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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. OOC: E: Timeskip. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay / cliffs The fading moon on the open sea glimmered silver in the predawn stillness, and wispy tendrils of mist etched and faded against the pale white cliffs of Naho Bay. At the edge of the precipice, her cloak's hood thrown carelessly back across her shoulders, a lithe green-eyed female sat curled in the cover of a rain-polished rock outcropping, her face to the wind and her gaze uncharacteristically dreamy. Tiny droplets of water, borne of the night's fog, glistened on the sleek ridges of her mask, highlighting the creamy white, burnt orange, and muted chrome with the wild's own seductive sparkle. Her right-hand blade rested across her knees, dark in a lethal beauty that was all its own and yet only a reflection of a delicate, unarmored hand, and upon it, too, the dew was found and blazed with the promise of an unseen rising sun. "It is nearly time. We go... soon." Above and behind her, perhaps ten feet away and sprawled out supine atop the outcropping itself, a vague half-shadow stretched heavy corded muscles, cat-like in the gloom, and she sensed the movement though noiseless it was and knew it meant approval. "It is well." "Yes." A slight breath of wind eddied against her cheek, and Rhea smiled.
  2. I dunno; I've been downloading every new update since the 11.0 version, and I use Norton, and it's never given me any trouble at all. If there's one thing I'll vouch for, it's Katuko's absolute honesty when he says he's not using his game to infect your computer with all manner of viruses and what not. Did you try downloading from both download hosts? Dropbox and MediaFire? If one's not working, the other might.
  3. I strongly suspect the main staff-run antagonist(s) of the next story arc have just been revealed, yes. They have been around since the start of this year's(Last Year's) arc. Oh... I beg pardon. I guess what I meant was, they've just been revealed as such, not literally 'just revealed'.
  4. ...welcome to BZPower Mafia.
  5. I strongly suspect the main staff-run antagonist(s) of the next story arc have just been revealed, yes.
  6. I like having tons of options, even if I never get a chance to use them. Just sayin'.
  7. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Indeed that may be," quoth the bounty hunter, "yet injured to bed and early to rise ne'er made for pleasant travel. You would do well to heed my advice... but in any case, fare ye well. I must be gone." And with a friendly nod and a brief military salute, she turned easily on her heel and faded from the room like a wraith into the blue-black night without. Thirty-three seconds later, the Axe drained his glass, paid his tab, and exited the tavern through a side door into the alley.
  8. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Your weapons," countered Rhea dryly, "are ever so slightly less important than your life. Sit back down, or you'll rip apart those wounds more you've already done. Have the bartender send someone to look, if you must; or wait until morning." Morning. Yes. She hesitated. She had little desire for the Po-Matoran's company in the future, yet she had, also, no desire to appear unfriendly in the present. "I, and a handful of my associates, will indeed be journeying to Po-Wahi. Not to the central village itself, however; and we leave tomorrow, a full hour before dawn. It is a long journey, physically demanding... In your condition, I fear it would be inadvisable to make the attempt." There. Let the foolish wretch believe she had only his best interests in mind. "We must part ways here, I think, for the good of us both. Yet remember the name of Rhea Heartsflame... it is mine. We may, perchance, meet again in future days, yes?" She smiled brightly. OOC: In any other circumstance, playing as nearly any other character, I'd gladly accept Ry's company. But Rhea being who she is... this, I think, is more in keeping with her nature.
  9. Because 'the Lighted One' was worse. Why do Skakdi grin?
  10. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "A most logical course of action." agreed Rhea. "But not until you've had a few days to recuperate. I can do much, but am, after all, only mortal; nor do I bear a Mask of Healing, and these wounds are far from slight... now, hush. I work best in silence." The possibility that she might not be heeded, was laughable. She was, after all, the one in charge here. It was a satisfying thought. ... Roughly ten minutes later, the white-clad bounty hunter rocked back on her boot heels and smiled, reaching for the basin of water to cleanse her blood-stained hands. "And there you go, little man. I think it's safe to say you're better off now than when I began, although I do advise you seek out a professional healer as soon as convenient. Most of those gashes will need stitches rather sooner than later, and I daresay some sort of herb and root concoction to ease the pain would not be unwelcome... Bartender? You heard me. Make sure he gets what he needs; here's something to cover expenses." Her fingers flashed; a single deep blue gem sparkled briefly in the air, vanished just as swiftly into the startled bartender's pocket. "And keep the change." His eyes bulged, but he wasn't complaining. "Yes, ma'am." OOC: And that, my friend, is what we call a 'timeskip'. Healings are time-consuming, and I grow bored easily.
  11. Because they felt like it. Why isn't Ice classified as part of the Water element?
  12. ...god help you if you ever read hakann - Indigo Individual Yes. Hakann. Don't even get me started on him.
  13. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "If granted but a single guess, I'd say this 'Asa' person is more than likely your love interest." Giving Ry's shoulder one last brief-but-critical inspection, she moved on to his left forearm. Apparently, at the moment of impact, he'd reflexively flung up his arms to shield his face, for there was significantly more damage here... numerous gashes and abrasions, along with severe bruising... not so much embedded shrapnel, which was a plus, but he sure wouldn't be lifting heavy weights any time soon. Not unless Po-Matoran were truly as accepting of gut-wrenching agony as they typically claimed to be. "Of course, I could be wrong." But I doubt it.
  14. *cracks knuckles* You know, every time you post as that character, my blood pressure skyrockets. This is a nauseatingly evil villain who deserves to fall off a cliff, shatter his backbone upon the sun-blasted jagged rocks at the bottom, and die there in desperate agony over the course of several nightmarish days with vultures ripping at his liver. So, I guess, congratulations. You've done very well with your writing.
  15. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Boat crash... mm-hmm, could be. Enough velocity, and impact at the proper angle... that would satisfactorily explain the origin of these three-inch wooden spikes in your hide. As well as your memory loss. Hopefully it's not long-term." Carefully, Rhea began working at one of the splintery fragments in the Po-Matoran's left shoulder, easing it gently as possible from the puncture site. Fresh blood trickled forth as the organic tissues painfully yielded up the wood, and she scowled faintly as she reached again for the towel and daubed it away. The cloth, no longer white, was slowly acquiring a rich shade of crimson. He'd been lucky. "Incidentally, can you recall your own name?"
  16. OOC: One way that the BZPRPG canon differs from official GregF, is that 'standard' element/gender relationships are not nearly so clear-cut. So, most Ga-Matoran in this game are going to be female, but a male Ga-Matoran wouldn't be all that unusual at all. And vice versa; Rhea herself, for example, is a female Toa of Plasma. Just makes things a bit more interesting and customizable, that's all. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "No problem. I'm not at all fond of alcohol, but for medicinal purposes, it's most invaluable." Dipping a towel in the basin of hot water (speedy bartenders FTW!), Rhea began cleaning the Po-Matoran's various injuries with deft, trained efficiency. He'd bled a significant amount, but not, she was pleased to see, to any truly life-threatening extent. The embedded shrapnel, though... that would be a painful problem. Most painful indeed. "May I ask what happened?"
  17. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Mm-hmm. Sure." murmured Rhea agreeably, only half-listening. "In case of injury, the organic components of one's body are of chief concern... they bleed out, and may contract infection. I'll handle them, let you tinker with your armor yourself, later... ah, here we are." Accepting a pint glass of straight whiskey from the male Ga-Matoran bartender, Rhea handed it to the Po-Matoran. Hopefully he was still capable of getting the stuff down his throat without making a mess. "Drink up. This'll help with the pain."
  18. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The bounty hunter relaxed, mild interest replacing feral readiness in her emerald gaze. Non-threat. Male Po-Matoran, grievously injured. Potentially exploitable. Two quick bites, and her plate was empty and she carefully arranged her utensils upon it and spun it into the center of the table with a studiously careless flick of the wrist. Counting out the meal's cost and throwing in a hefty tip, she spoke quietly to her fellows. "Tomorrow morning, one hour before sunrise. The cliffs above Naho Bay. We'll meet there; be ready. In the meantime..." Her chair grated softly on the scarred oaken floorboards; in an easy, flowing motion, she was on her feet and turning, white traveler's cloak swirling tightly about her. She never finished the sentence. There was no need of it; here, as ever, she sought aid from few and approval from none. She moved with quiet assurance, and when she stepped from the tavern's shadows to the bar, knelt, and rested a supporting hand on the supine Po-Matoran's shoulder, her voice was for him, and for him alone. "Now, then... guess who's the lucky one to-night? At least you had the sense to turn up here. I'm ex-military; this stuff is just cuts and bruises compared to some I've seen. We'll have you patched up in no time at all, lad... for a price, naturally." Her smile flashed roguishly, and she added, in a slightly louder tone and tilting her face upwards: "Bartender! Fetch me whiskey, hot water, and one of the cleanest, whitest towels you have! Also a wrench, as my patient appears to deem it necessary."
  19. Under cover of darkness, I stealthily emerge from an unused block of C4 and stick a knife in your back. Just like a ninja. That Mask is mine.
  20. No; the BIONICLE multiverse doesn't have eBay. Why are Matoran so puny, relatively speaking?
  21. They respawn. Why bother putting the Matoran Universe inside a Great Spirit Robot?
  22. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Time passed. The night, already falling, deepened further into the endless starlit indigo above the open sea. Rhea was just finishing off the last stray fragments of deep-fried Ruki when the tavern door squeaked softly open, swinging wide on semi-oiled hinges, spilling a warm yellow glow into the darkness without. A small lone figure moved at the threshold, entered. Instantly she was alert, on guard, her elemental energies already stirring in the air and seeking out the telltale heat signature of the new arrival. Her physical posture altered only slightly; her physical position did not shift. Her eyes glowed, abnormally bright in the shadows. Nero the Axe, standing idly at the bar only a few feet away from the wretched Po-Matoran, turned slightly in place. His gaze flickered over the villager's crunched and lacerated armor, over the knife at his belt, over the beat-up Kanohi Kakama. He said nothing. OOC: That'd be Ry. Your move, Megazordman.
  23. Voting Tyler and Shadowvezon and Voltex and Ehks, respectively.
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