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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay / cliffs "Correct." OOC: I'd like to get a Zelvin/Mar post from Geardirector, just so we're all on the same page, and then I'll post again as Rhea and relocate us (at last) to Po-Wahi.
  2. Down to the last four, eh? This is becoming most intriguing.
  3. *whistles happily* Voya Nui Mata Nui Resistance Team, anyone?
  4. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay / cliffs Rhea's eyes crackled with emerald fire. She took the doughnut, spun it once on her index finger, took a single careful bite. "I'd rather you kept a schedule intact, Avier, than brought pastries to patch it with." For some reason, the wind on the clifftops was becoming abruptly, uncomfortably... heated. Quite literally. Dew evaporated off the boulders in sheets, mingling with the sudden involuntary sweat breaking out on all brows but the Toa of Plasma's. "You're over an hour late. We'll have to march double-quick to make up the time. And you... you, unfortunately, are going to be marching double-quick with every last one of those things in your stomach." Out of a baker's dozen, eight remained. Her smile was wolfish. "Better start eating. I'm in a hurry." OOC: Wade, thank you so, so, so much for being the sort of person I can spring this on without fear of negative OOC repercussions.
  5. It's not about the destination, friend. It's all about the journey.
  6. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay / cliffs "How very thoughtful of you, Avier. Did you happen to bring lemon-filled?" Her voice was dangerously sweet.
  7. OOC: @Norik: Wade's been less active than usual lately, although he does seem to know what's going on, mostly. So, a tentative yes on both counts. But in any case, it does give us an opportunity for CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Naho Bay / cliffs "Avier is, in a word, a loose cannon. And I knew that when first I saw him, Kubrick, and I hired him regardless." said Rhea flatly. "He will no doubt require a strong and steady hand at first... and not from me only, as his leader, but from his teammates as well. Patience. A bit of understanding, too, if at all possible. A risky gamble he is, but still a fighting man, and Mata Nui knows, we need his kind. We cannot afford to lose him over a mere trifle." A pause, and her eyes were thoughtful, slightly narrowed. "All the same, your strict viewpoint is commendable and, rest assured, I share it. I'll have a word with him, make sure he understands... what sort of standards we must expect from one another."
  8. OOC: Aaactually... see Rhea's last relevant post before the nighttime timeskip here. And I believe it was satisfactorily resolved via OOC and/or PM, that Rhea had informed Avier of the morning's plans during said timeskip, after she left the Tidepool. So you're wrong, or at least Elysi is. But no harm done, right? We're still on speaking terms, right? IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Naho Bay / cliffs "I believe I did, in fact, specifically mention we'd meet on the cliffs." countered the Su-Toa mildly. "One hour before daybreak, and be prepared to travel. But that's irrelevant now. I spoke with Avier after I left the inn; he knows perfectly well where he ought to be... or ought to have been, just about an hour and five minutes ago." Restlessly, she ran her fingers along the top of a polished white boulder, feeling the dew already fading with the early sun. It would be a hot day; hotter still, in the wastes of Po-Wahi.
  9. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Naho Bay / cliffs "On a cliff? Better field of vision." explained Rhea briefly. "I like the view." Unsmiling, she twisted to her feet and swung her pack into position on her shoulders, adjusting the straps a bit to correct the balance. "It appears Avier will find himself swabbing decks when that option becomes available. Decided to sleep in, did he?"
  10. True dat. It's not at all strange or difficult once you get used to it; it's really just a matter of perspective. Think simple, tribal, biomechanic. Think old school new. Don't think so much about the sprawling, awesome-but-slightly-stale complexity that BIONICLE GregF canon became, think about the legend-worthy wilderness island of magic and mystery it was.
  11. OOC: Might as well write some storyline whilst we wait for the rest of the gang, eh? For reference, see Rhea's last post here. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay / cliffs The white and flaming sun crept ever-so-slightly higher in the east, slowly spilling the lucid light of daybreak across the restless sea and its village, silhouetting in dark relief the fishing boats and the bubble-shaped houses, the sturdy front gates and the guards on duty-- and at the edge of the tideline on the sandy beach, far below the cliff's ragged edge where sharp green eyes glowed in the as-yet-untouched shadows, a lone cloaked figure, grey and silent, that had not been there, moments previously. Kubrick. She did not yet move, nor speak, nor signal him in any way, but simply waited and, musing, observed.
  12. One of the 'stuffs', unfortunately for you, is me. I step, coolly, unexpectedly, and entirely unnoticed, from the shadows and bust your jaw with a wicked left hook, knocking you senseless to the floor. Stunned by the force of my entrance, the various alternate Kanohi Ignika shatter into the darkness whence they came, leaving me holding the one, the only, and the original. In triumph, I boot up the starship's engines, activate all shields, and ready myself for a fight. Also I arm the nuclear plasmatic ionic magnetic electric armor-sizzling flesh-charring brain-exploding exterior autonomous Gatling turret cannons, which can never ever ever be damaged, hacked, or resisted because they tap the raw power of the Ignika as their primary fuel source. Also the Ignika is powering everything else on my(!) starship, including the doughnut machine and surround-sound audio system, and also constantly regenerating all shields, armor platings, and other starship stat thingies that are important to health and happiness. Also I jettison RG into outer space and launch a full payload of air-to-air cruise missiles after him, all set for direct collision course with his frontal lobe. "My mask, losers."
  13. True dat; no argument here. I guess I didn't really specifically address the 'secondary element' Matoran during my spiel; it was more the Vortixx, Skakdi, etc., that I had in mind. Two whole different kettles of fish, to be sure.
  14. Key words; 'we know'. As Silvan pointed out, in this case, we don't. Although, based on a certain passage in the BZPRPG Story overview: ...it was Makuta's doing. But again, only we as the players know that, and even we still don't know where they were summoned from... or if 'summoned' really only means, like, 'created from thin air and darkness'. Best not to worry too much about it; just shrug and say 'eh, magic.'
  15. So, folks, what's goin' on? Who're we waitin' for this time?
  16. I have an excellent game concept somehow connected to something similar to that Picture a Mafia consisting entirely of roles that save rather than kill Just Medics, no Murderers I say, just Murderers, no Medics. Bonus points for everyone if the game ends the first night.
  17. Actually, I did note that Jag had been confirmed as a Shadow, but I suspected a trick and so didn't feel comfortable with changing my vote. It just seemed too... obvious. Too easy. Guess I was too paranoid for me own good. =P
  18. Ah, it's no secret. I think Tex is the King, but have no concrete evidence to support my suspicions. Just a hunch, is all, and also he's proclaimed himself to be my arch-enemy, so... ...although his distinct lack of activity this game is rather unusual...
  19. *waves ghostly katana cheerfully, glides off in search of a King to haunt* Somebody kill Tex for me, please.
  20. Yes, that would be very much an unwelcome idea. To put it bluntly but truthfully, the BZPRPG is a collaborative long-term BIONICLE storytelling session; a place of legends, not an arena for doing stupid things.
  21. *shakes head sadly* In this cold dark world of fear and chaos, Love and Justice and the keepers thereof must all inevitably perish, I suppose. Ah well, such is life; the good die young with their works unfinished. I did what I could to preserve this village, ignorant and bloodthirsty though it most certainly is... if my final task is to courageously submit to death as per the whims of a misguided mob, so be it. They are my people. *draws katana, prepares to commit suicide* I hereby withdraw my vote.
  22. Are we allowed to vote for Toa K, or must we stick with the three listed suspects?
  23. Easy solution: Be a Rahkshi of hunger. Or a toa with a Pakari and a Quake Breaker. Rahkshi of Camouflage with maxed-out Strength and Earth Claws is another good one, at least while we're still only dealing with 'bots.
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