemed too unpredictable and unreliable in a pinch. Of course, he'd been proven wrong before, but still...
  21. IC: Glass The cat started to fidget. It could sense Glass's discomfort. "Um, what? Exxan... He killed... Omega?" No way man. No ###### way.
  22. IC: Glass "That's good to hear! Hey, I noticed... The school's been in a sombre mood lately. Did anything happen?"
  23. IC: Kubrick The Toa of Iron watched the two egos trade passive shots. It reminded him of... Something.
  24. IC: Glass With a start, Glass opened his eyes. We broke curfew. We had curfew? Glass shook his head clear, trying to get used to the sudden sunlight. Where... Where's the cat? Gone. You're helpful, you know that? I do my worst. Glass got up. Someone had apparently laid him down under a rock outcropping once he fell asleep. What now? They probably don't check us very often. Time to go hunting cats. No lessons until evening today. Rest day indeed. The Rahk stretched his servos and flew down the beach. There was one last area he hasn't checked. Remember the first day? Ha, that was a laugh. Of course I remember. You're part of my brain. We have brains? I have a brain, and you're not using it. This last areas near the school right? The academy loomed in the mid-distance. Yep. Once we sweep this area... That's it I guess. Someone's sad. I wonder who it is. Not me. I'm not trying to make a girl i like happy. I'm going to delete you. Hush, what's that? Glass stopped his flight beside a hole in the rocks along the beach slope that led down into a small, grassy, hole. Meow. Shut up! That wasn't me. From the little hole in the ground, a grey-blue kitten, no larger than Glass's fists put together, crawled out. It held Ruki bones beneath its teeth. It gave Glass a contemptuous stare and deposited the bones at his feet before walking off. Glass knelt to scoop the kitten up. Its fur was ruffled and tufty, and it looked really tired and skinny. Yet it, like the rest of its karz- species(!) had that haughty stride to it. Glass got an idea! He rushed to the water and spotted several Ruki coming near to the shore. Near was defined as being several metres away. As it turned out, Chain Lightning was a stupid solution. I know you really want to get the fish, but please don't kill me too. Might I suggest a trip to the refectory? ... Have I told you how much you should take the reins? No, and I don't believe your sincerity. Ha! That's clever of you. The kitten was walking away. Glass bent down to look at it. That caught the kitten's attention and it turned to look at him. Glass reached out carefully and tried to pat it. The kitten just looked at him as those hands made for killing and destruction lightly stroked the kitten's head. "Looks like the little cat is just alone. Might've been orphaned." That's quite probable. I wonder if the refectory has edible food for the kitten. Glass scooped the kitten up and cradled it. It started scratching its years and yawned. Aww it's sho cuute Glass bumped into Silencer on the way back. "Hi Silencer! How's your arm healing?" OOC: Trying out a new method if denoting Glass's thoughts.
  25. IC: Greisk, Cyrena They're not going to... Sacrifice someone right here, are they? I think they will. The cultists seem comfortable with it. Did you notice Miss Creepy McBugs diss us? Well, just you actually. I did. The newcomer, he looks uncomfortable. Maybe he doesn't like sacrifice. Greisk-Toros silently stood guard behind Agrona, as only he could.
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