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Year 12


About BionicleEvolution

  • Birthday 10/14/1996

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    England UK
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  1. Thanks, yeah I'm sure they would have at least made a Mata Nui CCBS version sometime down the line like you said had it continued 100%
  2. where did you find your pfp? it's really cool

    1. BionicleEvolution


      Hey, thanks! I've actually generated that on Midjourney, it's non-existent a.i Bionicle concept art. You should give it a go, just be super specific + descriptive about what you want from it

  3. This would have probably been my fav G2 set if it was real, I'm a big Mata Nui fan. This build was designed using purely the CCBS system except for the obvious Mask, Thornax Launcher & Shield. Excited to finally share it with you. Used part #11334 for his shoulders.
  4. Had a lot of fun creating it. Swapped a few parts around for a more original light/athletic Tahu look. Also includes a new torso/chest build. Added red feet and hands + added metallic effects to his blades and golden armour. Wanted to keep the design simple and inline with the sets. The background assets were borrowed from the 2009 Glatorian Legends promo poster, I've reworked some of it to get a better overall aesthetic fit. Thanks for checking this out!
  5. Hey, I'm looking for a spare box and instructions for my Toa Mata Nui set. I'm based in the UK. Thanks
  6. Hey, I've got a Trans Yellow Kaukau up for sale. Hit me up if interested. Price: $45 I ship worldwide, transactions are done through PayPal. LINK TO PHOTO: https://s19.postimg.org/cqvr6zitv/100_1979.jpg
  7. Hey Spladder, none of them are availabel now. They've been sold Ah sorry all have been sold now, but good luck on your search!
  8. 3 unopened bionicles 1x 8534 & 2 x 8536 I'm currently not looking to trade anything. I ship from UK first class international to any destination. Transactions will be made through PayPal! Let me know if you have any further questions LINK TO PHOTOS: https://postimg.org/gallery/2nhfb3hq8/
  9. So I know that BZP has been going strong for maaaaany maaaaaany years and its well known within the Bionicle community but does anyone see reddit.com/r/bioniclelego thread as a possible threat to BZPower? Does anyone think that /r/bioniclelego will come out on top in the future as reddit in whole is a more popular platform? #BioTube2017
  10. Hey, I'm currently not looking to trade it. I ship from UK first class international to any destination. Transactions will be made through PayPal. LINK TO PHOTO: https://s19.postimg.org/cwupekdg3/IMG_4073.jpg
  11. I'm currently not looking to trade it. I ship from UK first class international to any destination. Transactions will be made through PayPal. LINK TO PHOTO: https://s19.postimg.org/cwupekdg3/IMG_4073.jpg
  12. Hey! Decided to put my rares up for sale as I'm in need of extra cash. I'm currently not looking to trade anything. I ship from UK first class international to any destination. All transactions will be made through PayPal. Heres the link for items on sale: https://s19.postimg.org/cwupekdg3/IMG_4073.jpg #BioTube2017
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