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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. Being an avowed skeptic, I'll believe it when I see it. I cannot but admit, however, that this does begin to look rather promising. If it's genuine, I hope they'll be able to pull off the continuation/reboot with style, aplomb, and plenty of epic tribal legend as regards overall theme.
  2. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Rhea calmly continued working her way through her meal, not seeing any particular reason to break the thoughtful silence.
  3. So... is this game to be closed and locked, then? Just wondering, 'cause I saw it hadn't been.
  4. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Correction taken. I beg your pardon." Her gaze relaxed. "Your assumptions are accurate; the ship will be the closest thing to an established headquarters that we will hold claim to, for some time at least."
  5. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The bounty hunter's eyes cooled slightly, taking on a hard military edge. "Wrong. This is a public crossroads, and not all those who frequent it are the deaf, the innocent, and the hollow-headed. Would you select it as a base of operations, even temporarily?"
  6. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Nay, not bad in the slightest." agreed Rhea, munching her way through a fresh forkful of hot and greasy fried potato. "Even if I do say so myself."
  7. Maybe Lloyd disappeared to help you. -MT He sacrificed his life energy to bring back Dapper from the dark Beyond, undoubtedly. I think it's time to move along; R.I.P. Lloyd, and dig the grave.
  8. ...score +1 for Nuju Metru. We should have known.
  9. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 3 / Mess hall Wulf Kharon got to his feet, picked up his paperback, his last can of soda, and his tablet PC, then noiselessly exited the mess hall.
  10. Personally, I'm perfectly content with the Piraka's gaining access to the Vault, as well as the manner in which they did it. Yes, it happened in a relatively brief, slightly anticlimactic staff-written 'cutscene' (though not without fair warning and due foreshadowing given); yes, one could regard it as something of a deus ex machina (although again, it wasn't like we weren't expecting it)... but on the other hand, we cannot deny that the Vault needed opening in order to advance critical plot elements, and since player characters didn't seem to be getting the job done in any shape or form (we've been at it for what, almost a year now?)... I myself can find no real grounds for complaint. I enjoyed reading the post, and again, am perfectly content with the plot progression it provided. It's easy to sit and object and debate and point out what one believes should have been done, but it's a whole different matter entirely, actually being in the GM's position. Running a large-scale text-based play-by-post RPG is no small matter at all, and I for one would just like to take this opportunity to thank Nuju Metru for faithfully putting in the effort and hours needed to keep the gears turning. No, maybe he can't please everyone, anyone, all the time... but I daresay, in my humble opinion, he's doing a pretty good job of it, considering what he's got to work with. So let's give the man a hand, folks; if anyone's earned it, he has!
  11. Oh no oh no oh no-- Piraka > Toa Maru
  12. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Smirking slightly, Rhea waded back into her plate of fish, chips, and veggies. She was the Boss, after all; she could talk with her mouth full if it well pleased her. "The big guy at the bar is one of mine, too. And there's a third and last, name of Avier, who's... somewhere around. Toa of Magnetism, black and white armor, wears a Great Pakari."
  13. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The gaze of the Axe swung and leveled, alert yet impassive, silently tracking Mar's progress across the room. ... Rhea glanced up quickly, greeting the lean grey-armored warrior with a brief nod and half-smile. "Kubrick, Zelvin, Elysi... meet Mar. Mercenary, ex-fisherman, and lone wolf extraordinaire. Mar, meet your three newest comrades-in-arms. I daresay you overheard our conversation?"
  14. OOC: Sorry about the delay; I've been working an intensely physically grueling construction job over the last few days, so just didn't have any energy left over to spare for BZPRPG (although yeah, I know, punching keys on a laptop is sooo energy-consuming, isn't it? ). Will try to be a bit more active over the weekend, though. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Tomorrow morning. Early." returned Rhea happily. "We'll-- that is, you three, the three others you three've not yet met, and myself-- will be heading out to Po-Wahi to close the deal on an expensive little custom-designed blockade runner that awaits us there. Steam powered; so far as I know, one of the absolute very first naval vessels to utilize the tech, as well as the absolute very first naval vessel to utilize the tech in any class and type combination lighter than 'hulking battleship'." She smiled, a little bit shy but a whole lot proud. "An investment, paid for out of my own pocket, that I am quite certain will pay us back in full and surplus."
  15. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Rhea actually laughed a little at that one, but her reply was dead serious. "Certainly. Could I stop you? Or do you think I would ask your loyalty, but deny you mine in return? Ask the Guard of Ta-Koro; I know indeed the meaning of honor, of duty, and of pride."
  16. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room And what, pray tell, could you say to that? Rhea smiled, already feeling better, already feeling herself again. "Yes. For you and Zelvin, no résumés necessary; reputation will suffice. But I must have your word of honor; even now, your absolute loyalty must needs be unquestionable. Not only to me, but to each other, and to the unit as a whole."
  17. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "Elysi, then, if so you wish." agreed Rhea. "You are of a mind with Zelvin concerning the topic at hand?"
  18. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 3 / Mess hall "Did you know what it was, where it came from, and what it'd do to you, when you decided to eat it?"
  19. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 3 / Mess hall A noncommittal shrug. "Hard to say. He hasn't gotten himself into a fight yet, which I suppose is something."
  20. Am I missing something here? What's all this about 'statues' and 'artifacts'?
  21. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "No. No, Kubrick, that would be all for now." murmured Rhea, a trifle distractedly. Enough. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus. The heart is fickle, but the mind rules all. Let it go. Her green eyes slid to the newcomer, and again, recognition stirred. Not as promptly as in Zelvin's case, perhaps, but Rhea Heartsflame made it her business to be informed. She knew things. She was, after all, a professional. "'Three times faster'... you'll be the Crimson Lightning, no doubt. I am most pleased to make your acquaintance."
  22. Wow... just listened to this today. It's really good; professional quality, I'd say. Like others have mentioned, it doesn't really bring to mind Onu-Koro, but IMO, I doesn't really quite fit with Onu-Metru either. It's kind of a sad, meditative song, in a way; maybe Voya Nui? I dunno. Anyway, well done. Really splendid job.
  23. Sounds great. Can I ask which area the boss encounter will take place in, or is that a Secret?
  24. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Rhea lifted her glass and drank, deliberately swallowing a few bits of ice. She's dead. You watched her die. The end. Her insides felt cold. Leave it. Alone.
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