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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Kubrick Kubrick flicked his knife and the meat splatted onto the metal. "That's rude." Kubrick asked for a new knife and a bun, before starting to eat the bun with his utensils.
  2. Now Floor has something to do xP So, summary of yesterday's activity?
  3. Someone's going to stop it any moment now. Permanently.
  4. IC: Kubrick The Toa of Iron spooned the last peas of his second steak into his mouth, watching Avier munch on his fourth steak.
  5. IC: Floor He had left the Twins to their injuries, and went to bed. It was a beautiful morning by the academy's standards, and Floor went for a walk. OOC: Open for interaction.
  6. IC: Glass Glass's stood dumbstruck. "G-good night, X-Xara," he stuttered. Xara never did that Lind of thing for anyone. He felt... Touched. Figuratively. He returned to his room, thoughts in turmoil. There was something... More, than just that. Maybe he needed a nap.
  7. IC: Floor "That's good to know." IC: Glass "Well, I... I'm not sure, rewlly. I mean, it seems at first that I felt feel- guilty from when I didn't tell you about you being my target. It feels like I betrayed you, although, it's not really the case... "In any case, that's not why I stuck around, I guess." They reached their dorms. "You're just... You're someone that I like to be around. I don't know how to explain it, you know. I genuinely enjoy your company, and I... I'm happy that we're friends," he rushed through his words. They were honest, bare. It was like he was out of his armour, exposed. Like the day he was born, burning in air, surrounded by the glass shards that were his namesake.
  8. IC: Glass Glass returned her smile. "Let's get back to the dorms." IC: Floor "Looks pretty bad. I hope the nurse is in."
  9. IC: Glass "Err..." This was a little uncomfortable, having to see her so... Vulnerable. He was always used to seeing Xara in a position of confidence, and seeing her like this was as if she had just lost her hands. Heck, she would be even more ferocious without hands, probably using her teeth in her enemy. We have teeth? "Let's bring you to bed. You look in need of rest. Unless you want to train?" IC: Floor Floor decided to go to the gym to train with Chameleon. On the way, he saw the Twins. They were heading to the infirmary. "Did somebody get injured?"
  10. Can't wait to see Banshees shredding the academy
  11. IC: Glass "Maybe that's it, then. You don't have to be the best fighter: you have to be a better Rahkshi. That's more than just the battle," Glass looked away from Xara. Her distress was very... Distressing, to be honest. "Come on, we'll talk more when we get into the school. The weather looks bad."
  12. Haha, poor Xara looks like she swallowed a nail.
  13. I like the idea of magic-imbued sticks. Alternatively, the dead bodies sound good too.
  14. IC: Glass "Err..." With Phogen being okay, Glass caught up to Xara. "You don't seem well. What help do you need? You look nauseous," he asked, worried.
  15. He's the luckiest confused guy, or most confusing lucked guy.
  16. IC: Glass "Woah, Phogen you okay?" Glass dropped out of flight and reached the scheming Rahk. He helped him up.
  17. IC: Glass Glass happily added the figurine to the loot. IC: Floor The Plasma Rahkshi arrived in the square, right behind Green, with several rolls of decorative lights slung on his back. Chameleon was affixed to his waist.
  18. So I went to sleep and I missed good stuff. My first female char was eye opening in the sense that it wasn't anything special. I just rolled with her the way I did with my other chars. That lack of anything special was the unique realisation in itself. So. Done. Unfortunately, I don't play my Dasaka characters a lot, but that's because I just can't roleplay into Kentoku easily, at least, the way I do for Mata Nui.
  19. IC: Glass "Sure, just don't get your hopes up, all I'm saying."
  20. IC: Glass "Sorry, just trying to be honest with my options." That sounded dumb. You're back!
  21. My older characters were planned out. My newer ones are more off-the-bat, but I usually work through them several times before posting them.
  22. Besides you could rewrite the idea for a female character.
  23. IC: Glass "Oh, I don't mind, it's just that I don't know if we could find anywhere to eat."
  24. I really like how the teams are turning into rival factions
  25. IC: Glass "Err, the assignment now, we can't- I mean, that's a good idea, but, you know, this..." She isn't even trying to imply- Yeah, I realised it now No, you kind of lost it Still losing it I. Hate.You. Thanks, honey. I though that was me! Are you two-timing me? He can't even one-time Xara, what a loser- Where'd he go? Deleted him. Err... "... it's a good idea. I don't know though, the Matoran would be shooing us off once they hear of this," Glass gestured to is surroundings. "I mean, I want to, but the situation..."
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