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Everything posted by Shadowhawk

  1. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay The Su-Toa nodded thoughtfully, her mind already skipping ahead, plotting, scheduling, confirming. She, too, had once been to Forsi. Though only briefly, and not via the route they would take from Ga-Koro. Mar's knowledge of the way would be useful... although of course, there was always Nero. Yes. Nero. He, too, would know the way. "Very good. We'll spend the night here, gather gear and restock supplies, then leave early tomorrow." OOC: Also we'll pick up Just Norik's character, as per previously-arranged plans.
  2. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay "He skipped town. Naturally. He would do that." The statement was flat, toneless. With an almost visible effort, Rhea's clenched fist relaxed on the blade's hilt and it dropped back, noiselessly, snugly into its scabbard and rested there once more. She took a breath, hesitated, then shook her head slightly as if to clear it. "We will not follow him. Not now. There will come a time, yes... but he is not worth so much that I will allow him to disrupt my immediate aims. It is the vessel, the warship, that concerns me now... based on rumors I picked up along the trail, I would guess it is to Po-Wahi we must go to collect?" OOC: Also, for the sake of convenience, let's say that, yes, the launchers were installed before the Akiri left. BZPRPG time, y'know.
  3. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - UFS Kestrel / en route to buffet Wulf Kharon briefly checked the overall cleanliness level of his nondescript grey camouflage uniform, pronounced it passable, and then, accompanied by the rest of his teammates, headed for the dropships.
  4. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay Tivanu's ring spun in the air, brilliant silver beneath the tropical sun. So. A fast nimble blurring of the wrist and the forearm, tendons sliding with feral precision, and the cold metal slapped lightly against skin, twirled once, and settled into place on Rhea Heartsflame's left-hand middle finger. So... For the briefest of instants, raw green flame exploded in the bounty hunter's eyes; milliseconds later, with the brutal speed of a warrior's self-control, the outward heat went cold and her voice was steady, soft... tight and ruthless. "So he played the thief, then... so be it. I was a fool to trust him. A fool... but perhaps not so great a fool as he." Her right-hand blade was out, a scything flash of steel, and the knuckles on the hilt were ivory white. "You did well, Mar, but this spiny fork-tongued serpent owes me-- owes us-- yet a sum indeed. Where is he?"
  5. ... I... wait... I already was killed? But I survived. Last round? ... I guess I'm out of it, then. Pay me no mind, I pray you.
  6. Eh... no. I didn't die. Because I've got Armor. Which Val forgot about, no doubt, but will now be reminded of.
  7. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay "No, not a problem." Rhea smiled. "You're hired. Backstab me, in any way, at any time, and I'll cut your liver out as painfully as possible and strangle you with it." "And speaking of which..." Half-turning, she glanced over at Mar. "What of Surina?"
  8. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay Wild card. Loose cannon all the way, but a cannon nonetheless. Play the hand right, he'll do, and do well. Play it wrong... Deliberately, she let her eyes dissect his for an uncomfortably long moment, and then she noted, quietly and clearly, "You are, I think, a dishonest prick, Avier. Yet I think you may be useful to me... very useful... if you can search your heart and answer me now, one thing, with as much honesty as ever a heart could muster." A meaningful pause... and whatever he answered, it would not be so important the what, as the how. "Loyalty... and what does it mean to you?"
  9. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area Noting that there was essentially nothing of use he could actively accomplish until Skinter got things squared away with the higher-ups, the muscular ex-pirate calmly took up a strategic guard position near the now-unsealed enclosure doorway they'd originally entered through, assault rifle cradled in an relaxed 'shoot-from-the-hip' firing position.
  10. They've been tainted by Makuta's lingering subterranean presence of raw and unquenchable evil, no doubt. Cursed, if you will. Just my two cents.
  11. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area "It's 95 ALT. You've been out for... eh, thirty-something years."
  12. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area "Well, it was worth a try." muttered Wulf somewhat ruefully, taking out his knife and cutting away the marked patch of cloth from the front of his flak jacket. He didn't want to upset the Engi any more than it'd already been, and as far as the health of Mr. Kharon himself was concerned, he had no intentions of getting himself tagged as 'demon imposter'. 'Enormous pirate' was dramatic enough; sometimes, a bit too dramatic. As the cyrotube defrosted, dumping its occupant abruptly back into reality, the privateer greeted the man's first comment with a curt "No," and then the next statement with a growled, "What's 'oh dear oh dearie me'? Yeah, the ship's got nanites, but what the , exactly, is this air doing to me, I'd first like to know?"
  13. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area "Ah, poor misguided soul..." sighed the privateer pityingly, gazing down at the terrified Engi. "I am no false one, come to torment you! I am the New Prophet indeed, sent by the Creator himself to avenge you in your plight. Think you that the Creator, the Great One of the Stars and All That Is, would leave you defenseless and forgotten when foul daemons prowl the darkness of this land once more?" He smiled, white teeth flashing beneath the shadowed visor of his riot helmet. "For these thirty years, you were free, there was no need... now the blackness rises, and I, I and my fellows, have likewise arisen against it! We have been called to aid you, my friend and brother, and who are you to doubt us?"
  14. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area "..." There was a silence. Then Wulf produced a beat-up black permanent marker from his pocket and carefully copied down one of the strange Engi cyrotube marks onto the front of his own flak jacket. Bold and clear, the sign stood out vividly against the dusty grey fabric outer lining. "...there, does that make you happy?"
  15. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area Well, that explains things. That explains a lot of things, in fact. The symbols, the tracks... but we'll get to that later. Wulf eyed the demented Engi warily, preparing to split open its biomechanical skull with the butt of his assault rifle if it so much as twitched in a threatening manner. But when he spoke, his voice was a surprisingly gentle growl in his chest. Almost soothing, in a pirate-y sort of way. "Easy there, steel-brother. Steady on, steady. What are these 'demons' you speak of? Why can't we stop them?"
  16. This is pretty cool. Downright awesome, actually. D'you think you could try your hand at an artillery-class Disk Launcher? Multi-disk magazine and all that? We're starting to see them cropping up here and there on ships and stuff in the BZPRPG, and it'd be nice to get some genuine artist's input.
  17. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area "Aye, Miss Mantis." rumbled the privateer, mildly amused. But not amused enough to break the sudden icy focus that had settled in his ruthless tawny eyes. The look of a killer aroused, the wolf that lifts his muzzle to the wind... and hunts. Or fights for the lifeblood of the pack, as the case may be. For the sake of his teammates, who might not be as well-versed as he and Kelezaag were in the art of tracking, he added, "Odd prints here. Definitely tentacles. Fairly large; brings to mind some sort of amphibious cuttlefish."
  18. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay Rhea laughed, left eyebrow tilting playfully upwards in surprise, and completed the Fa-Toa's gesture of greeting with her own hand; a hand smaller, more delicate, but no less firm. "New boss? Working? Not so fast, I'm afraid. Mar, my... self-appointed recruitment officer, by the looks of things... is one proposition indeed. I, Rhea, am quite another entirely. I'll need a brief rundown on your self-described personality type, your history and background, your self-acknowledged specialties, combat or otherwise, any notable friends or enemies you come attached to, and-- let's see-- how about your favorite type of music?" Her tone was amused, but her eyes were alert, calculating, and not particularly smitten. She was intrigued, yes, but it took more than broad shoulders and a likable smile to cut the ice that smoldered in her core... the ice that, through her, burned already in the half-fledged falcon legion that had barely stirred its feathers to the wind. She would see. No gamble, no profit... but every gamble calculated, and every profit scoped in full. This was a game played for keeps, and one false move, one gamble lost, could cut the line of triumph and defeat. She, Rhea Heartsflame, did not intend to lose. And she would see. Ah yes, she would see indeed.
  19. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area Wulf bent down and began painstakingly examining one of the more clearly imprinted 'unusual footprints', sifting through his not-at-all-insignificant mental store of combat and survival knowledge for possible matches. OOC: La de da dum... this feels just like D&D. Roll d20, add Intelligence modifier, repeat as permitted!
  20. OOC: The lady and her bodyguard from Ta-Wahi. Charred Forest, to be exact. Gyro, Wade; this one's for you. Also, Wade, belated welcome to the team. IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Wahi / Naho Bay They never saw her coming. Well, maybe Mar did, wearing as he did the Kanohi Akaku, but when the bay's water rippled suddenly, like the kill-wake of a shark, then hit the beach in a swirling silver flash of tropical spray and a supple green-eyed creature of burnt orange and chromatic white slid from the foam in a tumbling pivot on the heel of her hand, cartwheeled in the air with a practiced military grace, came up standing lithe and easy on the hard-packed sand, there was no question-- no question at all-- that they saw her when she was there. Right there, saltwater sluicing like a liquid cape across her shoulders, hot Ga-Wahi sun sparkling bright on her armor and the Mask of Possibilities (well, not really; it's actually a Kaukau, but yeah), emerald gaze laughing as quick and seductive as the devilish half-smile that played across her lips. "Fine morning, boys. You rang?"
  21. IC: [ Wulf Kharon ] - Group Ganymede / compound interior / cyrotube area Wulf said nothing in particular; merely gave the inert tubes a careful once-over, dismissed them as at least temporarily non-threatening, despite the vaguely disturbing aura of mute eerie they projected, and began a methodical search of the rest of the room. Not all clues, after all, would be located in computer databanks, and in a sealed room, even subtle footprints and gunpowder residue would have been preserved to some extent. In theory. In any case, it wouldn't hurt to look.
  22. Oh, come now. Tsk, tsk! I'm really a very nice person, actually. Is it my fault friendly sarcasm is difficult to detect in a written format?
  23. Shut up, halfwits. You're a disgrace to this forum.
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