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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. Oh. *cough* Well, I'm terribly sorry about bristling my hackles so sharply. Casual text-based communications can be tricky, and I do tend to overreact defensively. Thanks for not getting too upset about it.
  2. The suspense is killing me. Lemme remind you of a certain saying, bro. 'If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.' Clichéd, yes, but applicable in this circumstance? Certainly.
  3. Just sayin', I'm with Ghosthands on this. All the way. I think it's a great idea, because I despise maintaining Biography sections and was actually in the process of reworking those sections of my wiki pages with bullet lists anyway, sooo... Thing I don't get is, considering all the anger-heat I see in the air, wasn't it made clear enough that this is not being forced upon the community? If you have wiki pages for your characters, and if said pages' prose-style biography sections don't meet the wiki's quality standards (yes, people; strict organization, rules, and order are actually important to both the function and visual appeal of a well-maintained wiki), then you have the quick and simple option of just slapping together a bulleted list of links. Fast, easy. A lazy man's lifeline. And if both prose and bullet lists are your thing, well, use 'em both! And if you don't like the wiki, well ######, don't use it! Why the hate, people? E: Just to clarify, yes, I'm up-to-date on this discussion and I'm writing this post having just read Ghosthands' last one. #11630, I believe. The one where he so deftly clarifies the situation on all counts and proves himself a pinnacle of wisdom.
  4. I'm really hoping the villains establish a slave trade, once Ko (and possibly, much later, Onu) officially falls. I'm considering a new character concept, and would love to get involved in such a niche. Any thoughts on this?
  5. Null vote. I've no grudge against a Pyro who hasn't proven himself anti-Village yet.
  6. Romance does not mean the same thing as kissing. Especially not in a fantasy/sci-fi world. Who says Kraata do things the same way humans do, or why should we even assume they might want to? They don't even look like humans, let alone think like them. Just sayin'.
  7. Just a quick question about the Rahkshi high school RPG concept... how does romance work in this game, if it's even present at all? I mean, it's not like I'm some mushy person who enjoys reading and writing sappy soap opera teenage love tales, but at least in our human real-life world, such things are a whole important facet of stereotypical high school drama; a facet that I didn't really see discussed anywhere. Just thought I'd mention it.
  8. Say 'nuclear technology' instead of 'nuclear weapons', thus covering both positive and negative usages, and you'll have a more accurate metaphor.
  9. So here's a question that just occurred to me-- how will the return of BIONICLE affect the BZPRPG? I'm assuming the answer is, 'not much if at all', considering as how the game's set in an alternate reality anyway?
  10. Well, frankly, I am a very teensy bit disappointed about what-you-said, but for me it's just a name thing. 'Ekimu' just doesn't have quite the same ring to it that 'Mata Nui' does, especially if you're saying it with the proper 'super-duper epic narration' deep bass accent.
  11. Imma lurker. I'd definitely play if multiplayer came out. I follow this topic; check it for updates regularly. It's just that, eventually, you kind of run out of things to talk about in the topic, y'know?
  12. No need to tie yourself to any particular organization; just choose a side (good/evil/neutral) and join right in! The more blood the merrier! Also, as per that last IC post you mentioned, well, sometimes people just don't notice you at first. But now that the Ko-Koro gates are down, your character can just stroll right in and fight all by his lonesome. Don't wait for interaction, go find interaction!
  13. A small army of villains are laying all-out siege to the Village of Ice, and winning. Cool, huh? -- LEGACY! LEGACY! LEGACY!
  14. I do, when I'm actively searching for lore. I don't really maintain my own pages all that much; lack of enthusiasm for it, I guess. I'm with Visaru on this one. Just sayin'.
  15. Well, remember that Ce-beings operate within the realm and scope of an entirely foreign element. So I daresay their sense of alien-ness wouldn't necessarily have to be rooted entirely in mere appearances. In all probability, their mere presence forms a disturbance in the mental plane. And the natives of Mata Nui, having never been exposed to anything of the sort, would no doubt feel subconsciously troubled by it.
  16. Christmas. That's the clue. I'm sure of it. Read that last scene again, and tell me what poem Burnmad based it on. I'd bet my lungs and liver it was that one that goes, 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... Not to mention the eggnog. And there were other hints in previous scenes as well. Gifts. Stockings. Coal dust. A party hat, if I remember correctly.
  17. I still don't get what Christmas has to do with all this.
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