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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. ... Considering as how I was the last Gen 1 Mafia to die, I'm not sure whether to be flattered or insulted by this statement.
  2. OOC: Seeing as how Tabby's been inactive for months, I'll just... sort of smooth over this part of the action. Last relevant IC post here. IC: [ Rhea ] - Forsi / shipyards rhea and zelvin went and did paperwork actually rhea did the paperwork because it was her money and her business but zelvin was there as well and rhea discussed the matter with the shipyard manager who was legally authorized to represent the craftmen who had built the vessel and after all had been sealed rhea and zelvin went back quietly to the docks and the vessel was there watching
  3. I'm pretty sure it wasn't. I don't remember what the exact PM title was, and I can't go check since I deleted it to save inbox space, but I don't recall there being any identifying number of the sort you describe. It was subtitled, 'THE MOST STACKED MAFIA EVER', though. =P
  4. I'd like to purchase another Battalion with dual Heavy Battle properties. That brings my widget count down to zero, right?
  5. *reads scene* ... Ye gods. This is getting ugly.
  6. @Chro: I think you're getting hawks mixed up in your brain with burrowing owls, man.
  7. 'Twas the night before Christmas, and deep in the Wastes-- "Incoming aerial vehicle at eleven o'clock, Commander. Looks like a flying sleigh. Fat dude with a beard in the driver's seat--" "It's a trap, boys! Shoot it down!" "But, Commander! I think it's--" "SHOOT IT DOWN, I SAY!" *BANG BANG-BANG BANG* *explosions*
  8. Uh... well, I dunno. I guess I'll just compromise between Chro's logic and Pulse's suspicions, both of which seem sound. Voting Underscore as the Drifter; Tyler as Mafia.
  9. In Soviet Russia, Mafia lynch you. ... plot twist
  10. *returns from being gone for the weekend* *looks around* ... ... ... I say, comrades, this is all very interesting. Who are we lynching?
  11. *checks funds* *waits impatiently*
  12. Okay, as follows: City name: Marauder's Waste I am going to spend widgets on the following: - x1 Battalion [3] -- w/ x2 Heavy Battle Ability [14] - x4 Workshop(s) [12] This costs me a total of [29], leaving me with [1].
  13. Just a quick question: what if a player's workshops were all destroyed and he didn't have enough widgets to buy any more, and he wasn't strong enough to raid anyone? Is there a way to gain widgets in this sort of 'hopeless' situation? Or do we, like, gain one widget or something every turn by default, and workshops just drastically increase that number?
  14. I'll take 4-4, that chunk of ice in the lower right corner. I'll figure out the name and stuff later.
  15. This looks cool-- I should have enough free time in the near future to play effectively, so go ahead and sign me up! BTW, though, shouldn't the grid have coordinates or something? So's we can always be absolutely certain which zone is which?
  16. OOC: Sorry about delays and minimal post content; I've been doing prep schoolwork for important tests. So been feeling pretty mentally drained lately. IC: [ Rhea ] - Forsi / shipyards Rhea wasn't sure quite how to respond to that. She shrugged and smiled, a tad self-consciously. Can't go wrong with impersonal. "Yeah, I... er, I guess I'll go find the dock manager, see about payment and legal matters."
  17. IC: [ Rhea ] - Forsi / shipyards The younger bounty hunter nodded again and didn't say anything else. - - - After picking their way through a few sprawling streets packed with dusty stone warehouses, the duo emerged onto the battered, salt-encrusted boardwalk that wound its way along the waterfront shipyards of Forsi. The port village ran a fairly steady trade with Ga-Koro to the west, and although it was still early- to mid-morning, there was quite a bit of activity along the docks. The shouts of roustabouts, harsh chatter of the gulls, and the underlying bone-shaking ebb and thud of the sea reverberated in the hot dry desert air and made a noise-- a clattering visceral pulse common to trade-fueled waterports everywhere. It was a hard sound, but clear and brutally honest. Blood, sweat, saltspray and gold... just another ruthless song of life itself. Rhea paused, glanced sharply about, noting and dismissing roughly nine-seven percent of everything around her. The last three percent-- She stopped dead and felt very quiet inside. Ah, well done, Toa Akiru. Well done. She smiled a little, green eyes flashing, and nodded wordlessly to southwards, drawing Zelvin's attention to the last vessel in line, berthed far down the docks and somewhat apart from the others-- her memories flared all at once, and she looked through their haze and remembered, only they were not memories any longer, but reality-- ... The concept plans, carefully sketched in the same fashion as had been those for the steam engine, lay spread upon the table before them. The diagrammed vessel was not particularly large, nowhere near the size of heavy ocean-going sailing ships such as Captain Lohkar’s infamous Infernavika, but neither was it particularly small, and it outsized by a considerable margin the single-sail fishing boats so common in Ga-Wahi ... Slight enough to dodge a punch... strong enough to pack one. ... It was built rugged yet sleek, with the rakish, high-bowed appearance found in vessels of war. Unencumbered by towering masts, its profile was low, unassuming, and compact; the bulk of the cabin and machinery was situated on and just slightly forward of the ship’s center, giving the craft a solid, powerful look ... And it rode lazily at anchor in the fluxing tide, sunlight gleaming dully on its dark riveted hide, and there was a savage lurking devil in its stance. And Rhea Heartsflame leaned against a stack of crates and watched it for what seemed a mere instant but was quite a bit longer-- and something caught fire in her soul that hadn't been there before, and she felt that much stronger, that much more alive and whole. "They did a nice job, Zelvin. She's a fighting machine, that one." She laughed softly and was both awed and amused. "Reminds me of me, actually." From the arrogant lips of the brimstone princess, there could fall no higher praise. OOC: If anyone's interested... here's the quoted 'memory post' in its entirety-- 'Stats & Schematics'. Also please note; I'll be gone for Thanksgiving festivities. So expect little if any activity from me during that time.
  18. OOC: Funkydude, which desert-village-with-a-shipyard would Meck be 'open for interaction' in? Ostia or Forsi? (Po-Koro itself was located well inland, last time I checked.) If the latter, you might be in luck. IC: [ Rhea ] - Forsi / En route to shipyards Rhea nodded thoughtfully and mentally filed the information, not bothering to waste her breath with a supportive 'well no harm done you'll learn fast' or even a 'don't worry i expected as much'. Zelvin would learn fast and Rhea had expected it and there was no harm done, and they both knew it. Instead she asked, "Ever been around a heavy disk launcher? Artillery class?"
  19. OOC: Sweet, looks like underground Resistance and guerrilla warfare and blockade runners and... and are you thinking what I'm thinking, comrades? IC: [ Rhea ] - Forsi / En route to shipyards After a minute or two of comfortable silence as they walked along, a question presented itself in Rhea's mind and she promptly voiced it. Zelvin was like that. Rhea didn't know quite what to think of her, or if she even really liked her or not, but she was certainly easy enough to talk to and be around. "Zelvin? Do you know much about watercraft and naval tactics and what-not?"
  20. Geardirector has a rather well-known character with a hand like that. A male Turaga of Iron, name of Ferron. Lives in Onu-Koro, works as a self-employed metalsmith. Was a Toa until just a little while ago; it's a long and interesting story.
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