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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The Su-Toa's eyes searched the older bounty hunter's face warily, sifting for any hint of fork-tongued deceit, or mocking arrogance, or implied threat, and finding none, she answered slowly, "I... I would be truly honored." She meant it. Ye gods, she meant it. Zelvin herself... here... Rhea took a breath. Smiled slightly, feeling the sudden half-panicked tension in her muscles ease up just a little, the blood trickle back down and across her cheekbones. Not all the way. Her heart was a cold twisted knot in her chest, and the wracking jolt of emotion through her nerves wasn't steadying so easy. She was a tough girl, but when certain things hit you fast and hard like that, they get the blow landed. Because just for a moment, when the Toa of Crystal had stepped easily from nowhere with that lithe, confident step, the noise and chatter of the crowd sliding off her like rain on a cougar's pelt, her eyes alight in the shadow of her hood-- A long-unsummoned specter of a childhood lost had stirred and wailed its unhealed sorrow to the night. Because just for a moment, Zelven's cloaked silhouette had merged in Rhea's mind with that of her own mother, laid to rest long since in a rain-kissed warrior's grave, known now only to her orphaned daughter in the vague impressions of a rough-but-caring voice and a single piercing recollection, sharp and vivid as choking despair itself, of that luminescent gaze-- the glow was the same though the color was not-- ######, those eyes-- She had watched them fade, leave her lone and forsaken when all she wanted was someone to listen and to understand. That was all. That was the memory. And ######, ######, ###### it hurt.
  2. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 3 / Mess hall The gargantuan privateer unsmilingly downed the last of his burrito, then took the three empty soda cans and smashed them into disks, which he tossed into a nearby garbage disposal unit. The paperback and tablet computer, he bundled together and moved aside to make more room for the others at the table. "I'm Wulf. Wulf Kharon."
  3. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "A private conversation? I held that impression as well. She may be a friend of mine, but she's certainly one I do not yet know." remarked Rhea dryly, her gaze slashing past Kubrick's face and settling on that of the cloaked and hooded stranger. At the bar, the rangy Le-Toa set down his half-empty mug of ale, his posture shifting subtly with the gesture. His eyes moved. Recognition dawned like a slap in the face. "Since... you asked... Zelvin... it relies on the spoils principal. The guild itself is entitled to a certain percentage of profits earned; the remainder is split among those who earned it." She was suddenly looking a little pale, but her voice was level and controlled. "Please sit down, and kindly dispense with the theatrics. I am not trying to interfere with your habits, but I, personally, would rather not attract undue attention at the present time." A pause. "Well-calculated maneuver on the part of your companion, by the way. Is there anyone else I should be aware of?"
  4. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 3 / Mess hall Wulf shrugged heavy shoulders slightly in response to the Rockman's query. "You know, I've never been able to think of a suitable response for that questio--" His voice broke off mid-sentence as the cat-girl whirled happily into the mess hall, dragging along a skinny, dark-haired guy he didn't recognize. Must be the 'solitary life form' from the derelict they'd just investigated. "Hey look, Gaven. Fresh meat."
  5. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "I daresay there's not a mercenary on the island that lists 'teamwork' as one of his or her specialties, despite widespread assumptions to the contrary." observed Rhea dryly. "But it's not a fatal flaw. You're in, provided of course you're sure you want to be. Imperfection can be tolerated, but you must understand, false loyalty can not. At all." She paused a moment to let the Fe-Toa run that through his mind, then continued, "As for your previous question... I hesitate to divulge much statistical detail in an insecure location such as this... I believe I made it clear that this legion is a blade as of yet not fully forged; but the process is proceeding swiftly, and as planned... was there anything in par-tic-ular you were wondering about?"
  6. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 3 / Mess hall Wulf sat alone at a corner table, his back to the wall, thoughtfully munching on a lukewarm burrito with extra jalapeno cheese sauce. Three empty cans of soda were arranged neatly nearby, along with a dog-eared paperback novel and his tablet computer.
  7. I don't really have the time to RP another character myself, but if it really becomes necessary in-game, don't forget that one of Wulf's three main specialties is something to the effect of 'driving small-ish combat spaceship around really fast and shooting things'. I forget exactly how I phrased it in his profile, but it's basically 'fighter pilot'.
  8. Woo woo big game hunting. Safaris are conducted on the stipulation that all present have active and authorized last wills and testaments.
  9. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Kubrick. Rhea turned the name over in her mind. It didn't rouse any memories, but it had rung true as he'd spoken it; she couldn't be sure, of course, but she'd hazard a gamble it was indeed his true name and not an alias. She took another careful bite, then admitted, "What more do I need to know? Nothing, really. Although a general idea of your skill set and specialties is always welcome to the management." Her green eyes smiled.
  10. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The white-cloaked female lifted her fork and slid it carefully under a crispy slice of deep-fried Ruki, casually lowering her gaze as she did so to conceal the sudden flame of savage triumph in her eyes. She was no fool; when a habitually emotionless being (case in point; this particular Fe-Toa) revealed any trace of emotion at all, the revealing meant a great deal indeed. "That is a question I can answer easily enough... but I, also, would like to know a little more. Your name, for starters."
  11. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The waitress returned a moment later, bearing a platter of what looked like hot, greasy fish-and-chips with a side of some sort of fresh green vegetable. Although common fare, it didn't look too bad at all; quite the opposite, in fact. Quite possibly even worth the money. Rhea waited until the said personage had gone, and gone far, before replying. "When I came here, I must admit, it was with only the vaguest intentions of seeking out an ally, and I chose to interact with you merely on a passing whim. But... you have... captured my interest, and that is not so easily done when it is of Rhea Heartsflame that we speak. Congratulations." She inclined her head in a courtly gesture of salute. "You are alert. You are cautious. And you can think, which is an invaluable and an uncommon trait. Again, congratulations... and as for that 'little something', I am fully willing and capable of providing you with a long-term or permanent position in a sort of legion-for-hire I am presently engaged in forging." Yet again, she felt desperately the need for adequate description. So little was in a single word...! And yet, so much. "A bounty hunter's guild. A tactical supply network, wheeling and dealing in not only the raw implements necessary for warfare, but in the very warriors themselves. The concept is simple. Hired predators have rarely, if ever, been anything more than lone and independent operators; I intend to-- nay, I am-- recruiting and melding a most promising selection of the very elite into a cohesive fighting unit, an organization capable of taking on more dangerous, more challenging, and much more profitable assignments than any one of its individual members could handle on their own. A wolf pack, and in time, perhaps an empire of sorts." "Would you be interested?" OOC: So yeah. That's it in a nutshell.
  12. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room She seemed pleased by his answer, and nodded slightly in understanding. "That is well, and to be commended. I am, wholly and unquestionably, of a mind with you concerning this. One can be ruthless, without lacking chivalry; one can be merciless, without lacking honor. But if one is bound by no limits at all... no respect for certain pillars foreordained..." She paused, eyes distant. "Even the darkness, frightening and harsh though it can be at times, bares its fangs without hesitation in the face of true and undiluted evil. Remember that sentiment, hold it close; it is indeed a crucial element of the code our kind must follow. Grey is a color... but blackness is void."
  13. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room "I am Rhea Heartsflame." said the Su-Toa quietly, not emphasizing the words but simply letting them stand for what they were. "You may know the name; perhaps not. I do not claim to be well known, and that is preferable. By profession, I am a bounty hunter, which is to say, a complex, many-faceted combination of mercenary, treasure hunter, gypsy, bandit, and all-around freelancing adventurer." She considered that a moment, deemed it a satisfactorily romantic description. Descriptions were important. "And knowing who I am, you will perhaps find your second question answered." Her meal would be here soon, she reflected. Preferably sooner than later; she had not realized till now the extent of her hunger. Nourishment, and the enjoyment of it, was also important. "But enough about me... I would like to ask you something. You implied that you are a sellsword, a hired killer. Would you, promptly and efficiently and without regret, murder in cold blood a fellow sentient if I asked such a thing of you, and made it worth your time and effort?"
  14. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room The Toa of Plasma took a careful sip of her drink, noting the inevitable, but not unpleasant hint of brine amidst the chilled water. Ga-Koro was that way; freshwater was never quite fresh, no matter how hard its denizens tried to filter or preserve it. The sea was everywhere here, even where it technically wasn't. She took another sip, then set the glass down, her slim, steel-fibred fingers still resting idly against its vapor-frosted crystal walls. "You think too much, I fear. You assume I am interested in you, though you haven't a clue who I am; you assume I came here for the purpose of deliberately casting myself into your path, though you haven't a clue why I would..." Her eyes were amused, but sharp. Intrigued. More commanding now than cautious, and more than trifle thoughtful. "Or do you? Should I be interested in you? This is a place for pirates, deckhands, roustabouts and the like; you do not fit the common cut any more than I."
  15. IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Rhea grinned. "That bad, eh? Well, maybe I'll try the..." A Ga-Matoran waitress appeared out of nowhere, brandishing a grease-stained menu upon which the green-eyed Su-Toa bestowed a courtesy glance. She already knew what it said; foodstuffs in the Village of the Sea were practically all the same, only differing levels of quality. Fish, shellfish, fish, maybe some vegetables from the inland farms, fish, and more fish. Good fish, bad fish, big fish, little fish. Fresh fish, spoiled fish. All fish. It was indeed a very fishy town. "...most expensive house specialty you've got, if you please. And a glass of water. With ice." A quizzical lift of the eyebrow, followed by an almost immediate note of incredulous suspicion in the cool sapphire gaze. "Ah... yes. You're sure? The most expensive...? And water...?" "Yes, please." said the bounty hunter firmly. "And don't forget the ice." "Alright." The waitress hesitated, like maybe she was going to ask for payment in advance, then gave Rhea a second sharp glance, decided against it, and scurried away. ... At almost the same moment, a notably large and feral-looking Le-Toa drifted noiselessly in from the out-of-doors and prowled over to the bar. His single all-compassing glance betrayed nothing, and didn't slow or even alter course when it flicked over Rhea and the Toa of Iron.
  16. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 1 / Hanger "Right-oh, Cap'n." Tawny eyes already smoldering with the half-chill, half-cheerful heat of ruthless competition, the enormous ex-pirate trotted over to his assigned goal and prepared to defend the land.
  17. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room Ga-Koro didn't have much of a 'shady' district, and, in general, even less of a genuine criminal element. Really, the only obvious distinction between those areas inhabited by good-hearted Ga-Matoran commoners and those frequented by the somewhat rougher-cut denizens was the presence (or not) of alcohol and weaponry. Rum and cutlass, in particular. Passing up a few rather shabby and mostly-deserted establishments, Rhea settled on the squat, happy-looking 'Tidepool Inn & Tavern'. It wasn't a large place, as inns and taverns went, but it was well-lit, fairly clean, and already quite busy through the night was just getting started. A less experienced rogue would no doubt have been discomfited by the hustle and bustle of a common room well-stocked, but in actuality, a chattering crowd and kindly chaos were the best sort of cover for one of her type. Quiet conversations would be lost in the din, and, to a lesser extent, so would a person wishing to avoid attention. She stepped in without pausing at the threshold, letting her senses pick up the general mood and atmosphere of the place. Live music from beat-up wooden stage in the corner (Le-Skakdi drummer, Ga-Lesterin flutist); heavy but not unpleasant scents of food, drink, cigar smoke; solid wood planking underfoot, providing good balance and traction; potential dice-related conflict brewing in the southeast corner (Vortixx gambler, two Ga-Matoran fisherwomen, Su-Lesterin pirate). The place was busy. Not a table nor a booth was entirely vacant; the nearest unoccupied chair was situated across from a rather nondescript male Toa of Iron, and beside a greasy little Le-Matoran sailor. Better than nothing, I suppose. Without fanfare, she stepped over and sat down, dumping her travel-worn knapsack on the floor by her feet, and even as she arrived, the Le-Matoran finished his meal and departed, leaving just her and the Fe-Toa at the table. She sat quietly for a moment, then glanced up and gave him a slight, almost apologetic half-smile. He wore a Kanohi Kakama, Great Mask of Speed. Behind it, his eyes gleamed coppery-orange; careful, alert, but not exactly unfriendly. "Good evening. Hope you don't mind company; I've only just arrived and am desperate for sustenance. How's the stew?" OOC: ...there you go, Norik. Hope you don't mind my taking a bit of creative liberty with Kubrick's eye color; you hadn't noted it in his profile, so I went with something that'd match his armor color scheme. I can edit it if you like.
  18. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 1 / Hanger Wulf shrugged. "Sure, goalkeeper's fine with me. I don't know what a 'striker' does anyway."
  19. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 1 / Hanger Wulf, unfazed by the rather unexpected turn of events, commenced warming up his rather considerable muscle mass. A few push-ups, stretches, all the basics. Inwardly, he was just hoping his physical abilities would make up for a distinct lack of knowledge (or interest) concerning the sport he was about to play. The rules seemed plenty simple, but no hands allowed? ######, that just wasn't right. But then, he was a thief, a killer, and a pirate; he knew all about wrong. One little bout of football shouldn't be a problem. "So, Pink Hair, what's the plan? And what about, ah, deliberate physical collisions during play? Would that sort of thing be permissible?"
  20. I don't think there's any specific rule, whether unofficial or otherwise, that would prevent you from pondering the riddle on-site. 'Instantly annihilated', however, is a different matter entirely. Remember that the Vault is located deep underground in the very heart of the black Mangaia itself, an abyssal, cursed maze of evil which hosts countless terrifying dangers, including (but not limited to): the chaotic evil Chaotic Six; a certain infamous and lethal necromancer and his equally infamous and lethal cronies; and hordes of bloodthirsty feral Rahkshi, otherwise known as the 'Sons of Makuta', just waiting to eviscerate people just like you. Just sayin'. E: Ninja'd by staff. My opinion, however, remains unchanged.
  21. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro "Reasonable suspicions." agreed the bounty hunter, hitching her white Rahi-hide knapsack into a more comfortable, balanced position on her shoulders and falling into step through the deepening twilight with Mar and Avier. As they passed along the beach, through the gates, and into the floating Village of Water itself, she added in an undertone, "I'd prefer it if we weren't seen together, as an obvious group. Underworld tongues whisper too much as it is; no need to encourage them. Split up, but retain visual proximity." OOC: So of course, the inn/eating house we'll end up at is the same one Kubrick's in, and Rhea'll take it from there. Mar, Avier, can talk or fight or look for cute waitresses or whatever.
  22. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / Deck 2 / bridge The Kestrel's resident privateer, by now fully armed, armored, and ready for action, stood by for just that. Action. Which somehow, he moodily reflected, always seemed to come at just the wrong moments. What a great pity he hadn't been able to grab another cherry tart on the way out of the buffet room.
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