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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Arabeth/Dervish "Don't worry, I will." Arabeth scanned the surroundings. Most of the refugees were tired and hungry, but her biggest concern was she saw in their eyes: fear. She understood why. After all, she had fought against the elite Echelon group, albeit with a lot of others too. "You have experience in healing?"
  2. IC: Kubrick Kubrick took the proferred canteen and peered into it. Smelled better than he hoped. He wondered what kind of valuable ###### would be available. Hopefully the useful ######. Shiny and heavy ###### made for bad loot. "What are you thinking?" Kubrick asked Mar in a soft voice.
  3. IC: Glass One week. Glass had been out here at the end of classes for one week, trying to catch a ###### shallows cat. He must've loomed like a crazed lunatic, visual receptors wide and twitching, armour torn and staff dulled. No wonder even Palma was tired of patching him up once he came back every day, Shallows Cat-less. He had heard that Xara wanted an animal companion, and what better animal than the agile cats that stalked the coastline of the school? Well, there's frenzied Takea mutated Tarakava, crazed Manas, Giant Nui-Kopen- You're not helping. You thought up of this bad idea. What on this filthy island possessed you to hunt these... These... demonic creatures?! I didn't know they were that bad. Now, I... I- -now you do. Can we go back? He's right. I'm tired. You're tired? You are all just figments of my imagination, I'm the one being strained to my limits. Too bad you can't handle my roguish charm I barfed a little. Not in here. It's filthy enough with him in here. Glass stopped. He heard a soft sound behind him. He spun around and instinctively lashed out with his powers, sending a bolt of lightning at the Shallows Cat stalking him. The bolt just missed, but the lithe creature, smooth black fur and all, barely blinked. It just stalked towards him, glowing eyes fixed on Glass's own red visual receptors. It stopped a feet away from the quivering Rahk, and sat on its haunched. It started licking its paw. "Oh, no you don't, you monstrous spawn of Karzahni! I-I know that look! You think to draw me in with your oh-so-clever act, then pounce and rip my armour off! I was almost chewed by one of you! Like, Kraata-chewed!" Hate to stop you here, but cats don't speak- "Yes, yes they do. They understand us! These filthy, unholy monsters..." We're kind of filthy unholy monsters too, you know. And you're speaking aloud. It's my turn to hate to break up the lovely conversation we have here, but this cat... It's just sitting there. They've never done that before. Either they walk off or attack by now. It's trying to trick us! Outwardly, Glass said, "Alright, you want to play this game, we'll play this ###### game. I'll sit too. Then we'll see whose the clever one. It's just you. Or us, actually. Shh! I'm tricking it!Except that Rahkshi can't really sit cross legged due to their gangly locomotive components, so he just hovered in his flying position. *** One hour. Two hours. Three hours. None of Glass's imaginary voices spoke. Probably asleep.And the cat was still there. It blinked at him and licked its paw again. During these long hours, he noticed that it had noticeably more scars than the other cats he saw, but it was also more graceful. While there was a certain aloofness that the cats gave off held while lounging(read: attracting prey), this cat didn't need to; it was just so self-confident and graceful. "We just might make an animal companion out of you yet." The cat didn't answer. OOC: Formatting screwed. I'll try to save it.
  4. Great place to jump back in! Though I'll sort of waddle and drown instead.
  5. IC: Arabeth Mata Nui, what a mess. She did her best to help the refugees, catching sight of Ferron, the old(duh) Turaga, talking to a refugee and a Onu-Matoran who raced off somewhere. Ishi had tasked her with finding more about him. That means talking to people, she grimaced. Well, he looked fine enough. Arabeth approached the smith. "Hello mister. Do you need any help here?" Stupid, stupid. Sounds so condescending. Too late, the words were out.
  6. IC: Kubrick These coins look shiny and new. Kubrick downed the last of his water and started counting his pile.
  7. IC: Arabeth The Toa nodded. Once outside, she asked, "So now, we wait?" OOC: Sorry, I been busy recently.
  8. It was his plain stubbornness refusing to be lost in the aether of souls ;__;
  9. IC: Floor He smiled a little at Silencer's words. It was obvious he needed at least some assistance. The Plasma Rahkshi slung Silencer's other arm around his shoulders and helped him along. "So, how was the assignment? Good or bad?"
  10. The Outsiders would prove a good source of souls.
  11. IC: Floor Floor had followed the Twins to the Infirmary, and offered his help. "Need a hand?"
  12. IC: Floor He was in the infirmary. "Back here again?"
  13. I wonder how Glass will ask LG for relationship advice...
  14. So what'd I miss since Dec 21?
  15. One way or another, Toa would simply break the need for tanks. Like Ultron said, if you really want to have species variety, you can use BM. Which would actually make more sense then Mata Nui.
  16. Marriages would be to the female's side, yeah. Same thing with interracial, I think. Edit: basing this off Gear's new Char's backstory post.
  17. Seems too advanced or at the least, in some grey area. Better check with staff first, just in case.
  18. IC: Glass "I see. I love science. What's needed?" OOC: Well, time to scoot off. Disregard previous Floor post. IC: Floor The food was bad, but that was normal. You'd think that if all Rahkshi had eaten was slop, they'd be used to it, but no. The Makuta liked their Rahks ignorant of culinary tastes. Floor took a walk, examining his new weapon as we went. The grains that seemed to comprise the adaptable blade seemed to flow and reform to his thoughts, so one moment he had a falchion, the next, a dagger, and the next, a short axe. Then the sound hit him. It wasn't so much bad as it was loud. Really loud. Then it stopped, in the distinctive hush of a silence field. The silence emanated from the gym, and Floor hurried in. "Well, things didn't take long to boil over again," noting the Twins confronting the new music-enthusiast Rahkshi.
  19. IC: Glass The Chain Lightning Rahk entered the refectory and saw immediately the Love Guurahk and Green chumming up to something, before heading to the kitchen. "What's happened? The slop became explosive again?"
  20. IC: Kubrick "I apologize, then," he said, as he chewed the last of the bun off his fork.
  21. Name: Cato Tolman Codename: None Gender: Male Age: 18 Loyalties/Faction: None Power(S): ower(s): Arcane Manipulation As a scholar of magic, and(unknown to him) as a consequence of his mutation, Cato possesses the ability to draw on magic and the arcane without a patron deity/spirit, unlike most magicians in the Marvel Universe. This leads to several powers that Cato can draw on: 1. His main power is the ability to cast spells. The spells range in form and function, from magical projectiles to simple summoning to flight. They are separated into two categories; cantrips and spells. Cantrips do not require any materials and can do very little tasks, like lighting up his wand for a short while or levitating a coin for a few seconds. Essentially, magic 'tricks'' you would expect of a parlour magician. 2. And then there are spells. All of his spells require a vocal component, motion component and usually material sacrifices, and must be executed properly or the spell may backfire or fail outright. These are dangerous things. If cantrips are nerf guns, spells are rocket launchers. Additionally, the spells will drain some of Cato's energy and leave him tired, although one or two of his spells can be cast continuously without straining him, while others will drain him completely after one use. Cato knows about a dozen and a half of these spells, but he only uses a few on a regular basis. Some of these are(the common name Cato uses is placed in brackets): -Arcanium Ballistae(Magic Missile): Cato unleashes a projectile formed from the latent magic in the environment from his hand. Its speed is equivalent to a baseball. Since it is made up of arcane energy, unforeseen consequences may result when impacting highly technological pieces of equipment. Additionally, living materials feel an internal searing if the missile hits them. This spell is one of the few which Cato does not need to sacrifice any physical materials. -Teletrix Poena(Curse of pain): Requires sacrifice of an object that can cause bodily harm. The larger the object, the more tedious and tiring the incantation, but the longer the hex lasts. The more dangerous the object, the sharper the pain the hexed being feels. Cato curses an organic being. The being feels sharp sensations of pain that correspond to the sacrificed object. -Cantatrix Detriment(Hex): Requires a lengthy incantation and many ritual components, that must be used in the right way. The most versatile (but unpredictable) spell that Cato uses on a semi-regular basis. In effect, it places a curse of any type on a target of Cato's choosing. After extensive research and tests, the spell appears to have the following restrictions: -It cannot outright kill anything -Target must be in Cato's vision -It can only be used to harm, which means it cannot be used as a ridiculously powerful enhancement -There must be a counter-condition that roughly corresponds to the curse's severity. The counter-condition cannot be too difficult to fulfil, but it can be too easy A counter-condition is an action that the cursed must take in order to break the curse. It usually requires some sort of exertion on them. Examples include a person cursed with perpetual nausea having to spin around ten times as fast as they can, or a person cursed with being repulsive to successfully flirt with someone. As cited above, the counter-condition cannot be too difficult. If it is, the spell fails or, even worse, backfires. -Frigum Radius(Polar Ray): A blue ray of freezing air and ice springs from Cato's hand, freezing up and hurting targets within the ray. This spell does not need a sacrifice, but requires a conical ceramic object or prism. It is not used up when the spell is cast, rather it focuses the attack. -Ignatus Spera(Fireball): Requires a pinch of phosphorus and a small piece of flammable material. Cato determines a point in his field of view and launches a pea-sized fireball that explodes at that pre-determined spot, enlarging into a 5 metre radius ball of fire. If an object gets in its way, the fireball explodes prematurely on impact. -Lumen Aspergo(Color Spray): Requires sacrifice of objects that contain one, two or all of the three of the colours of light: red, green, or blue. Their size is proportional to the time required to sacrifice it. Cato unleashes a vivid flash of colours directed in a rough cone towards his target. The light colours are mixtures of whatever colours the objects sacrificed were. -Exertio Fulminatus(Chain Lightning): Requires two objects that when rubbed together, profuce static electeicity. (i.e. one object from the positive side of the triboelectric series, and one from the negative side.) Cato designates a target in his field of view and shoots off a lightning bolt, which then strikes the target before lashing out at targets in a 4-metre radius. The strength of the electric shock depends in the insulation of the targets and the objects Cato sacrifices. METEOR SWARM DOMINATE MONSTER PRISMATIC SPHERE 3. Cato is able to craft new spells for his use. This requires a lengthy ritual where his soul enters the plane of magic and is able to grasp fragments of a new spell(or similar to a spell he is searching for) in this dream-state. If he is lucky, Cato can figure out the reagents and the rest of the incantation when he awakes. If not, he has incapacitated himself for a long while, from a day to several weeks, for nothing. Alternatively, he might stumble across long-lost spells in old tombs. Appearance: Coming in at six foot six, Cato seems to tower over most people, at least, he would tower over most people, since a general lack of bulk undermines the effect. Adding to that fact is that he has an almost perpetual stoop from carrying around too many things in his enchanted backpack than it really should. Cato's hair is short enough to not require a comb, but long enough that he can pull at them in times of frustration. Although his features are marginally good-looking, with large happy eyes and a straight nose, his lack of grooming and acne mostly ruins it. Cato's attire consists of glasses, shirts, comfortable shorts and cargo pants, and an overused windbreaker, nothing really outstanding there. Also of note is that they are mostly plain colours like grey, black and simple mono-colours like a plain green shirt or light grey trousers, since he can't colour-coordinate his clothing if his life depended on it. Weapons: An old, ornate wand A staff that doubles a s a walking stick Spellbook A dagger that appears to be made of glass, but doesn't shatter like glass Magical reagents A keychain Skills: Cato is skilled in being bad at video games and enjoying it. Another skill that has helped more often than most would think is Mathematics. Thanks to his magical knowledge, he can brew manner of simple potions. Personality: Cato takes solace in a solitary life, and doesn't much like interaction with others. That view is less strong than it used to be, and he is by no means cold and aloof, but his disregard for people's opinions of him can make him appear dismissive and rude at first. It's not that he dislikes you, he doesn't really care what you think of him. Once a person can get close to him, it is easy to realise he's a bit of a big softie and optimist, never able to hate anyone. At least, not for a long time. Weakness: His spells require him to he able to speak the incantations and have a free hand to hold the reagents. Additionally, he is very bad at hand-to-hand combat. Biography: Cato Tolman had a regular life in a suburb somewhere in the United States. Due to the fact that he was very easy to pick on and his general lack of sociability, his childhood was mostly friendless, and he took to video games, and reading about science. By the time he reached middle school, he didn't mind his lonely status too much as he had a few friends and he enjoyed the solitarity afforded. However, things changed at the age of 14, when his parents passed away in a traffic accident. Cato was devastated, as, unlike in other's exciting stories, they were good people. After his parents' untimely death, Cato lived with his obsessive-compulsive, hyperactive and eccentric Uncle Kirk, who was nonetheless a good guardian. Things seemed to go smoothly until his sixteenth birthday. Several masked assailants crashed into the house at night. Cato thought they were burglars, until they started to shoot acid and flames from their fingertips. As he escaped, he saw his uncle stumble out of his bedroom and freeze most of them solid, before summoning several leg-sized scorpions to attack the remaining attackers. Kirk told him to get back to his room and come out when he told him too. From his room, Cato saw several newcomers hurry into the house, and discuss something with Kirk. He knew it was serious, as Kirk had never sounded more sober. An hour later, Kirk called Cato out. The visitors and the intruders had disappeared, leaving behind no trace of their visit. Kirk told to Cato that they had to leave immediately. They packed and left in under am hour in Kirk's old Toyota. He explained that he was a retired mage from an order of magic users, and the intruders were from a rival sect, and had come for an important tome that Kirk had digged up from an antiques shop. Kirk was retired from spell-slinging, but his order called him back to duty after the intrusion. Since Cato was under Kirk's wing, he might as well learn to defend himself. Over the next month, they journeyed on car, foot and sometimes eagle to the base of operation of the order: an old, cramped shop in the Chinatown district of San Francisco. They returned the tome to safe hands. Cato returned in to me for school to start, as he continued his magical studies. After graduating from High School, Cato has decided to travel the country in search of new knowledge before going to college. If he decides to.
  22. IC: Floor Floor entered the food room and got a pot of sludge. He spotted the Twins sitting near Green and a snazzy looking dude. "Feeling better?" Floor asked Silencer as he sat opposite them. IC: Glass Hmm. Classes. Were there any he had missed? OOC: Which 'classes' are on right now?
  23. Riot is over? , better start catching up.
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